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A decade later, Flint’s water crisis continues

News Feed
Sunday, April 28, 2024

This story was originally published by Capital B. At the edge of Saginaw Street, a hand-painted sign is etched into a deserted storefront. “Please help, God. Clean-up Flint.” Behind it, the block tells the story of a city 10 years removed from the start of one of the nation’s largest environmental crises.  Empty lot. Charred two-story home. Empty lot. Abandoned house with the message “All Copper GONE,” across boarded-up windows.  John Ishmael Taylor, 44, was born in this ZIP code, 48503, and he’s seen firsthand the neglect of the place he loves, one he hopes will be reborn for his young children.  “The water crisis, no more jobs, the violence,” Taylor said, has left Flint like a “ghost town — a ghost town with a whole bunch of people still here.”  Over the past decade, Flint’s water crisis has revealed how government failures at every level could effectively kill a city while opening the country’s eyes to how an environmental crisis could wreak havoc on all facets of life, make people sick, destroy a public school system, and kill jobs.  Four years after Flint residents reached the largest civil settlement agreement in Michigan history, Taylor and tens of thousands of other victims still haven’t received a penny from the $626.25 million pot. The only money doled out has gone to lawyers involved in the case, not those who’ve been haunted by the crisis’s true impacts. Still, even when residents ultimately receive the funding, most expressed doubts that the payouts will have any true benefits for their life. As Claire McClinton, a retired auto worker, explained, Flint’s water crisis, and America’s, has long-lasting impacts that won’t be solved by merely replacing lead water service lines. Adam Mahoney / Capital B In many ways, Taylor’s life shows the violent and widespread nature of America’s water crisis. After being born in Flint, he’d spent his preteen years living outside Jackson, Mississippi, where brown water has flowed through Black homes for decades.  Taylor, a single father, moved back to Flint permanently in January 2014. Within a year, lead levels in the drinking water of three of every four homes in his ZIP code were well above federal standards. His youngest son, Jalen, was born 52 days before the start of the water crisis, which is recognized as April 25, 2014, the day the city infamously switched its water source from Lake Huron to the Flint River.  The rashes started immediately for baby Jalen, speckling the inside of his legs with coarse, red blotches. Within a few years, he was diagnosed with attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder and a form of autism spectrum disorder; both ailments are associated with lead poisoning.  Taylor says he has battled with anxiety in the aftermath as 20 percent of the city’s residents and hundreds of businesses packed up and left. Flint’s unemployment rate is now 1.5 times higher than the national average as 70 percent of children grow up in poverty.  He wonders what that means for his children.  “I always wonder how they’re gonna do because this is a long-term effect — we’re talking about lead poisoning. This is going to be with them for most of their life. It’s depressing,” he said, and he’s felt no restitution. He believes it has led to a citywide mental health crisis. According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, 1 out of 5 Flint residents reported having poor mental health, which is nearly 40 percent higher than the U.S. average.  Nayyirah Shariff holds a document from the Michigan Department of Environment that shows her home’s lead level in water as three to four times the federal limits. Adam Mahoney / Capital B Angela Welch, who has lived in Flint for four decades, understands the health implications intimately.  She recently tested for lead levels in her blood at 6.5 micrograms per deciliter. Anything above 5 micrograms is considered extremely dangerous for your health.  Since the start of the crisis, Welch has developed chronic skin and cardiac issues, had multiple surgeries, and lost part of her leg to amputation. Her brother Mac showed Capital B the scars along his body from water-induced rashes. Welch questions what repair looks like for her family. “We gotta be dead to get our money? They want us dead to receive anything from the crisis.”  The federal Environmental Protection Agency and officials with Flint’s mayor’s and city attorney’s offices did not respond to multiple requests from Capital B for comment. Residents argue that even though they’ve brought the country’s water woes to the forefront, they’re in a worse position today despite hundreds of millions of dollars of investment — and they want you to know that your city can be next.  Read Next A water crisis in Mississippi turns into a fight against privatization Lylla Younes “We’re seeing it happen to Jackson,” said Nayyirah Shariff, a community activist, whose water is still testing for lead at levels three times higher than federal limits.  “It’s like they have the same playbook to decimate a city.” What Flint tells us about the nation’s water crises  Flint opened the nation’s eyes to a brewing water affordability and infrastructure crisis, ultimately leading to billions of dollars invested in cleaning the country’s drinking water, improving water plants and roads, and building climate resilience.  There are roughly 9 million lead pipes in service across the U.S., and they’re everywhere, from the oldest cities across Massachusetts to Florida, which leads the country in lead pipes but where infrastructure and the average home is among the nation’s youngest. In November, the Biden administration outlined a plan to replace all 9 million within the next decade, making 50 percent of the $30 billion price tag available from the federal government.   Flint residents are fighting to hang on amid the city’s water crisis. The unemployment rate is now 1.5 times higher than the national average, while 70 percent of children grow up in poverty. Adam Mahoney / Capital B Yet Flint residents and experts told Capital B that the main flaws of the federal government’s plan have been realized in the city over the past decade: It is complicated, time-consuming, and costly to identify and replace water lines. Not to mention, as Shariff explained, replacing lead water lines is not the “magical silver bullet” to eradicate the issue. The lead service line in her home was replaced in 2017, yet her water is still filled with more lead than federal limits allow.  As officials have claimed that the use of water filters and replacement of lead water lines has solved the crisis, including an infamous declaration by former President Barack Obama in 2016, some residents in Flint have felt confused about the true safety of their water.  When approached by Capital B in April, James Johnson explained how a state-conducted test for lead in his drinking water in 2023 returned a clean bill of health. However, public records show Johnson’s property’s lead results were actually 19 parts per billion. The federal limit is 15. “I don’t know what to think [about the water,]” Johnson said after Capital B explained the results. “We just use filters. We have been since ’14, but they said it’s all clean.” Flint officials did not respond to Capital B’s request for data related to the status of its water line identification and replacement work. This month, a federal judge found the city in contempt of court for missing deadlines for lead water line replacement and related work in the aftermath of the water crisis. In addition, as the nation focuses on drinking water, lead lines have created another crisis that rarely gets attention: how lead contamination has torn through kitchens and bathrooms. Flint residents told Capital B that since the crisis began, they’ve had corroded toilets fall through floors, and their shower heads turn black from buildup every few months.  “Dirty water doesn’t just impact service lives,” explained Claire McClinton, a Flint resident and former autoworker. “It’s very naive to think that was the only thing that was impacted, and people do not have the money or support to fix these things.”  