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The Real Mystery About Mexico’s New President

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Saturday, June 1, 2024

MEXICO CITY — On virtually every corner of Mexico’s capital city, drivers encounter political activists holding signs for one or another of the country’s political parties. Colorful banners enliven the otherwise gray and white walls of the city’s office buildings. The nation is visibly preparing for its presidential election on Sunday.One word dominates, on fences and bumper stickers, even in radio commercials: Morena. It is the acronym of Mexico’s current ruling party, the National Regeneration Movement, which is set to win in the upcoming election.And one person dominates, as well. Next to the party’s dark red logo, Mexicans have grown accustomed to reading the phrase “Es Claudia” — “It’s Claudia” — or “Claudia Presidenta” — “President Claudia.” Those slogans refer to 61-year-old Claudia Sheinbaum, the former mayor of Mexico City and the clear favorite to occupy the nation’s highest office.In fact, the contest is all but decided. Morena, with two allied parties, currently holds a majority of seats in Mexico’s Chamber of Deputies and Senate. It is also the party of Mexico’s current president, Andrés Manuel López Obrador who, despite many controversies throughout his tenure, maintains an approval rating well above 50 percent.As a result, Sheinbaum seems like a virtual shoo-in. Polls give her an ample winning margin of between 15 and 25 percent. Moreover, this spread has remained constant since last September, when Mexico’s largest political forces announced their candidates for the presidency. Sheinbaum is just as popular as her party.So, unless something unexpected were to occur — something that destroys a 20-point lead overnight — Mexicans know what will happen on election day. Millions will head to the polls and around midnight, the president of Mexico’s National Elections Institute will announce Claudia Sheinbaum as the country’s next leader — and the first woman to occupy the presidency.The real question, however, is what will happen after that.For as long as Claudia Sheinbaum has been a public figure, she has alternated between what people here see as two different personalities. On one hand, she’s an accomplished physicist with expertise in environmental science and a reputation for pragmatism. On the other, she’s a long-time leftist activist, a close ally and champion of López Obrador — a divisive figure who came to power promising to represent the lowest echelons of Mexican society and, during his tenure, increased social spending to a historic high while simultaneously attacking Mexico’s system of checks and balances.The question raging here is: Which of Sheinbaum’s two personalities will dominate? Some think she will be Mexico’s Angela Merkel — a scientist by training who will prioritize efficiency over ideology for the nation’s benefit. Others see her as a mere puppet of López Obrador, who will follow in his leftist footsteps, increasing social welfare programs and battling the nation’s Supreme Court.The truth, in all likelihood, is that she will fall somewhere in between. But how that balance is set, the way in which she reconciles these aspects of her life, will define not only Mexico’s future but what kind of president she will be when it comes to negotiating with the United States and its president.In other words, which Claudia — or combination of the two — becomes president will have an outsize influence on the U.S. political landscape at a time when immigration, drug trafficking and trade are all top issues for American politicians.Mexico already plays a disproportionate role when it comes to the U.S. debate over immigration, and having a Mexican president set on defending Mexican sovereignty and other Latin American countries could worsen the U.S. border crisis during a presidential election cycle. But the implications to the U.S. go beyond immigration. A more ideological and leftist Sheinbaum could easily take a nationalist perspective on drug policy and commerce. She could seek more beneficial terms for Mexico in the USMCA negotiations next year or be unwilling to cooperate with U.S. authorities to investigate the increased drug trade of fentanyl. A more pragmatic Sheinbaum, on the other hand, could find compromises when discussing trade, and agree on a middle ground for investigating cartels with U.S. support without risking Mexico’s sovereignty.That means the United States should have a keen interest in figuring out which side of Sheinbaum’s personality will govern her interactions with Washington. And it turns out some key episodes in her past took place in the United States.Mexico today is a democracy with a peaceful transfer of power between parties and broadly successful elections. But this is a fairly recent phenomenon. For most of the 20th century, the country was ruled by a single political party, the PRI, in a unique form of autocracy — one that earned it the nickname of “the perfect dictatorship” from Peruvian Nobel Prize-winning author Mario Vargas Llosa.For close to 70 years, the PRI ruled the country from top to bottom, holding the presidency, governorships and Congress. However, every six years, the party would hold elections and a new generation of politicians would enter its ranks. Dissidents were severely punished. In 1968, as students sought to protect the autonomy of Mexico’s public universities, government forces opened fire on protesters resulting in a massacre and the incarceration of many student activists. This would occur again, in 1971. The people would change over time, but the party wouldn’t and anyone who objected was repressed.That is the Mexico that Claudia Sheinbaum grew up in. Born in 1962, she was the daughter of a small businessman and an acclaimed cellular biologist — both descendants of Jewish immigrants from Europe, although Sheinbaum herself is not religiously observant; she kept an image of the catholic Virgin of Guadalupe on her desk as mayor of Mexico City. Due to her mother’s academic life, Sheinbaum’s family was close to some of the student protesters who were arrested in 1968. Her childhood was divided between studying for exams, reading books, listening to political meetings in Mexico’s nascent left wing and visiting family friends incarcerated under the PRI regime.As an undergraduate in Mexico’s National Autonomous University (UNAM), she majored in physics with a focus on clean energy generation. At the same time, however, she was a core member of the university’s activist community, taking part in the Student Council and leading a number of protests against the regime. She was both Claudia the physicist and Claudia the activist. Even her undergraduate physics thesis had a political dimension; she studied the impact of stoves used by purépecha indigenous communities in Mexico to better understand energy consumption in rural areas.Later, as a Ph.D. candidate, she moved briefly to California where she did research at the University of California, Berkeley, while her then-husband, Carlos Ímaz, pursued graduate studies at Stanford. Even then, away from Mexico, Sheinbaum found an outlet for politics. When Mexican President Carlos Salinas de Gortari visited Stanford’s campus in 1991, she joined protesters holding a sign calling for “Free Trade and