All the while, Flint has had amongst the most expensive water bills in the country. A 2016 analysis revealed that the average household was paying more than $850 annually for water services, making it the most expensive average bill in the country. Today, the average bill is $1,200 annually. McClinton is afraid that as the country chugs on with its focus on drinking water, Black communities will be harmed by efforts to cut costs, or worse, boxed out of their access to publicly run water systems. More than 20 percent of Americans now rely on private companies for drinking water, a substantial increase compared to 2019, according to the National Association of Water Companies. On average, private water utilities charge families 59 percent more on their water bills than public utilities.  “We don’t want corporations to benefit from all this spending — we should want to keep our water public,” McClinton said.  Still, public water systems have their challenges supporting Black communities as well. Failing public water systems are 40 percent more likely to serve people of color, and they take longer than systems in white communities to come back into compliance. Funding to reach these communities remains faulty despite the Biden administration’s goal of spending 40 percent of funds on “disadvantaged communities.”  A Capital B analysis found that 27 percent of drinking water funds from the bipartisan infrastructure law went to “disadvantaged communities” in 2022, and the two states that received the most funds characterized for “disadvantaged communities” were Pennsylvania and Massachusetts, where less than 10 percent of residents are Black.  McClinton said it’s bittersweet to watch Flint purportedly influence the nation for the better while things remain “broken” for Black communities.   “The system has failed us. We did all the things you’re supposed to do; we participated in water studies, and our water is still dirty, and our health is still bad,” she said. “There’s this thing where they say every generation lives better than the next generation, but all of that is turned upside down right now, and the water crisis is just a manifestation of it.”  ‘The start of the second civil war’ In a stream of whiteness, Confederate flags, and Make America Great Again signs, the 60 miles between Detroit and Flint tell the story of Black life in Michigan, Welch said. “Because we are a majority here and have conquered [Flint and Detroit], they want to get back at us,” she said.  From left: Hatcher Welch, Angela Welch, and Mac Welch all expressed disgust over the continued handling of Flint’s water, arguing that there is little that could be done to repair harm. Adam Mahoney / Capital B Over the past decade, as Detroit’s financial crisis peaked and Flint’s water crisis began, far-right white-led groups have surged and a white-led militia plotted to abduct the state’s governor. “It feels like the start of the second civil war,” Welch said, all while Flint is “left behind.”   It’s seeing this shift intensify that has led some residents to see deeper racial undertones in not only Flint’s battle over water affordability and rights, but also the nation’s. “The power structure is coalescing over water,” McClinton said.  Flint’s issues began primarily because of a plan that was concocted to save the city money during its water-delivery process. Similar situations are happening outside of Chicago in a majority Black and Latino town, and in Baltimore.  Read Next California communities are fighting the last battery recycling plant in the West — and its toxic legacy Molly Peterson Not to mention the glaring similarities between Jackson and Flint, both majority-Black cities where local Black leadership was overridden by white leaders at the federal and state levels. In Jackson, after an EPA lawsuit against the city allowed the federal government to take control of the water, residents are still fighting to be included in the process.  The attack on Black life has also widened the racial gap within the city, Shariff said.  In a commemorative event headlined by a public health researcher from Michigan State University and attended by roughly 50 people the week before the 10-year-anniversary, just five attendees were Black. It’s events like these, Shariff says, that highlight the disconnect between local leaders, academic researchers, and those directly impacted by the crisis. “All this money these places are spending feels like for nothing,” she said. “People marching in the streets weren’t asking for book talks or community health assessments. We asked for reparations and resources for Black self-determination.” The crisis is a chronic illness For some residents, like Taylor, there is still hope that the settlement checks will hit their bank accounts and improve their lives. Children affected by the water crisis are expected to receive 80 percent of the record settlement. Community activist Nayyirah Shariff said the attack on Black life in Flint has widened the racial gap in the city. Adam Mahoney / Capital B As Flint schools have crumbled in the aftermath of the crises, in addition to experiencing an 8 percent increase in the number of students with special needs, especially among school-age boys, Taylor hopes to use the money to better their educational opportunities and put them through college. However, for others, including Welch and Shariff, the expected payout of $2,000 to $3,000 for adults feels like a slap in the face. There is also a lot of confusion around the settlement process, with two residents telling Capital B they thought the money was already gone, which stopped them from attempting to be a part of the process.  In a lot of ways, although harder to find, opportunities have reached the city in recent years, including through a guaranteed income program for every pregnant person and infant in the city. The new program “prescribes” a one-time $1,500 payment after 20 weeks of pregnancy, and $500 a month during the infant’s first year.  Yet, it still remains challenging to remain confident in change.  “With all the experiences we’ve had over the 10 years, our hopes have been dashed,” explained McClinton, who every April 25 helps to organize a day of commemoration for Flint residents.  As Capital B has reported, the water issues afflicting Black communities are violent in many ways, and it trickles down into increasing situations of despair around housing, mental and physical health, and communal violence. Even before the COVID-19 pandemic widened the racial death gap in Flint, Black residents’ death rate climbed at a rate that was more than twice the city’s death rate between 2014 and 2019, according to Capital B’s analysis of state data. Capital B Several Flint residents explained how the mental health strain caused by the water crisis created a cycle of “disunity” and the inability to trust not just the government or the water flowing out of their pipes, but also the people around them.  “Everyone is just on edge,” Taylor said, “and that has everything to do with the water.”  In the city’s Black areas, it’s hard to find a block without an abandoned home or grassy field full of trash and plastic water bottles. Taylor said it’s depressing to drive through your neighborhood to see your former schools empty, graffitied, and boarded up, or parks closed and desolate. As job opportunities have become harder to find, so has housing. Nearly all of the dozen residents Capital B spoke to for this story said they experienced housing insecurity at times over the past decade.  Capital B Due to a lack of affordable housing options, the average stay at the city’s housing shelter has increased from less than two months to over five. The public housing waitlist has ballooned to two years, even as some public housing buildings still have high levels of lead in the water, including the Richert Manor homes where Welch lived for many years at the height of the water situation.  In the meantime, as race, namely being Black in America, stands as the biggest risk factor for lead poisoning, more so than even poverty or poor housing, Flint residents say their home serves as a warning to other Black communities.  Nationwide, Black children have the highest blood lead levels. As such, even as billions are pumped into fixing the issues, the next generation of Black Americans will remain altered by the impacts of lead poisoning.  As Shariff said: “The water crisis is like having a chronic illness — I mean, it gave me a chronic illness — but it is basically like you’re dealing with it, and it never goes away.” This story was originally published by Grist with the headline A decade later, Flint’s water crisis continues on Apr 28, 2024.