Democracy Now” — a moment that would be immortalized on the front page of the university’s newspaper, the Stanford Daily.The truth is that all along, Sheinbaum has been both a researcher focused on her career, and a social activist deeply engaged with Mexico’s left. Upon returning to Mexico after her graduate studies, Sheinbaum joined the faculty at UNAM teaching courses on energy management while joining Mexico’s newly formed Party of the Democratic Revolution (PRD) — a leftist party run by Michoacán governor Cuauhtémoc Cárdenas.In 2000, a then up-and-coming politician ran for mayor of Mexico City with the PRD and won; it was López Obrador. Sheinbaum joined his administration as Secretary of the Environment — her first time in public office.According to a biography of Sheinbaum’s career published ahead of the election, she did that job as a data-driven pragmatist, even as her boss became known as a leftist ideologue. Sheinbaum was in charge of expanding Mexico City’s highways and she did it by building a second roadway above the city’s main arteries — Periférico and Viaducto — to reduce emissions and lower traffic congestion. She was also in charge of building the city’s first metro bus line to expand public transportation, now a staple of Mexico City’s urban infrastructure. As a recent memoir puts it, Sheinbaum was passionate about the technicalities of the projects and impatient with the political maneuvering often needed to get them done.But politics and activism were never far away. When López Obrador ran for president in 2006, she became the spokesperson for his campaign; when they lost the election and claimed political fraud, Sheinbaum organized protests in support of their movement. That was her modus operandi: technical when possible, political when needed.Sheinbaum took a break from politics starting in 2006 when López Obrador’s tenure in Mexico City ended and she became mired in a political controversy involving her then-husband receiving bribes, allegedly in support of the López Obrador presidential campaign. After the scandal, Sheinbaum returned to teaching full time at UNAM and participated as a member of the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (ICPP).It was close to a decade later, when López Obrador created a new party — Morena — that Sheinbaum reentered politics. In 2015, she ran to become borough chief of Tlalpan — one of Mexico City’s 16 districts. Morena was seen as a decidedly leftist party, seeking to “transform” Mexico and put an end to a “neoliberal era.” But after she was elected, she began to make a name for herself as a pragmatist. In 2018, she made a successful bid to become Morena’s nominee for mayor of Mexico City, beating more party-line candidates such as long-time activist Martí Batres. Sheinbaum would go on to win the election by using her pragmatism to attract middle-class voters while supporting the ideological stance of Morena, which appealed to lower-class voters who felt neglected by past administrations.As mayor, at least in the beginning of her tenure, Sheinbaum’s technical nature predominated. Her administration was not marked by the kind of political battles that followed her predecessor, Marcelo Ebrard, who had legalized same sex marriage and decriminalized abortion. Instead, she focused on large infrastructure projects and innovation, meant to improve mobility and decrease carbon emissions. She spearheaded the development of a cableway system, capable of moving 133,000 people every day. She also developed a free wifi program across the city, and began constructing the largest solar park inside of a city — built on top of Mexico’s iconic Central de Abastos market. Quite famously, she worked with people outside of her own party to consolidate her cabinet, including her Secretary of Public Security, Omar García Harfuch, who would later run to replace Sheinbaum as mayor with her blessing.Her tenure, of course, had its difficulties. She had to deal with a number of crises including the sudden collapse of a metro train resulting in the deaths of 26 civilians. But even then, ideology seemed to be an afterthought; a ghost of her activist past.It wasn't until after the 2021 midterm elections that Sheinbaum had to deal with politics more closely. The election resulted in a vote of no confidence against president López Obrador after the COVID-19 pandemic, decreasing his party’s hold on Congress and, in a historical shift, turning nine of Mexico City’s 16 boroughs — many of them run by the left — to the opposition. Soon she was dropping her stance as a technical mayor and once again becoming one of López Obrador’s fiercest defenders.Pre-2021, Sheinbaum held back on attacking Mexico’s autonomous electoral institute, the INE, which President López Obrador has criticized since the 2006 presidential election. After the 2021 midterm election, Sheinbaum joined her mentor and began to tweet against the institute. A similar thing happened when speaking of the main opposition parties: PAN and PRI. Her mentions of the political opposition pre-2021 were scarce; afterwards, she would criticize them for opposing a reform to Mexico’s energy sector, and blasted them as harbingers of inequality. The more political Sheinbaum had emerged once more to defend her party and its leader.Some of that shift likely stemmed from the change between being a mayor to running for president. But it also marked a return of the defining tension of her life.Now, with the election looming, which of Sheinbaum’s personalities will guide her presidency is a hot topic of debate here. One needs only to look at Sheinbaum’s proposed government plan to see the inherent tension between her personas.Some of her proposals are truly technical in nature like creating a program to support women who are victims of violence (Proposal #49) or doubling Mexico’s rail freight capacity (Proposal #71). Others are truly political in nature, such as reforming the nation’s electoral institute and Supreme Court so its ministers and justices are elected by popular vote (Proposals #8 and #98). Both of those were key priorities for López Obrador that he did not succeed in implementing.Nowhere is this tension more evident than in her proposals for the energy sector. On the one hand, Sheinbaum has been vocal that she differs with López Obrador’s reluctance to invest in renewable energies. In fact, Proposal #66 of her government plan is precisely about “supporting an energy transition” towards greener sources. Yet, to do this, she aims to maintain Mexico’s state-owned Petroleum and Electricity companies that have been favored by López Obrador despite their immense debts (Proposals #63-65). So which will it be? A green future or one that invests in state-owned oil? At this point in time, no one can say for sure.Whichever Claudia or combination of Claudias comes to power will determine whether she will seek an open dialogue with the U.S. president or fight with ideological fervor to protect Mexico’s sovereignty. It will determine if Mexico will compete for global investment as dozens of western companies seek to relocate away from China or if Mexico will focus solely on domestic concerns. Will Claudia Sheinbaum follow party-line views and be guided by ideology, or will she follow her technical past?That is the election outcome that Mexicans — and Americans — will learn only after the new president is seated.

José Luis Sabau is a writer and researcher based in Mexico City. He studied political science at Stanford and currently writes for El Sol de México, Excélsior, and Nexos.

MEXICO CITY — On virtually every corner of Mexico’s capital city, drivers encounter political activists holding signs for one or another of the country’s political parties. Colorful banners enliven the otherwise gray and white walls of the city’s office buildings. The nation is visibly preparing for its presidential election on Sunday.

One word dominates, on fences and bumper stickers, even in radio commercials: Morena. It is the acronym of Mexico’s current ruling party, the National Regeneration Movement, which is set to win in the upcoming election.

And one person dominates, as well. Next to the party’s dark red logo, Mexicans have grown accustomed to reading the phrase “Es Claudia” — “It’s Claudia” — or “Claudia Presidenta” — “President Claudia.” Those slogans refer to 61-year-old Claudia Sheinbaum, the former mayor of Mexico City and the clear favorite to occupy the nation’s highest office.

In fact, the contest is all but decided. Morena, with two allied parties, currently holds a majority of seats in Mexico’s Chamber of Deputies and Senate. It is also the party of Mexico’s current president, Andrés Manuel López Obrador who, despite many controversies throughout his tenure, maintains an approval rating well above 50 percent.

As a result, Sheinbaum seems like a virtual shoo-in. Polls give her an ample winning margin of between 15 and 25 percent. Moreover, this spread has remained constant since last September, when Mexico’s largest political forces announced their candidates for the presidency. Sheinbaum is just as popular as her party.

So, unless something unexpected were to occur — something that destroys a 20-point lead overnight — Mexicans know what will happen on election day. Millions will head to the polls and around midnight, the president of Mexico’s National Elections Institute will announce Claudia Sheinbaum as the country’s next leader — and the first woman to occupy the presidency.

The real question, however, is what will happen after that.

For as long as Claudia Sheinbaum has been a public figure, she has alternated between what people here see as two different personalities. On one hand, she’s an accomplished physicist with expertise in environmental science and a reputation for pragmatism. On the other, she’s a long-time leftist activist, a close ally and champion of López Obrador — a divisive figure who came to power promising to represent the lowest echelons of Mexican society and, during his tenure, increased social spending to a historic high while simultaneously attacking Mexico’s system of checks and balances.

The question raging here is: Which of Sheinbaum’s two personalities will dominate? Some think she will be Mexico’s Angela Merkel — a scientist by training who will prioritize efficiency over ideology for the nation’s benefit. Others see her as a mere puppet of López Obrador, who will follow in his leftist footsteps, increasing social welfare programs and battling the nation’s Supreme Court.

The truth, in all likelihood, is that she will fall somewhere in between. But how that balance is set, the way in which she reconciles these aspects of her life, will define not only Mexico’s future but what kind of president she will be when it comes to negotiating with the United States and its president.

In other words, which Claudia — or combination of the two — becomes president will have an outsize influence on the U.S. political landscape at a time when immigration, drug trafficking and trade are all top issues for American politicians.

Mexico already plays a disproportionate role when it comes to the U.S. debate over immigration, and having a Mexican president set on defending Mexican sovereignty and other Latin American countries could worsen the U.S. border crisis during a presidential election cycle. But the implications to the U.S. go beyond immigration. A more ideological and leftist Sheinbaum could easily take a nationalist perspective on drug policy and commerce. She could seek more beneficial terms for Mexico in the USMCA negotiations next year or be unwilling to cooperate with U.S. authorities to investigate the increased drug trade of fentanyl. A more pragmatic Sheinbaum, on the other hand, could find compromises when discussing trade, and agree on a middle ground for investigating cartels with U.S. support without risking Mexico’s sovereignty.

That means the United States should have a keen interest in figuring out which side of Sheinbaum’s personality will govern her interactions with Washington. And it turns out some key episodes in her past took place in the United States.

Mexico today is a democracy with a peaceful transfer of power between parties and broadly successful elections. But this is a fairly recent phenomenon. For most of the 20th century, the country was ruled by a single political party, the PRI, in a unique form of autocracy — one that earned it the nickname of “the perfect dictatorship” from Peruvian Nobel Prize-winning author Mario Vargas Llosa.

For close to 70 years, the PRI ruled the country from top to bottom, holding the presidency, governorships and Congress. However, every six years, the party would hold elections and a new generation of politicians would enter its ranks. Dissidents were severely punished. In 1968, as students sought to protect the autonomy of Mexico’s public universities, government forces opened fire on protesters resulting in a massacre and the incarceration of many student activists. This would occur again, in 1971. The people would change over time, but the party wouldn’t and anyone who objected was repressed.

That is the Mexico that Claudia Sheinbaum grew up in. Born in 1962, she was the daughter of a small businessman and an acclaimed cellular biologist — both descendants of Jewish immigrants from Europe, although Sheinbaum herself is not religiously observant; she kept an image of the catholic Virgin of Guadalupe on her desk as mayor of Mexico City. Due to her mother’s academic life, Sheinbaum’s family was close to some of the student protesters who were arrested in 1968. Her childhood was divided between studying for exams, reading books, listening to political meetings in Mexico’s nascent left wing and visiting family friends incarcerated under the PRI regime.

As an undergraduate in Mexico’s National Autonomous University (UNAM), she majored in physics with a focus on clean energy generation. At the same time, however, she was a core member of the university’s activist community, taking part in the Student Council and leading a number of protests against the regime. She was both Claudia the physicist and Claudia the activist. Even her undergraduate physics thesis had a political dimension; she studied the impact of stoves used by purépecha indigenous communities in Mexico to better understand energy consumption in rural areas.

Later, as a Ph.D. candidate, she moved briefly to California where she did research at the University of California, Berkeley, while her then-husband, Carlos Ímaz, pursued graduate studies at Stanford. Even then, away from Mexico, Sheinbaum found an outlet for politics. When Mexican President Carlos Salinas de Gortari visited Stanford’s campus in 1991, she joined protesters holding a sign calling for “Free Trade and Democracy Now” — a moment that would be immortalized on the front page of the university’s newspaper, the Stanford Daily.

The truth is that all along, Sheinbaum has been both a researcher focused on her career, and a social activist deeply engaged with Mexico’s left. Upon returning to Mexico after her graduate studies, Sheinbaum joined the faculty at UNAM teaching courses on energy management while joining Mexico’s newly formed Party of the Democratic Revolution (PRD) — a leftist party run by Michoacán governor Cuauhtémoc Cárdenas.

In 2000, a then up-and-coming politician ran for mayor of Mexico City with the PRD and won; it was López Obrador. Sheinbaum joined his administration as Secretary of the Environment — her first time in public office.

According to a biography of Sheinbaum’s career published ahead of the election, she did that job as a data-driven pragmatist, even as her boss became known as a leftist ideologue. Sheinbaum was in charge of expanding Mexico City’s highways and she did it by building a second roadway above the city’s main arteries — Periférico and Viaducto — to reduce emissions and lower traffic congestion. She was also in charge of building the city’s first metro bus line to expand public transportation, now a staple of Mexico City’s urban infrastructure. As a recent memoir puts it, Sheinbaum was passionate about the technicalities of the projects and impatient with the political maneuvering often needed to get them done.

But politics and activism were never far away. When López Obrador ran for president in 2006, she became the spokesperson for his campaign; when they lost the election and claimed political fraud, Sheinbaum organized protests in support of their movement. That was her modus operandi: technical when possible, political when needed.