The past 10 years revealed how government failures at every level could effectively kill a city, turning it into a "ghost town."

This story was originally published by Capital B.

At the edge of Saginaw Street, a hand-painted sign is etched into a deserted storefront. “Please help, God. Clean-up Flint.”

Behind it, the block tells the story of a city 10 years removed from the start of one of the nation’s largest environmental crises. 

Empty lot. Charred two-story home. Empty lot. Abandoned house with the message “All Copper GONE,” across boarded-up windows. 

John Ishmael Taylor, 44, was born in this ZIP code, 48503, and he’s seen firsthand the neglect of the place he loves, one he hopes will be reborn for his young children. 

“The water crisis, no more jobs, the violence,” Taylor said, has left Flint like a “ghost town — a ghost town with a whole bunch of people still here.” 

Over the past decade, Flint’s water crisis has revealed how government failures at every level could effectively kill a city while opening the country’s eyes to how an environmental crisis could wreak havoc on all facets of life, make people sick, destroy a public school system, and kill jobs. 

Four years after Flint residents reached the largest civil settlement agreement in Michigan history, Taylor and tens of thousands of other victims still haven’t received a penny from the $626.25 million pot. The only money doled out has gone to lawyers involved in the case, not those who’ve been haunted by the crisis’s true impacts. Still, even when residents ultimately receive the funding, most expressed doubts that the payouts will have any true benefits for their life.

An older woman with glasses and a head wrap walks in front of a brick building with. a billboard that reads Save water. Shower tomorrow.
As Claire McClinton, a retired auto worker, explained, Flint’s water crisis, and America’s, has long-lasting impacts that won’t be solved by merely replacing lead water service lines. Adam Mahoney / Capital B

In many ways, Taylor’s life shows the violent and widespread nature of America’s water crisis. After being born in Flint, he’d spent his preteen years living outside Jackson, Mississippi, where brown water has flowed through Black homes for decades. 

Taylor, a single father, moved back to Flint permanently in January 2014. Within a year, lead levels in the drinking water of three of every four homes in his ZIP code were well above federal standards.

His youngest son, Jalen, was born 52 days before the start of the water crisis, which is recognized as April 25, 2014, the day the city infamously switched its water source from Lake Huron to the Flint River. 

The rashes started immediately for baby Jalen, speckling the inside of his legs with coarse, red blotches. Within a few years, he was diagnosed with attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder and a form of autism spectrum disorder; both ailments are associated with lead poisoning. 

Taylor says he has battled with anxiety in the aftermath as 20 percent of the city’s residents and hundreds of businesses packed up and left. Flint’s unemployment rate is now 1.5 times higher than the national average as 70 percent of children grow up in poverty. 

He wonders what that means for his children. 

“I always wonder how they’re gonna do because this is a long-term effect — we’re talking about lead poisoning. This is going to be with them for most of their life. It’s depressing,” he said, and he’s felt no restitution. He believes it has led to a citywide mental health crisis. According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, 1 out of 5 Flint residents reported having poor mental health, which is nearly 40 percent higher than the U.S. average. 

A woman holds a piece of paper with test results on it.
Nayyirah Shariff holds a document from the Michigan Department of Environment that shows her home’s lead level in water as three to four times the federal limits. Adam Mahoney / Capital B

Angela Welch, who has lived in Flint for four decades, understands the health implications intimately.  She recently tested for lead levels in her blood at 6.5 micrograms per deciliter. Anything above 5 micrograms is considered extremely dangerous for your health. 

Since the start of the crisis, Welch has developed chronic skin and cardiac issues, had multiple surgeries, and lost part of her leg to amputation. Her brother Mac showed Capital B the scars along his body from water-induced rashes.

Welch questions what repair looks like for her family. “We gotta be dead to get our money? They want us dead to receive anything from the crisis.” 

The federal Environmental Protection Agency and officials with Flint’s mayor’s and city attorney’s offices did not respond to multiple requests from Capital B for comment.

Residents argue that even though they’ve brought the country’s water woes to the forefront, they’re in a worse position today despite hundreds of millions of dollars of investment — and they want you to know that your city can be next. 

“We’re seeing it happen to Jackson,” said Nayyirah Shariff, a community activist, whose water is still testing for lead at levels three times higher than federal limits. 

“It’s like they have the same playbook to decimate a city.”

What Flint tells us about the nation’s water crises 

Flint opened the nation’s eyes to a brewing water affordability and infrastructure crisis, ultimately leading to billions of dollars invested in cleaning the country’s drinking water, improving water plants and roads, and building climate resilience. 

There are roughly 9 million lead pipes in service across the U.S., and they’re everywhere, from the oldest cities across Massachusetts to Florida, which leads the country in lead pipes but where infrastructure and the average home is among the nation’s youngest. In November, the Biden administration outlined a plan to replace all 9 million within the next decade, making 50 percent of the $30 billion price tag available from the federal government.  

A small mural on a brick wall that reads Flint children. Strong. Proud. with images of children.
Flint residents are fighting to hang on amid the city’s water crisis. The unemployment rate is now 1.5 times higher than the national average, while 70 percent of children grow up in poverty. Adam Mahoney / Capital B

Yet Flint residents and experts told Capital B that the main flaws of the federal government’s plan have been realized in the city over the past decade: It is complicated, time-consuming, and costly to identify and replace water lines. Not to mention, as Shariff explained, replacing lead water lines is not the “magical silver bullet” to eradicate the issue. The lead service line in her home was replaced in 2017, yet her water is still filled with more lead than federal limits allow. 

As officials have claimed that the use of water filters and replacement of lead water lines has solved the crisis, including an infamous declaration by former President Barack Obama in 2016, some residents in Flint have felt confused about the true safety of their water. 

When approached by Capital B in April, James Johnson explained how a state-conducted test for lead in his drinking water in 2023 returned a clean bill of health. However, public records show Johnson’s property’s lead results were actually 19 parts per billion. The federal limit is 15.

“I don’t know what to think [about the water,]” Johnson said after Capital B explained the results. “We just use filters. We have been since ’14, but they said it’s all clean.”

Flint officials did not respond to Capital B’s request for data related to the status of its water line identification and replacement work. This month, a federal judge found the city in contempt of court for missing deadlines for lead water line replacement and related work in the aftermath of the water crisis.

In addition, as the nation focuses on drinking water, lead lines have created another crisis that rarely gets attention: how lead contamination has torn through kitchens and bathrooms. Flint residents told Capital B that since the crisis began, they’ve had corroded toilets fall through floors, and their shower heads turn black from buildup every few months. 

“Dirty water doesn’t just impact service lives,” explained Claire McClinton, a Flint resident and former autoworker. “It’s very naive to think that was the only thing that was impacted, and people do not have the money or support to fix these things.” 

All the while, Flint has had amongst the most expensive water bills in the country. A 2016 analysis revealed that the average household was paying more than $850 annually for water services, making it the most expensive average bill in the country. Today, the average bill is $1,200 annually.

McClinton is afraid that as the country chugs on with its focus on drinking water, Black communities will be harmed by efforts to cut costs, or worse, boxed out of their access to publicly run water systems. More than 20 percent of Americans now rely on private companies for drinking water, a substantial increase compared to 2019, according to the National Association of Water Companies. On average, private water utilities charge families 59 percent more on their water bills than public utilities. 

“We don’t want corporations to benefit from all this spending — we should want to keep our water public,” McClinton said. 

Still, public water systems have their challenges supporting Black communities as well. Failing public water systems are 40 percent more likely to serve people of color, and they take longer than systems in white communities to come back into compliance. Funding to reach these communities remains faulty despite the Biden administration’s goal of spending 40 percent of funds on “disadvantaged communities.” 

A Capital B analysis found that 27 percent of drinking water funds from the bipartisan infrastructure law went to “disadvantaged communities” in 2022, and the two states that received the most funds characterized for “disadvantaged communities” were Pennsylvania and Massachusetts, where less than 10 percent of residents are Black. 

McClinton said it’s bittersweet to watch Flint purportedly influence the nation for the better while things remain “broken” for Black communities.  