Sheinbaum took a break from politics starting in 2006 when López Obrador’s tenure in Mexico City ended and she became mired in a political controversy involving her then-husband receiving bribes, allegedly in support of the López Obrador presidential campaign. After the scandal, Sheinbaum returned to teaching full time at UNAM and participated as a member of the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (ICPP).

It was close to a decade later, when López Obrador created a new party — Morena — that Sheinbaum reentered politics. In 2015, she ran to become borough chief of Tlalpan — one of Mexico City’s 16 districts. Morena was seen as a decidedly leftist party, seeking to “transform” Mexico and put an end to a “neoliberal era.” But after she was elected, she began to make a name for herself as a pragmatist. In 2018, she made a successful bid to become Morena’s nominee for mayor of Mexico City, beating more party-line candidates such as long-time activist Martí Batres. Sheinbaum would go on to win the election by using her pragmatism to attract middle-class voters while supporting the ideological stance of Morena, which appealed to lower-class voters who felt neglected by past administrations.

As mayor, at least in the beginning of her tenure, Sheinbaum’s technical nature predominated. Her administration was not marked by the kind of political battles that followed her predecessor, Marcelo Ebrard, who had legalized same sex marriage and decriminalized abortion. Instead, she focused on large infrastructure projects and innovation, meant to improve mobility and decrease carbon emissions. She spearheaded the development of a cableway system, capable of moving 133,000 people every day. She also developed a free wifi program across the city, and began constructing the largest solar park inside of a city — built on top of Mexico’s iconic Central de Abastos market. Quite famously, she worked with people outside of her own party to consolidate her cabinet, including her Secretary of Public Security, Omar García Harfuch, who would later run to replace Sheinbaum as mayor with her blessing.

Her tenure, of course, had its difficulties. She had to deal with a number of crises including the sudden collapse of a metro train resulting in the deaths of 26 civilians. But even then, ideology seemed to be an afterthought; a ghost of her activist past.

It wasn't until after the 2021 midterm elections that Sheinbaum had to deal with politics more closely. The election resulted in a vote of no confidence against president López Obrador after the COVID-19 pandemic, decreasing his party’s hold on Congress and, in a historical shift, turning nine of Mexico City’s 16 boroughs — many of them run by the left — to the opposition. Soon she was dropping her stance as a technical mayor and once again becoming one of López Obrador’s fiercest defenders.

Pre-2021, Sheinbaum held back on attacking Mexico’s autonomous electoral institute, the INE, which President López Obrador has criticized since the 2006 presidential election. After the 2021 midterm election, Sheinbaum joined her mentor and began to tweet against the institute. A similar thing happened when speaking of the main opposition parties: PAN and PRI. Her mentions of the political opposition pre-2021 were scarce; afterwards, she would criticize them for opposing a reform to Mexico’s energy sector, and blasted them as harbingers of inequality. The more political Sheinbaum had emerged once more to defend her party and its leader.

Some of that shift likely stemmed from the change between being a mayor to running for president. But it also marked a return of the defining tension of her life.

Now, with the election looming, which of Sheinbaum’s personalities will guide her presidency is a hot topic of debate here. One needs only to look at Sheinbaum’s proposed government plan to see the inherent tension between her personas.

Some of her proposals are truly technical in nature like creating a program to support women who are victims of violence (Proposal #49) or doubling Mexico’s rail freight capacity (Proposal #71). Others are truly political in nature, such as reforming the nation’s electoral institute and Supreme Court so its ministers and justices are elected by popular vote (Proposals #8 and #98). Both of those were key priorities for López Obrador that he did not succeed in implementing.

Nowhere is this tension more evident than in her proposals for the energy sector. On the one hand, Sheinbaum has been vocal that she differs with López Obrador’s reluctance to invest in renewable energies. In fact, Proposal #66 of her government plan is precisely about “supporting an energy transition” towards greener sources. Yet, to do this, she aims to maintain Mexico’s state-owned Petroleum and Electricity companies that have been favored by López Obrador despite their immense debts (Proposals #63-65). So which will it be? A green future or one that invests in state-owned oil? At this point in time, no one can say for sure.

Whichever Claudia or combination of Claudias comes to power will determine whether she will seek an open dialogue with the U.S. president or fight with ideological fervor to protect Mexico’s sovereignty. It will determine if Mexico will compete for global investment as dozens of western companies seek to relocate away from China or if Mexico will focus solely on domestic concerns. Will Claudia Sheinbaum follow party-line views and be guided by ideology, or will she follow her technical past?

That is the election outcome that Mexicans — and Americans — will learn only after the new president is seated.

Read the full story here.
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Loss of bats to lethal fungus linked to 1,300 child deaths in US, study says

Because bats feed on crop pests, their disappearance led to a surge in pesticide use. Research found a rise in infant mortality in areas where the bats had been wiped outIn 2006, a deadly fungus started killing bat colonies across the United States. Now, an environmental economist has linked their loss to the deaths of more than 1,300 children.The study, published in Science on Thursday, found that farmers dramatically increased pesticide use after the bat die-offs, which was in turn linked to an average infant mortality increase of nearly 8%. Unusually, the research suggests a causative link between human and bat wellbeing. Continue reading...