“The system has failed us. We did all the things you’re supposed to do; we participated in water studies, and our water is still dirty, and our health is still bad,” she said. “There’s this thing where they say every generation lives better than the next generation, but all of that is turned upside down right now, and the water crisis is just a manifestation of it.” 

‘The start of the second civil war’

In a stream of whiteness, Confederate flags, and Make America Great Again signs, the 60 miles between Detroit and Flint tell the story of Black life in Michigan, Welch said. “Because we are a majority here and have conquered [Flint and Detroit], they want to get back at us,” she said. 

A group of two men and a woman sit on the front porch of a house.
From left: Hatcher Welch, Angela Welch, and Mac Welch all expressed disgust over the continued handling of Flint’s water, arguing that there is little that could be done to repair harm. Adam Mahoney / Capital B

Over the past decade, as Detroit’s financial crisis peaked and Flint’s water crisis began, far-right white-led groups have surged and a white-led militia plotted to abduct the state’s governor.

“It feels like the start of the second civil war,” Welch said, all while Flint is “left behind.”  

It’s seeing this shift intensify that has led some residents to see deeper racial undertones in not only Flint’s battle over water affordability and rights, but also the nation’s.

“The power structure is coalescing over water,” McClinton said. 

Flint’s issues began primarily because of a plan that was concocted to save the city money during its water-delivery process. Similar situations are happening outside of Chicago in a majority Black and Latino town, and in Baltimore

Not to mention the glaring similarities between Jackson and Flint, both majority-Black cities where local Black leadership was overridden by white leaders at the federal and state levels. In Jackson, after an EPA lawsuit against the city allowed the federal government to take control of the water, residents are still fighting to be included in the process. 

The attack on Black life has also widened the racial gap within the city, Shariff said. 

In a commemorative event headlined by a public health researcher from Michigan State University and attended by roughly 50 people the week before the 10-year-anniversary, just five attendees were Black.

It’s events like these, Shariff says, that highlight the disconnect between local leaders, academic researchers, and those directly impacted by the crisis. “All this money these places are spending feels like for nothing,” she said. “People marching in the streets weren’t asking for book talks or community health assessments. We asked for reparations and resources for Black self-determination.”

The crisis is a chronic illness

For some residents, like Taylor, there is still hope that the settlement checks will hit their bank accounts and improve their lives. Children affected by the water crisis are expected to receive 80 percent of the record settlement.

A Black woman in a tee shirt that reads Flint Rising wears glasses and stands with her hands on her hips in the back yard of a home.
Community activist Nayyirah Shariff said the attack on Black life in Flint has widened the racial gap in the city. Adam Mahoney / Capital B

As Flint schools have crumbled in the aftermath of the crises, in addition to experiencing an 8 percent increase in the number of students with special needs, especially among school-age boys, Taylor hopes to use the money to better their educational opportunities and put them through college.

However, for others, including Welch and Shariff, the expected payout of $2,000 to $3,000 for adults feels like a slap in the face. There is also a lot of confusion around the settlement process, with two residents telling Capital B they thought the money was already gone, which stopped them from attempting to be a part of the process. 

In a lot of ways, although harder to find, opportunities have reached the city in recent years, including through a guaranteed income program for every pregnant person and infant in the city. The new program “prescribes” a one-time $1,500 payment after 20 weeks of pregnancy, and $500 a month during the infant’s first year. 

Yet, it still remains challenging to remain confident in change. 

“With all the experiences we’ve had over the 10 years, our hopes have been dashed,” explained McClinton, who every April 25 helps to organize a day of commemoration for Flint residents.  As Capital B has reported, the water issues afflicting Black communities are violent in many ways, and it trickles down into increasing situations of despair around housing, mental and physical health, and communal violence. Even before the COVID-19 pandemic widened the racial death gap in Flint, Black residents’ death rate climbed at a rate that was more than twice the city’s death rate between 2014 and 2019, according to Capital B’s analysis of state data.

A line chart shows chronic absenteeism in Flint. much higher than the overall US average.
Capital B

Several Flint residents explained how the mental health strain caused by the water crisis created a cycle of “disunity” and the inability to trust not just the government or the water flowing out of their pipes, but also the people around them. 

“Everyone is just on edge,” Taylor said, “and that has everything to do with the water.” 

In the city’s Black areas, it’s hard to find a block without an abandoned home or grassy field full of trash and plastic water bottles. Taylor said it’s depressing to drive through your neighborhood to see your former schools empty, graffitied, and boarded up, or parks closed and desolate.

As job opportunities have become harder to find, so has housing. Nearly all of the dozen residents Capital B spoke to for this story said they experienced housing insecurity at times over the past decade. 

A line chart shows an increase in death rates after the Flint water crisis among the overall and Black populations.
Capital B

Due to a lack of affordable housing options, the average stay at the city’s housing shelter has increased from less than two months to over five. The public housing waitlist has ballooned to two years, even as some public housing buildings still have high levels of lead in the water, including the Richert Manor homes where Welch lived for many years at the height of the water situation. 

In the meantime, as race, namely being Black in America, stands as the biggest risk factor for lead poisoning, more so than even poverty or poor housing, Flint residents say their home serves as a warning to other Black communities. 

Nationwide, Black children have the highest blood lead levels. As such, even as billions are pumped into fixing the issues, the next generation of Black Americans will remain altered by the impacts of lead poisoning. 

As Shariff said: “The water crisis is like having a chronic illness — I mean, it gave me a chronic illness — but it is basically like you’re dealing with it, and it never goes away.”

This story was originally published by Grist with the headline A decade later, Flint’s water crisis continues on Apr 28, 2024.

Read the full story here.
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Can renewable energy really fix the global energy crisis?