In 2006, a deadly fungus started killing bat colonies across the United States. Now, an environmental economist has linked their loss to the deaths of more than 1,300 children.The study, published in Science on Thursday, found that farmers dramatically increased pesticide use after the bat die-offs, which was in turn linked to an average infant mortality increase of nearly 8%. Unusually, the research suggests a causative link between human and bat wellbeing.“That’s just quite rare – to get good, empirical, grounded estimates of how much value the species is providing,” said environmental economist Charles Taylor from the Harvard Kennedy School, who was not involved in the study. “Putting actual numbers to it in a credible way is tough.”The crisis for bat colonies began in 2006, when a fungus called Pseudogymnoascus destructans hitchhiked from Europe to the US. P destructans grows on hibernating bats in winter, sprouting as white fuzz on their noses. It can extinguish a bat colony in as little as five years.When Eyal Frank, an assistant professor at the University of Chicago, learned about the disease, called white-nose syndrome, he realised it provided a perfect natural experiment to demonstrate the value of a bat. Bats eat 40% or more of their bodyweight in insects every night, including many crop pests. What would their disappearance mean?In infected areas, he found, farmers compensated for the loss of bats by significantly increasing their use of insecticides – by 31.1% on average.Next, Frank looked at infant mortality – a metric commonly used to judge the impact of environmental toxins. Infected counties had an infant death rate 7.9% higher, on average, than counties with healthy bats, despite pesticide use being within regulatory limits. That equates to 1,334 extra infant deaths.A brown bat with white-nose syndrome caused by the Pseudogymnoascus destructans fungus in New York. Photograph: Ryan von Linden/APFrank tested other factors that might plausibly explain the rise in deaths: unemployment, the opioid epidemic, the weather, differences among mothers, or the introduction of genetically modified crops, but none explained the increase in pesticide use or the rise in infant deaths. He spent a year “kicking the tyres on the study”, and the results held. It provided “compelling evidence”, he said, “that farmers did respond to the decline in insect-eating bats, and that response had an adverse health impact on human infants”.It is unusual for a study of this type to suggest causation, not just correlation, said Taylor.“A lot of papers that try to link pesticides to outcomes are correlational in nature,” said Taylor. “People who are exposed to more pesticides, for example, might have other risk factors – like, farm workers are exposed to a whole host of other socioeconomic risks that could explain why there might be different health outcomes.”White-nose syndrome, however, essentially creates a randomised controlled trial: because the spread of white-nose syndrome was closely monitored, Frank could compare counties that had lost their bats with those the disease had not yet reached. “The bat disease wasn’t expected, and it shouldn’t have preferentially targeted certain groups over others,” Taylor said.A number of recent studies have shown how collapsing populations of wildlife can have unexpected knock-on effects for people. In June, Frank and another researcher estimated that the collapse of India’s vulture population may have resulted in 500,000 human deaths – because without the scavenging birds to eat rotting meat, rabies and other infections proliferated.The findings on pesticide use also echo previous research, including a study of Taylor’s. In the US, cicadas emerge en masse at intervals of 13 to 17 years. Taylor found that pesticide use increased in cicada seasons, as did infant mortality. People born in cicada years had lower test scores and were more likely to drop out of school.Columbia history professor David Rosner, who has spent his career investigating environmental toxins, said the study joins a body of evidence going back to the 1960s that pesticides adversely affect human health. “We’re dumping these synthetic materials into our environment, not knowing anything about what their impacts are going to be,” he said. “It’s not surprising – it’s just kind of shocking that we discover it every year.”Find more age of extinction coverage here, and follow biodiversity reporters Phoebe Weston and Patrick Greenfield on Twitter for all the latest news and features

Cutbacks to U.S. Antarctic Science Risk Geopolitical Shifts at the South Pole

Reductions to American research at the South Pole could affect the politics of the southernmost continent

Antarctica may be remote, but it hasn’t escaped the scans of Google Street View. If you digitally drop into McMurdo Station, the U.S.’s busiest Antarctic installation, and slide along the volcanic rock of Ross Island, you’ll find muddy, tire-tracked roads. Along their edges are cargo containers marked “USAP,” the U.S. Antarctic Program, run by the National Science Foundation (NSF); you may also see Ivan the Terra Bus, a substantial people mover with burly tires that are nearly six feet tall.But McMurdo—normally a humming hub of research—has gotten quieter. Amid budget concerns and delayed upgrades to the station’s aging infrastructure, the NSF has pulled back on the number of scientific projects and associated people it sends to the globe’s deepest south.As the U.S. presence has decreased, though, other countries have been pouring more resources into the Antarctic. And although it’s not a contest, some experts are sounding alarms about that disparity. Security researchers say that “presence equals influence” in Antarctica, and they’re worried that the U.S. may slip in both categories while setting its scientific work back. Adrop inU.S. influence could affect geopolitics in the region and potentially endanger the safeguards ensuring the peaceful use of the Antarctic.On supporting science journalismIf you're enjoying this article, consider supporting our award-winning journalism by subscribing. By purchasing a subscription you are helping to ensure the future of impactful stories about the discoveries and ideas shaping our world today.Antarctica, as a continent and an idea, isn’t just some icy backwater: it’s an important place environmentally, scientifically and politically. “People just think of Antarctica as really far away and that it doesn’t have any impact on them,” says Deneb Karentz, vice president for science at the Scientific Committee on Antarctic Research (SCAR). The Southern Ocean’s circulation redistributes heat globally, and deep ocean currents also carry nutrients toward the equator. “It’s a really vital part of the whole ocean system and the way that the ocean interacts with the atmosphere,” Karentz says.Antarctica is also a prime place for space research. With its stable atmosphere and lack of electromagnetic interference from civilization, astronomers and physicists can seek faint signals from long-ago, faraway, mysterious parts of the universe—signals that may be hidden from instruments on busier continents. People come from all over the world to study the ice itself, which contains 90 percent of the world’s surface fresh water. And then there’s the geology, the sea life, the extremophiles and the changing climate.Karentz’s organization, SCAR, helps countries share scientific results of all sorts and collaborate on projects. In August the organization will bring the global community together in Chile for the SCAR Open Science Conference—the first in-person meeting since 2018. Carolina Merino, a biologist at the University of La Frontera in Chile, plans to be at the meeting. She’s a member of SCAR and studies how microbes survive Antarctica’s harsh conditions. “Understanding these processes can have significant implications for climate change science and environmental conservation,” she says. At the SCAR meeting, she’s hoping to bolster international collaboration on research.In addition, the group serves as science adviser to the Antarctic Treaty system—a treaty and related documents that govern existence on the continent. SCAR shares expertise about topics such as which areas should be protected or what’s going on with climate change lately.The Antarctic Treaty isn’t complicated. “There are two things in the treaty,” Karentz says: one, Antarctica is to be used only for science, and two, “it has to be peaceful,” she says. Militaries are allowed to provide logistical support; the Department of Defense and the Department of Homeland Security do so for the U.S. The treaty also has an Environmental Protection Protocol that lays out conservation measures and environmental management policies.The treaty was originally signed in 1959 and entered force in 1961, with the conflicted superpowers of the U.S. and the Soviet Union both coming onboard. “They agreed at that time that expanding the cold war into the coldest continent was not a useful activity,” says William Muntean, a senior associate at the Center for Strategic and International Studies.Even with that enforced peace, though, Antarctica is geopolitically important: it contains, for instance, resources such as fisheries, minerals and natural gas that, because of the treaty, no one can exploit. It’s also geopolitically strange. “It’s not divvied up into countries or ownership in the way the rest of the world is,” says Muntean, who served as senior adviser for Antarctica at the U.S. Department of State and, in that role, led the nation’s delegation to Antarctic Treaty meetings. Before the treaty, seven countries had already made claims on the continent, but when they signed the agreement, they barred themselves from legally acting on those claims.That’s a sovereignty situation unlike any other on Earth—and one that many researchers don’t think about when they’re preparing neutrino detectors and ice corers for the South Pole. Few people in the United States focus on the politics of Antarctica, Muntean says. “You could find a lot of scientists who can talk about penguins and ice cubes and all that sort of stuff, but very few talk about the politics of it,” he adds.The science that they do, however, is twined with the politics. Research projects—and infrastructure such as McMurdo or the Amundsen-Scott South Pole Station—exist not just for the sake of knowledge gathering but also for the sake of influence. “If you want to be influential in any capacity—be it diplomatically, economically, militarily, doesn’t matter—you need to be present in a region,” says Ryan Burke, a professor at the U.S. Air Force Academy and the University of Alaska Fairbanks’s Center for Arctic Security and Resilience. That’s especially true in a place where military flexes, traditional ways for nations to establish both presence and influence, are prohibited. Muntean cites China and South Korea as countries that are increasing their Antarctic footprint and therefore their own influence.Burke and Muntean are both concerned that the U.S., meanwhile, has decreased its presence in Antarctica. In 2023 NSF announced that it was canceling more than half of the USAP projects and activities that had been funded for the 2023–2024 research season. In the two summers to follow, the announcement said, the agency would focus on already-funded projects. It did not solicit any new USAP proposals in 2024.Those changes came in part because McMurdo Station needed to be modernized for the 21st century and is in the midst of upgrades.The initial renovation was interrupted by the COVID pandemic, as were Antarctic trips in general. The disease and its disruptions delayed the work—a new dorm, for instance, is off schedule by three years—meaning there aren’t enough beds available for the typical number of scientists who would visit. Plus, as grocery stores on the mainland show, costs of all sorts have increased, meaning a given amount of money results in less renovation.Not taking new proposals in 2024 “allows NSF to focus resources on reducing the lingering backlog of projects affected by the pandemic and major upgrade work at McMurdo Station,” an NSF spokesperson says.The science agency also stated last year that it would only operate one research ship in the coming decades, rather than the two it has in the past, partially because of budgetary concerns. The Coast Guard, meanwhile, is experiencing problems with its Polar Security Cutter program, and acquisitions of new ships are delayed.All of that together, despite the logistical and financial constraints that make it seemingly necessary, has the effect of decreasing American presence in Antarctica and backing up the scientific pipeline. “It is an issue,” Karentz says, “and I think there’s legitimate concern about what it's doing to the future of the U.S. Antarctic Program.”Muntean worries about early-career researchers, whose research path might be more affected by delays due to the Antarctic slowdown and who could also face more competition because of the backup. “Right now it’s a little bit tough, I think, to say South Pole or Antarctic research has got a bright future,” he says.In Muntean’s view, U.S. planners aren’t thinking enough about pipelines in general, such as replacement plans for aging ships and planes that can move in that harsh environment. As with the on-land infrastructure, if you wait until vehicles face obsolescence, you often face a gap in capability. “The icebreaker that is currently operational—Polar Star—is almost as old as I am,” Muntean says, describing the ship that creates a channel through the ice to clear the way to McMurdo Sound. “This is not good for us.”An NSF spokesperson points to President Biden’s May 2024 National Security Memorandum on U.S. Policy on the Antarctic Region, “which reaffirms the importance of the Antarctic Treaty System ... [and] reiterates the long-standing mandate to maintain an ‘active and influential presence.’”But if the U.S. loses influence in Antarctica, there could be negative consequences for the dynamics of the region. “We have a nice, neutral, calming effect, usually, on the politics of Antarctica,” Muntean says.Burke agrees. “The U.S. is largely interested in maintaining the continent as a zone of peace and research,” he says—upholding the original tenets of the treaty, in other words.The current American pullback has led some to worry that, as Muntean put it in a recent commentary, other countries may be more likely to “pursue their individual interests rather than their collective interest.”The collective interest involves those “peace and science” ideals in the treaty, and individual interests perhaps include putting dual-use capabilities at Antarctic installations—instrumentation that’s useful both to scientists and to the military—or looking into using resources that have been set aside for conservation.Worries about countries pursuing individual interests are why treaties have enforcement mechanisms. The Antarctic Treaty has two. Countries can do unannounced inspections of other nations’ stations. “Countries show up and check out what’s happening to see whether countries are doing what they’re saying they’re doing,” Muntean says. Every state present in Antarctica also has to document their planned activities, equipment and in-person presence.A U.S. team slid in just before the pandemic in 2020 to perform recent inspections. It was led by Muntean, and members included officials from the Department of State, the Coast Guard, NSF and the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration. “We were welcomed with open arms by all stations,” Muntean says.Over the entire lifetime of the treaty, however, only around 60 inspections have occurred—not exactly enough to keep a sharp eye on the goings-on. And in 2023 just 10 of 29 parties had done their required documentation every year for the past decade.Given all those fuzzy variables, Muntean believes that scientists who study the Antarctic shouldn’t just pay attention to their own projects and care about their own results. They also need to be part of the policy and the politics, especially if they want to ensure they get to continue to do their science at the levels they have in the past. “The U.S. needs to be thinking about how to make the platforms, and maintain the platforms, for decades to come in a manner that keeps us in the forefront of science [and] environmental protection,” Muntean says, “as well as the politics.”

Groundbreaking Antarctic Survey Reveals Hidden Patterns in Ice Shelf Melting

Scientists have used a submersible to map the underside of Antarctica’s Dotson Ice Shelf, revealing rapid melting and unusual patterns that contribute to understanding sea level rise. The research highlights the need for improved predictive models and continued exploration to comprehend future changes in ice shelf dynamics. The first detailed maps of the underside of [...]