Rising energy costs, unreliable power grids, and climate change continue to exacerbate the global energy crisis and its impact on both businesses and households. To be sure, electricity access has been improving, the cost of solar energy has dropped by over 80% since 2010, and renewable energy installations have consistently outpaced fossil fuel developments. But even with all that progress, projections signal a rough road ahead for energy usage around the world—one that will continue to impact families struggling to pay bills, industries facing operational disruptions, and economies hindered by resource instability. One major contributor to the calamity: the world’s reliance on centralized energy grids. Although centralized grids are pivotal to the generation and distribution of energy across many major cities of the world, a lot of these grids are getting old and outdated, overburdened, and ill-equipped to handle the demands of modern economies. Fortunately, decentralized grids are emerging to help solve that problem. “The rise of decentralized energy solutions, like microgrids, is a direct response to the limitations of traditional grids,” Gil Kroyzer, CEO of Solargik, tells Fast Company. “Unlike centralized systems, decentralized solutions bring energy production closer to the end consumer, improving reliability and reducing infrastructure stress.” [Source Images: Getty Images] Another major factor contributing to the global energy crisis is the boom in AI, which is driving more energy demands in data centers and straining already aging energy grids. According to Andreas Schierenbeck, CEO at Hitachi Energy, “data center loads are evolving from a few megawatts to capacities exceeding 1 gigawatt due to the rise of energy-intensive AI applications.” For context, the training process for an AI model like GPT-3 consumed roughly the amount of energy consumed by 120 American households over the course of a year, per a report by Harvard Magazine. In fact, one study projects that by 2027, the AI industry could consume as much energy as the Netherlands, a country with a population of almost 20 million people. Then there’s also what’s called the “problem of intermittency” with renewable energy sources. While wind and solar offer clean and somewhat cheap sources of energy, they’re largely dependent on weather conditions. Without sufficient energy storage solutions, excess power cannot be efficiently stored for later use, leading to wasted capacity and gaps in supply during peak demand. The Global Energy Alliance for People and Planet (GEAPP) points out that affordable and scalable battery energy storage systems (BESS)—which helps to store energy at scale—are critical to solving this problem. A series of hurdles Companies like EVLO are stepping up to help address this issue with its large scale BESS solutions. “Energy storage solutions are the perfect match to leverage intermittent renewable energy sources like solar and wind,” says Sonia St-Arnaud, president and CEO at EVLO. Our overdependence on fossil fuels presents an arguably more critical hurdle. Despite increasing investments in renewable and clean energy, fossil fuels still account for over 80% of global energy production, according to the United Nations. Coal, oil, and natural gas remain dominant sources, particularly in developing nations where infrastructure for renewables is still limited. Rising geopolitical tensions—like the Russia-Ukraine war—further reflect why fossil fuel-overdependence is a big problem. Europe, which relied heavily on Russian gas, experienced an energy crisis in 2022, as Russia cut gas supplies to many parts of the region, leading to severe price hikes in some parts of the continent, per Reuters. Such disruptions highlight the fragility of fossil-dependent systems. THE RACE FOR CLEAN ENERGY Amid the energy turmoil and arduous race for net zero by 2050, there are renewable energy solutions offering real value to the everyday person and businesses today. Companies like Solargik, Hitachi Energy, and CheckSammy are all creating scalable and efficient systems that not only provide clean energy but also address challenges of cost and infrastructure. [Source Images: Getty Images] For example, Solargik’s AI-powered solar tracking solution is improving the cost-effectiveness of solar systems. “By integrating real-time weather analytics and 3D shading plans, we optimize solar panel positioning and maximize energy yields even on irregular terrains or in challenging environments,” says Solargik CEO Kroyzer. These innovations ensure solar projects can thrive in irregular terrains or low-resource areas, making renewable energy more viable globally. Hitachi Energy, meanwhile, is advancing grid stability with technologies like BESS and hydrogen-powered backups. Currently, Hitachi Energy is powering the world’s largest data center heat recovery project, recycling excess heat to replace fossil fuels with emission-free energy. “To support the sharp surge in energy demands, power grids with higher capacities are essential, especially if we aim to make renewable energy our main electricity source,” says Schierenbeck. On the waste and sustainability side, CheckSammy—the world’s largest bulk waste and sustainability provider—is leveraging data-driven waste diversion and recycling solutions to help businesses cut costs while reducing environmental footprints. Agrivoltaics—which combines solar energy generation with agricultural land use—is another exciting development. Solargik’s agrivoltaic systems, for example, integrate clean energy production with agriculture, enabling farmers to protect crops from extreme heat, increasing their agricultural yields. This dual-use approach enhances both energy and food security, making it a compelling solution for sustainable land use. CHALLENGES WITH ENERGY TRANSITION While renewable energy offers a promising solution to the energy crisis, many challenges hinder widespread adoption and scalability. One of the most significant hurdles is the high upfront cost of renewable energy systems. For emerging markets, where energy infrastructure is often underdeveloped, the expense of installing solar panels, upgrading grids, and building storage systems can be daunting. It’s almost like these markets exist in a paradoxical world where, even though renewable energy is vital for energy access and sustainability, the costs remain a major barrier to adoption. [Source Images: Getty Images] Another major hurdle is sustainable land use, says Kroyzer. “Across the world, we’re seeing less and less ‘ideal’ land for PV development available. By unlocking land previously thought of as too challenging to build upon and expanding to dual-use applications, we can make the deployment of solar PV systems more cost-effective across all markets; while also minimizing impact on the land itself,” he adds.  Then there is the limitation of traditional power grids. Most centralized grids were built decades ago and are ill-suited to handle intermittent renewable energy sources like solar and wind. Upgrades to integrate these sources, decentralize production, and ensure grid resilience require substantial investments in both time and capital. Renewable energy production also fluctuates with weather patterns and daylight hours, making scalable battery storage essential to ensure consistent supply. Furthermore, inconsistent regulatory frameworks often slow down the transition. Renewable energy adoption requires clear policies, strong incentives, and collaboration between public and private sectors. Without these, progress stagnates, especially in countries still heavily reliant on fossil fuels. LOOKING AHEAD The quest for renewable energy, as Schierenbeck notes, isn’t merely a trendy option but a critical necessity to address the energy crisis and global warming effectively. He adds, however, that without significant development of power grids, it will be impossible to ramp up the production of renewable energy. [Source Images: Getty Images] As renewable energy sources continue to grow more popular, there’s the need for greater grid infrastructure enhancements and more advanced energy storage systems. Perhaps if more investments go into building these systems that can actually support energy from renewable sources, global energy prices can truly go low and net zero—which some now say is no longer possible in 2050—can be achieved. Meanwhile, according to EVLO’s St-Arnaud, utilities and independent power producers now recognize battery energy storage as a highly versatile energy asset for enhancing the grid and improving its resiliency, optimizing peak load management to handle increased power demands, while integrating renewable energy sources where needed.  The rise of lithium iron phosphate battery chemistry is also reshaping the economics of energy storage, driven by its safety profile and declining costs, he adds. “With a 20% drop in prices in 2024, following a 30% reduction in 2023, the market is benefiting from improved affordability, which is likely to persist through 2028.”  For Kroyzer, the future of renewable energy isn’t just about cutting emissions; it’s about building systems that are resilient, predictable, and financially viable. ”With the momentum and collaborations we’re seeing today, we’re not just fixing the energy crisis,” he says, “we’re unlocking a massive economic opportunity that is fueled by clean, smart, and future-ready solutions.”

Rising energy costs, unreliable power grids, and climate change continue to exacerbate the global energy crisis and its impact on both businesses and households. To be sure, electricity access has been improving, the cost of solar energy has dropped by over 80% since 2010, and renewable energy installations have consistently outpaced fossil fuel developments. But even with all that progress, projections signal a rough road ahead for energy usage around the world—one that will continue to impact families struggling to pay bills, industries facing operational disruptions, and economies hindered by resource instability. One major contributor to the calamity: the world’s reliance on centralized energy grids. Although centralized grids are pivotal to the generation and distribution of energy across many major cities of the world, a lot of these grids are getting old and outdated, overburdened, and ill-equipped to handle the demands of modern economies. Fortunately, decentralized grids are emerging to help solve that problem. “The rise of decentralized energy solutions, like microgrids, is a direct response to the limitations of traditional grids,” Gil Kroyzer, CEO of Solargik, tells Fast Company. “Unlike centralized systems, decentralized solutions bring energy production closer to the end consumer, improving reliability and reducing infrastructure stress.” [Source Images: Getty Images] Another major factor contributing to the global energy crisis is the boom in AI, which is driving more energy demands in data centers and straining already aging energy grids. According to Andreas Schierenbeck, CEO at Hitachi Energy, “data center loads are evolving from a few megawatts to capacities exceeding 1 gigawatt due to the rise of energy-intensive AI applications.” For context, the training process for an AI model like GPT-3 consumed roughly the amount of energy consumed by 120 American households over the course of a year, per a report by Harvard Magazine. In fact, one study projects that by 2027, the AI industry could consume as much energy as the Netherlands, a country with a population of almost 20 million people. Then there’s also what’s called the “problem of intermittency” with renewable energy sources. While wind and solar offer clean and somewhat cheap sources of energy, they’re largely dependent on weather conditions. Without sufficient energy storage solutions, excess power cannot be efficiently stored for later use, leading to wasted capacity and gaps in supply during peak demand. The Global Energy Alliance for People and Planet (GEAPP) points out that affordable and scalable battery energy storage systems (BESS)—which helps to store energy at scale—are critical to solving this problem. A series of hurdles Companies like EVLO are stepping up to help address this issue with its large scale BESS solutions. “Energy storage solutions are the perfect match to leverage intermittent renewable energy sources like solar and wind,” says Sonia St-Arnaud, president and CEO at EVLO. Our overdependence on fossil fuels presents an arguably more critical hurdle. Despite increasing investments in renewable and clean energy, fossil fuels still account for over 80% of global energy production, according to the United Nations. Coal, oil, and natural gas remain dominant sources, particularly in developing nations where infrastructure for renewables is still limited. Rising geopolitical tensions—like the Russia-Ukraine war—further reflect why fossil fuel-overdependence is a big problem. Europe, which relied heavily on Russian gas, experienced an energy crisis in 2022, as Russia cut gas supplies to many parts of the region, leading to severe price hikes in some parts of the continent, per Reuters. Such disruptions highlight the fragility of fossil-dependent systems. THE RACE FOR CLEAN ENERGY Amid the energy turmoil and arduous race for net zero by 2050, there are renewable energy solutions offering real value to the everyday person and businesses today. Companies like Solargik, Hitachi Energy, and CheckSammy are all creating scalable and efficient systems that not only provide clean energy but also address challenges of cost and infrastructure. [Source Images: Getty Images] For example, Solargik’s AI-powered solar tracking solution is improving the cost-effectiveness of solar systems. “By integrating real-time weather analytics and 3D shading plans, we optimize solar panel positioning and maximize energy yields even on irregular terrains or in challenging environments,” says Solargik CEO Kroyzer. These innovations ensure solar projects can thrive in irregular terrains or low-resource areas, making renewable energy more viable globally. Hitachi Energy, meanwhile, is advancing grid stability with technologies like BESS and hydrogen-powered backups. Currently, Hitachi Energy is powering the world’s largest data center heat recovery project, recycling excess heat to replace fossil fuels with emission-free energy. “To support the sharp surge in energy demands, power grids with higher capacities are essential, especially if we aim to make renewable energy our main electricity source,” says Schierenbeck. On the waste and sustainability side, CheckSammy—the world’s largest bulk waste and sustainability provider—is leveraging data-driven waste diversion and recycling solutions to help businesses cut costs while reducing environmental footprints. Agrivoltaics—which combines solar energy generation with agricultural land use—is another exciting development. Solargik’s agrivoltaic systems, for example, integrate clean energy production with agriculture, enabling farmers to protect crops from extreme heat, increasing their agricultural yields. This dual-use approach enhances both energy and food security, making it a compelling solution for sustainable land use. CHALLENGES WITH ENERGY TRANSITION While renewable energy offers a promising solution to the energy crisis, many challenges hinder widespread adoption and scalability. One of the most significant hurdles is the high upfront cost of renewable energy systems. For emerging markets, where energy infrastructure is often underdeveloped, the expense of installing solar panels, upgrading grids, and building storage systems can be daunting. It’s almost like these markets exist in a paradoxical world where, even though renewable energy is vital for energy access and sustainability, the costs remain a major barrier to adoption. [Source Images: Getty Images] Another major hurdle is sustainable land use, says Kroyzer. “Across the world, we’re seeing less and less ‘ideal’ land for PV development available. By unlocking land previously thought of as too challenging to build upon and expanding to dual-use applications, we can make the deployment of solar PV systems more cost-effective across all markets; while also minimizing impact on the land itself,” he adds.  Then there is the limitation of traditional power grids. Most centralized grids were built decades ago and are ill-suited to handle intermittent renewable energy sources like solar and wind. Upgrades to integrate these sources, decentralize production, and ensure grid resilience require substantial investments in both time and capital. Renewable energy production also fluctuates with weather patterns and daylight hours, making scalable battery storage essential to ensure consistent supply. Furthermore, inconsistent regulatory frameworks often slow down the transition. Renewable energy adoption requires clear policies, strong incentives, and collaboration between public and private sectors. Without these, progress stagnates, especially in countries still heavily reliant on fossil fuels. LOOKING AHEAD The quest for renewable energy, as Schierenbeck notes, isn’t merely a trendy option but a critical necessity to address the energy crisis and global warming effectively. He adds, however, that without significant development of power grids, it will be impossible to ramp up the production of renewable energy. [Source Images: Getty Images] As renewable energy sources continue to grow more popular, there’s the need for greater grid infrastructure enhancements and more advanced energy storage systems. Perhaps if more investments go into building these systems that can actually support energy from renewable sources, global energy prices can truly go low and net zero—which some now say is no longer possible in 2050—can be achieved. Meanwhile, according to EVLO’s St-Arnaud, utilities and independent power producers now recognize battery energy storage as a highly versatile energy asset for enhancing the grid and improving its resiliency, optimizing peak load management to handle increased power demands, while integrating renewable energy sources where needed.  The rise of lithium iron phosphate battery chemistry is also reshaping the economics of energy storage, driven by its safety profile and declining costs, he adds. “With a 20% drop in prices in 2024, following a 30% reduction in 2023, the market is benefiting from improved affordability, which is likely to persist through 2028.”  For Kroyzer, the future of renewable energy isn’t just about cutting emissions; it’s about building systems that are resilient, predictable, and financially viable. ”With the momentum and collaborations we’re seeing today, we’re not just fixing the energy crisis,” he says, “we’re unlocking a massive economic opportunity that is fueled by clean, smart, and future-ready solutions.”

L.A.’s Twin Crises Finally Seem Fixable

The city is gradually revamping America’s most infamous sprawl.