A survey using a submersible named ‘Ran’ has mapped the underside of Antarctica’s Dotson Ice Shelf, revealing complex ice melt patterns that suggest faster melting and future sea level rise implications.Scientists have used a submersible to map the underside of Antarctica’s Dotson Ice Shelf, revealing rapid melting and unusual patterns that contribute to understanding sea level rise. The research highlights the need for improved predictive models and continued exploration to comprehend future changes in ice shelf dynamics. The first detailed maps of the underside of a floating ice shelf in Antarctica have unveiled crucial clues about future sea level rise. An international research team – including scientists from the University of East Anglia (UEA) – deployed an unmanned submersible beneath the Dotson Ice Shelf in West Antarctica. The underwater vehicle, ‘Ran’, was programmed to dive into the cavity of the 350-meter-thick ice shelf and scan the ice above it with an advanced sonar. Over 27 days, the submarine traveled more than 1000 kilometers back and forth under the shelf, reaching 17 kilometers into the cavity. Understanding Ice Shelf Dynamics An ice shelf is a mass of glacial ice, fed from land by tributary glaciers, that floats in the sea above an ice shelf cavity. Dotson Ice Shelf is part of the West Antarctic ice sheet – and next to Thwaites Glacier – which is considered to have a potentially large impact on future sea level rise due to its size and location. The researchers report their findings of this unique survey in a new paper published in the journal Science Advances. They found some things as expected, for example, the glacier melts faster where strong underwater currents erode its base. Using the submersible, they were able to measure the currents below the glacier for the first time and prove why the western part of the Dotson Ice Shelf melts so fast. They also found evidence of very high melt at vertical fractures that extend through the glacier. However, the team also saw new patterns on the glacier base that raised questions. The mapping showed that the base is not smooth, but there is a peak and valley ice-scape with plateaus and formations resembling sand dunes. The researchers hypothesize that these may have been formed by flowing water under the influence of Earth’s rotation. Insights from High-Resolution Mapping Lead author Anna Wåhlin, Professor of Oceanography at the University of Gothenburg in Sweden, said: “We have previously used satellite data and ice cores to observe how ice shelves change over time. By navigating the submersible into the cavity, we were able to get high-resolution maps of the ice underside. It’s a bit like seeing the back of the moon for the first time.” The expedition was carried out in regions of drifting ice in West Antarctica in 2022 during a research cruise for the TARSAN project, a joint US-UK funded initiative that is part of the International Thwaites Glacier Collaboration. The project is studying how atmospheric and oceanic processes are influencing the behavior of the Thwaites and Dotson Ice Shelves – neighboring ice shelves that are behaving differently. Co-author Dr Rob Hall, from UEA’s School of Environmental Sciences, co-led the cruise on the RV Nathaniel B Palmer, on which the observations were made from January to March 2022. He said: “Anna and her team successfully piloted their autonomous underwater vehicle ‘Ran’ over 1000 km under Dotson Ice Shelf collecting a huge range of data and samples, which will take several years to process and analyze. “The incredible high-resolution images of the underside of the ice shelf are the icing on the cake and will open up a whole new avenue of scientific research.” The Significance of Melting Ice Shelves Prof Karen Heywood, also from UEA and a co-author, is UK lead scientist on the TARSAN project. She said: “This has been such an exciting project to work on. When Anna sent round the first images of the underside of the Dotson ice shelf we were thrilled – nobody had ever seen this before. But we were also baffled – there were cracks and swirls in the ice that we weren’t expecting. It looked more like art! “We wondered what could be causing these. All of the glaciologists and the oceanographers in the TARSAN project got together to brainstorm ideas. It’s been like detective work – using fundamental ocean physics to test theories against the shape and size of the patterns under the ice. We’ve been able to show for the first time some of the processes that melt the underside of ice shelves. Prof Heywood added: “These ice shelves are already floating on the sea, so their melting doesn’t directly affect sea level. However, ultimately the melting of ice shelves causes the glaciers on land further upstream to flow faster and destabilize, which does lead to sea level rise, so these new observations will help the community of ice modelers to reduce the large uncertainties in future sea levels.” Scientists now realize there is a wealth of processes left to discover in future research missions under the glaciers. “The mapping has given us new data that we need to look at more closely. It is clear that many previous assumptions about the melting of glacier undersides are falling short. Current models cannot explain the complex patterns we see. But with this method, we have a better chance of finding the answers,” said Prof Wåhlin. “Better models are needed to predict how fast the ice shelves will melt in the future. It is exciting when oceanographers and glaciologists work together, combining remote sensing with oceanographic field data. This is needed to understand the glaciological changes taking place – the driving force is in the ocean.” In January 2024, the group returned with Ran to Dotson Ice Shelf to repeat the surveys, hoping to document changes. However, they were only able to complete one dive before Ran disappeared under the ice. “Although we got valuable data back, we did not get all we had hoped for,” said Prof Wåhlin. “These scientific advances were made possible thanks to the unique submersible that Ran was. This research is needed to understand the future of Antarctica’s ice sheet, and we hope to be able to replace Ran and continue this important work.” Reference: “Swirls and scoops: Ice base melt revealed by multibeam imagery of an Antarctic ice shelf” by Anna Wåhlin, Karen E. Alley, Carolyn Begeman, Øyvind Hegrenæs, Xiaohan Yuan, Alastair G. C. Graham, Kelly Hogan, Peter E. D. Davis, Tiago S. Dotto, Clare Eayrs, Robert A. Hall, David M. Holland, Tae Wan Kim, Robert D. Larter, Li Ling, Atsuhiro Muto, Erin C. Pettit, Britney E. Schmidt, Tasha Snow, Filip Stedt, Peter M. Washam, Stina Wahlgren, Christian Wild, Julia Wellner, Yixi Zheng and Karen J. Heywood, 31 July 2024, Science Advances.DOI: 10.1126/sciadv.adn9188

MIT School of Science launches Center for Sustainability Science and Strategy

New center taps Institute-wide expertise to improve understanding of, and responses to, sustainability challenges.