Los Angeles has seen better days. Traffic is terrible, homelessness remains near record highs, and housing costs are among the worst in the country. Several years ago, these factors contributed to an alarming first: L.A.’s population started shrinking.This is no pandemic hangover. With a few exceptions, the local economy has come roaring back. Many of its major industries proved resistant to remote work—you still can’t film a movie over Zoom—and perfect year-round weather continually drew digital nomads. The quick rebound has had the paradoxical effect of kicking L.A.’s pre-pandemic problems into overdrive, by clogging freeways, eating up limited housing supply, and forcing out residents who couldn’t afford to stay.The city’s traffic and housing crises date back a century, when Los Angeles first became dependent on the automobile and exclusionary zoning. Ever since, municipalities across the country—from Las Vegas to Miami, and nearly every suburb in between—have followed L.A.’s example, prioritizing cars over public transit and segregating housing by income. Predictably, Los Angeles’s problems have become urban America’s problems.In recent years, a critical mass of state policy makers, housing reformers, and urban planners understood that L.A.’s problems are reversible, and started to lay out an alternative path for the future. The city has made massive investments in transit and—partly because of pressure from statewide pro-housing laws—experienced a surge of permitting for new homes. Even though rampant NIMBYism remains a barrier, the breadth of the city’s progress is becoming clearer: Los Angeles is gradually revamping America’s most infamous sprawl.L.A.’s quest to reinvent itself holds national implications. Savvy urban planners and policy makers are watching to see how Los Angeles addresses the issues that are intensifying in many of their own cities. They know that a congested, unaffordable future awaits if they don’t intervene.It’s often said that Los Angeles was planned around the car. But it was actually built around what was once the largest transit system in the world. In the early 20th century, the Pacific Electric Railway stitched together hundreds of historic town centers from Riverside to Venice. The rest of L.A. was subdivided into one of the largest street grids in history, marshaling growth along a coherent, interconnected pattern.Only in the 1930s did the city begin to redesign itself for driving. Freeways started carving up the grid, spewing pollution across Los Angeles. The railway closed. Walking and biking became unpleasant and unsafe. This transformation spawned today’s L.A., where car crashes kill more people than violent crime, and the average driver spends 62 hours a year sitting in traffic. It ended up being a model for suburbs across the country; the average American now spends an hour a day driving.The state of housing is equally bleak. By some measures, Los Angeles has arguably the worst housing-affordability crisis in the country. If a middle-class family ever wants to own a home, they’d better go somewhere else. The median home price in L.A. is over 10 times the median household income—more than double a healthy ratio.The many Angelenos who are locked out of homeownership are stuck paying some of America’s steepest rents. Most residents spend more than 30 percent of their income on housing; a quarter of residents spend at least half. To curb costs, many renters double or triple up, resulting in the country’s highest overcrowding rate. About 75,000 residents of Los Angeles County go without housing altogether.The housing shortage is by design: Beginning in the 1960s, policy makers tightened zoning regulations, slashing the city’s capacity by 60 percent. As a matter of law, Los Angeles could not grow. Today, building apartments is still illegal in about three-quarters of residential areas, where most land is effectively reserved for McMansions. The situation is even worse in the suburbs, where zoning allows virtually no new housing at all. The crisis has even spread to once-affordable places like Phoenix, as local growth butts up against restrictive zoning in more and more cities.Until recently, nearly every development in L.A.-adjacent cities such as Pasadena or Culver City entailed a costly environmental review and endless public hearings, both easily hijacked by NIMBYs. Impact fees increase the cost of a new housing unit by tens of thousands of dollars. For a long time, the number of permits issued across Greater Los Angeles looked more like it does in diminished cities like Detroit than in prosperous peers like Seattle.The city’s recent population decline might make you think that nobody wants to live there. But, really, Los Angeles hasn’t let anybody in.After decades of dysfunction, L.A.’s twin crises are starting to look fixable.Take transit: Los Angeles is currently building one of North America’s most ambitious rail expansions, which will rival the top systems in the country. Thanks in part to Measure M, a half-cent sales-tax increase that voters approved in 2016, the city is scheduled to open rail service to Los Angeles International Airport by the end of the decade, as well as new trains extending from West Los Angeles to East Los Angeles. In 2023, L.A. Metro completed the Regional Connector, which linked two light-rail lines, allowing for transfer-free rides across the metropolis.All this new rail will soon be supplemented by an expanded network of bus, bicycle, and pedestrian infrastructure. In March, a coalition led by the group Streets for All passed Measure HLA, which will add over 200 miles of bus lanes and protected bicycle lanes, and many hundreds of redesigned, pedestrian-friendly streets in the coming decades. If officials can unlock new revenue through congestion pricing—which will nudge some Angelenos out of their cars—the city might finally be able to tame traffic.The housing situation is turning around too, if in fits and starts. Recent experience shows that simply easing overly restrictive rules could unlock a lot of new home building. In 2022, Los Angeles issued more permits than it had in any of the previous 36 years. Although the average home price continues to hover around a million dollars, rents have fallen by about 5 percent compared with late 2023.A range of interventions have made this possible. Since 2017, Los Angeles has permitted nearly 35,000 accessory dwelling units—homes that were largely illegal prior to state intervention in 2017. Thanks to a newly strengthened state “fair share” law, cities across L.A. County will be required to permit thousands of new homes in coming years; Santa Monica, for example, will have to allow some 1,500 new homes over the next few years, more than the city has permitted in decades. A 2022 law green-lighting the construction of affordable housing in commercial zones has prompted Costco to agree to add 800 apartments above a planned storefront in South Los Angeles. Other state laws have eliminated parking mandates, streamlined permitting, and expedited townhouse subdivisions.Still, fixing the crisis will require much more work. By one state estimate, Greater L.A. must permit 168,000 homes each year to end the housing shortage. Even in the historically productive year of 2022, the region permitted fewer than 60,000. And in a major setback, the city council voted in December to preserve single-family zoning, which bans new apartments in nearly three-quarters of Los Angeles. (Never mind that a city-commissioned report admits that the decision will entrench segregation.)But reform continues bubbling up locally thanks to a growing YIMBY movement. Ten years ago, the idea of rolling back apartment prohibitions in Los Angeles was unthinkable; now it seems inevitable. The Transit-Oriented Communities program, part of a ballot measure that Angelenos adopted in 2016, has facilitated the construction of tens of thousands of new apartments near transit. When Mayor Karen Bass took office in 2022, she issued Executive Directive 1, speeding up permitting processes. Combined with a generous state incentive program for projects that agree to keep rents low, the initiative has attracted applications for more than 20,000 new homes and counting. At almost any public hearing, expect to bump into an Abundant Housing LA volunteer eager to share the good news.A century ago, Los Angeles pioneered an urban model that much of America made the mistake of replicating. Now, after many decades of strict zoning and car-centric growth, Los Angeles is figuring out what comes next. The city is starting to treat its dependence on automobiles by reintroducing bus lanes, bike lanes, and rail lines. Neighborhoods that had been locked up for a half century by zoning are finally growing again. Hundreds of urban areas across the country desperately require similar interventions.If history is a guide, L.A.’s ambitions might once again reshape the American city—this time for the better.

Water rates in Northern Ireland suggested to help address wastewater crisis

Manager of Lough Neagh Partnership praises actions so far on lake’s algae crisis but warns of wider problemsThe introduction of water rates in Northern Ireland could address crumbling wastewater infrastructure and the impact on waterways, it has been suggested.It comes as the Stormont executive works to halt an environmental crisis at Lough Neagh, where noxious blooms of blue-green algae have covered the surface of the water across the past two summers. Continue reading...

The introduction of water rates in Northern Ireland could address crumbling wastewater infrastructure and the impact on waterways, it has been suggested.It comes as the Stormont executive works to halt an environmental crisis at Lough Neagh, where noxious blooms of blue-green algae have covered the surface of the water across the past two summers.The lough is the largest freshwater lake by surface area in the UK and Ireland, supplies 40% of Northern Ireland’s drinking water and sustains a major eel-fishing industry.But it is facing a “perfect storm” caused by pollution, nutrients, the climate crisis and invasive species according to Gerry Darby, manager of the Lough Neagh Partnership.He praised the approach and actions taken so far by the agriculture, environment and rural affairs minister, Andrew Muir, but warned of wider problems that need a whole-of-executive approach.In an interview with the PA news agency, Darby said the Lough Neagh action plan, and particularly the setting up of a stakeholder forum led by Muir, was positive and was a first for a minister.He said 10 of the actions have already been implemented, including water inspectors and looking to the private sector for innovation, but it will take decades to start to see improvement.“Is the nutrient level going to come down immediately? No, it’s not. Is the level of phosphorus going to come down? Probably not, but at least you can now begin to look at setting targets,” Darby said.“It’s important to remember it’s not just farmers; there are a lot of nutrients coming in off the waste management processing units within NI Water and septic tanks – we’re all contributing to it and other factors such as topography, there is only one river out of the lough. There is not great flow to flush it out.“There is also climate change as well as invasive species in there. It all came together to create a perfect storm, and at least the minister has engaged with many organisations to try and find solutions.“It will be a long-term solution – nobody has ever suggested that the reduction of nutrients in Lough Neagh is going to happen overnight. It is estimated that it will take somewhere between 10 and 20 years before we’re beginning to see change.”However, Darby said part of the problem is that people assume the blue-green algae is the only problem in the lough, pointing out the absence of a navigation authority as well as the wastewater system that was described by the head of NI Water as being “at breaking point”.He said addressing the wastewater system will require the hard choice between trying to secure more money from the London government, rejigging the strained Stormont budget or considering charging water rates.While non-domestic water charges already apply in Northern Ireland, there has been strong political opposition to introducing domestic water charges.“The other elephant in the room is the money needed for infrastructure for wastewater management. This year the budget of NI Water for capital investment has been cut in half. That is a big, serious issue that politicians need to find an answer to,” Darby said.“There are three choices: you ask Westminster to cough up more, Stormont reprioritises budgets, or else the big, controversial one is that you introduce water rates, which is pretty standard in the rest of the UK.“I couldn’t comment on that personally, but I think it is something that needs to be given serious consideration in the context of the issues also facing Belfast Lough.“The problem, of course, is that it is political dynamite.”

In South Korea, Nations Meet in Final Round to Address Global Plastic Crisis

Negotiators are gathering in South Korea in what’s billed as a final push to address the global crisis of plastic pollution

Negotiators gathered in Busan, South Korea, on Monday in a final push to create a treaty to address the global crisis of plastic pollution.It's the fifth time the world's nations convene to craft a legally binding plastic pollution accord. In addition to the national delegations, representatives from the plastics industry, scientists and environmentalists have come to shape how the world tackles the surging problem. “Don’t kick the can, or the plastic bottle, down the road," U.N. Environment Programme Executive Director Inger Andersen said in a message aimed at negotiators. This “is an issue about the intergenerational justice of those generations that will come after us and be living with all this garbage. We can solve this and we must get it done in Busan,” she said in an interview.The previous four global meetings have revealed sharp differences in goals and interests. This week's talks go through Saturday. Led by Norway and Rwanda, 66 countries plus the European Union say they want to address the total amount of plastic on Earth by controlling design, production, consumption and where plastic ends up. The delegation from the hard-hit island nation of Micronesia helped lead an effort to call more attention to "unsustainable” plastic production, called the Bridge to Busan. Island nations are grappling with vast amounts of other countries’ plastic waste washing up on their shores.“We think it’s the heart of the treaty, to go upstream and to get to the problem at its source,” said Dennis Clare, legal advisor and plastics negotiator for Micronesia. “There’s a tagline, ‘You can’t recycle your way out of this problem.’” Some plastic-producing and oil and gas countries, including Saudi Arabia, disagree. They vigorously oppose any limits on plastic manufacturing. Most plastic is made from fossil fuels. Saudi Arabia is the world’s largest exporter of primary polypropylene, a common type of plastic, accounting for an estimated 17% of exports last year, according to the Plastics Industry Association. China, the United States and Germany led the global plastics trade by exports and imports in 2023, the association said.The plastics industry has been advocating for a treaty focused on redesigning plastic products, recycling and reuse, sometimes referred to as “circularity.” Chris Jahn, International Council of Chemical Associations secretariat, said negotiators should focus on ending plastic waste in the environment, not plastic production, to get a deal. Many countries won’t join a treaty if it includes production caps, he said.To continue to progress and grow as a global economy, there are going to be more plastics, Jahn added.“So we should strive then to keep those plastics in the economy and out of the environment,” Jahn said.The United States delegation at first said countries should develop their own plans to act, a position viewed as favoring industry. It changed its position this summer, saying the U.S. is open to considering global targets for reductions in plastic production.Environmental groups accused the U.S. of backtracking as negotiations approached.Center for Coalfield Justice executive director Sarah Martik said the United States is standing on the sidelines rather than leading, putting “their thumb on the scale throughout the entirety of the negotiations.” She hopes this does not derail other countries’ ambition. Democratic U.S. Sen. Jeff Merkley, of Oregon, said it's a mistake for the United States to settle for the lowest common denominator proposals, just to get some kind of agreement. Luis Vayas Valdivieso, the committee chair from Ecuador, recently proposed text for sections where he thinks the delegations could agree. The production and use of plastics globally is set to reach 736 million tons by 2040, up 70% from 2020, without policy changes, according to the intergovernmental Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development. Research published in Science this month found it is still possible to nearly end plastic pollution. The policies that make the most difference are: mandating new products be made with 40% post-consumer recycled plastic; limiting new plastic production to 2020 levels; investing significantly in plastic waste management, such as landfills and waste collection services and implementing a small fee on plastic packaging. The treaty is the only way to solve plastic pollution at this scale, said Douglas McCauley, professor at UC Santa Barbara and UC Berkeley. McCauley co-led the research.Margaret Spring, chief conservation and science officer for Monterey Bay Aquarium, said plastic pollution used to be considered largely a waste problem. Now it is widely viewed as an existential crisis that must be addressed, said Spring, who represents the International Science Council at the negotiations.“I’ve never seen people’s understanding of this issue move as fast, given how complex the topic is,” she said. “It gives me hope that we can actually start moving the dial.”The Associated Press’ climate and environmental coverage receives financial support from multiple private foundations. AP is solely responsible for all content. Find AP’s standards for working with philanthropies, a list of supporters and funded coverage areas at 2024 The Associated Press. All rights reserved. This material may not be published, broadcast, rewritten or redistributed.Photos You Should See - Sept. 2024

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