The MIT School of Science is launching a center to advance knowledge and computational capabilities in the field of sustainability science, and support decision-makers in government, industry, and civil society to achieve sustainable development goals. Aligned with the Climate Project at MIT, researchers at the MIT Center for Sustainability Science and Strategy will develop and apply expertise from across the Institute to improve understanding of sustainability challenges, and thereby provide actionable knowledge and insight to inform strategies for improving human well-being for current and future generations.Noelle Selin, professor at MIT’s Institute for Data, Systems and Society and the Department of Earth, Atmospheric and Planetary Sciences, will serve as the center’s inaugural faculty director. C. Adam Schlosser and Sergey Paltsev, senior research scientists at MIT, will serve as deputy directors, with Anne Slinn as executive director.Incorporating and succeeding both the Center for Global Change Science and Joint Program on the Science and Policy of Global Change while adding new capabilities, the center aims to produce leading-edge research to help guide societal transitions toward a more sustainable future. Drawing on the long history of MIT’s efforts to address global change and its integrated environmental and human dimensions, the center is well-positioned to lead burgeoning global efforts to advance the field of sustainability science, which seeks to understand nature-society systems in their full complexity. This understanding is designed to be relevant and actionable for decision-makers in government, industry, and civil society in their efforts to develop viable pathways to improve quality of life for multiple stakeholders.“As critical challenges such as climate, health, energy, and food security increasingly affect people’s lives around the world, decision-makers need a better understanding of the earth in its full complexity — and that includes people, technologies, and institutions as well as environmental processes,” says Selin. “Better knowledge of these systems and how they interact can lead to more effective strategies that avoid unintended consequences and ensure an improved quality of life for all.”    Advancing knowledge, computational capability, and decision supportTo produce more precise and comprehensive knowledge of sustainability challenges and guide decision-makers to formulate more effective strategies, the center has set the following goals:Advance fundamental understanding of the complex interconnected physical and socio-economic systems that affect human well-being. As new policies and technologies are developed amid climate and other global changes, they interact with environmental processes and institutions in ways that can alter the earth’s critical life-support systems. Fundamental mechanisms that determine many of these systems’ behaviors, including those related to interacting climate, water, food, and socio-economic systems, remain largely unknown and poorly quantified. Better understanding can help society mitigate the risks of abrupt changes and “tipping points” in these systems.Develop, establish and disseminate new computational tools toward better understanding earth systems, including both environmental and human dimensions. The center’s work will integrate modeling and data analysis across disciplines in an era of increasing volumes of observational data. MIT multi-system models and data products will provide robust information to inform decision-making and shape the next generation of sustainability science and strategy.Produce actionable science that supports equity and justice within and across generations. The center’s research will be designed to inform action associated with measurable outcomes aligned with supporting human well-being across generations. This requires engaging a broad range of stakeholders, including not only nations and companies, but also nongovernmental organizations and communities that take action to promote sustainable development — with special attention to those who have historically borne the brunt of environmental injustice.“The center’s work will advance fundamental understanding in sustainability science, leverage leading-edge computing and data, and promote engagement and impact,” says Selin. “Our researchers will help lead scientists and strategists across the globe who share MIT’s commitment to mobilizing knowledge to inform action toward a more sustainable world.”Building a better world at MITBuilding on existing MIT capabilities in sustainability, science, and strategy, the center aims to: focus research, education, and outreach under a theme that reflects a comprehensive state of the field and international research directions, fostering a dynamic community of students, researchers, and faculty;raise the visibility of sustainability science at MIT, emphasizing links between science and action, in the context of existing Institute goals and other efforts on climate and sustainability, and in a way that reflects the vital contributions of a range of natural and social science disciplines to understanding human-environment systems; andre-emphasize MIT’s long-standing expertise in integrated systems modeling while leveraging the Institute’s concurrent leading-edge strengths in data and computing, establishing leadership that harnesses recent innovations, including those in machine learning and artificial intelligence, toward addressing the science challenges of global change and sustainability.“The Center for Sustainability Science and Strategy will provide the necessary synergy for our MIT researchers to develop, deploy, and scale up serious solutions to climate change and other critical sustainability challenges,” says Nergis Mavalvala the Curtis and Kathleen Marble Professor of Astrophysics and dean of the MIT School of Science. “With Professor Selin at its helm, the center will also ensure that these solutions are created in concert with the people who are directly affected now and in the future.”The center builds on more than three decades of achievements by the Center for Global Change Science and the Joint Program on the Science and Policy of Global Change, both of which were directed or co-directed by professor of atmospheric science Ronald Prinn.

School of Humanities, Arts, and Social Sciences welcomes nine new faculty

New professors join anthropology, economics, history, linguistics, music and theater arts, and philosophy departments, as well as the Program in Science, Technology, and Society.

Dean Agustín Rayo and the School of Humanities, Arts, and Social Sciences recently welcomed nine new professors to the MIT community. They arrive with diverse backgrounds and vast knowledge in their areas of research.Sonya Atalay joins the Anthropology Section as a professor. She is a public anthropologist and archaeologist who studies Indigenous science protocols, practices, and research methods carried out with and for Indigenous communities. Atalay is the director and principal investigator of the Center for Braiding Indigenous Knowledges and Science, a newly established National Science Foundation Science and Technology Center. She has expertise in the Native American Graves Protection and Repatriation Act (NAGPRA) and served two terms on the National NAGPRA Review Committee, first appointed by the Bush administration and then for a second term by the Obama administration. Atalay has produced a series of research-based comics in partnership with Native nations about repatriation of Native American ancestral remains, return of sacred objects and objects of cultural patrimony under NAGPRA law. Atalay earned her PhD in anthropology from the University of California at Berkeley (UC Berkeley).Anna Huang SM ’08 joins the departments of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science (EECS) and Music and Theater Arts as assistant professor. She will help develop graduate programming focused on music technology. Previously, she spent eight years with Magenta at Google Brain and DeepMind, spearheading efforts in generative modeling, reinforcement learning, and human-computer interaction to support human-AI partnerships in music-making. She is the creator of Music Transformer and Coconet (which powered the Bach Google Doodle). She was a judge and organizer for the AI Song Contest. Anna holds a Canada CIFAR AI Chair at Mila, a BM in music composition, a BS in computer science from the University of Southern California, an MS from the MIT Media Lab, and a PhD from Harvard University.Elena Kempf joins the History Section as an assistant professor. She is an historian of modern Europe with special interests in international law and modern Germany in its global context. Her current book project is a legal, political, and cultural history of weapons prohibitions in modern international law from the 1860s to the present. Before joining MIT, Kempf was a postdoc at the Miller Institute for Global Challenges and the Law at UC Berkeley and a lecturer at the Department of History at Stanford University. Elena earned her PhD in history from UC Berkeley.Matthias Michel joins the Department of Linguistics and Philosophy as an assistant professor. Matthias completed his PhD in philosophy in 2019 at Sorbonne Université. Before coming to MIT, he was a Bersoff Faculty Fellow in the Department of Philosophy at New York University. His research is at the intersection between philosophy and cognitive science, and focuses on philosophical issues related to the scientific study of consciousness. His current work addresses questions such as how to distinguish entities with minds from those without, which animals are sentient, and which mental functions can be performed unconsciously.Jacob Moscona PhD ’21 is a new assistant professor in the Department of Economics. His research explores broad questions in economic development, with a focus on the role of innovation, the environment, and political economy. One stream of his research investigates the forces that drive the rate and direction of technological progress, as well as how new technologies shape global productivity differences and adaptation to major threats like climate change. Another stream of his research studies the political economy of economic development, with a focus on how variation in social organization and institutions affects patterns of conflict and cooperation. Prior to joining MIT, he was a Prize Fellow in Economics, History, and Politics at Harvard University. He received his BA from Harvard in 2016 and PhD from MIT in 2021. Outside of MIT, Jacob enjoys playing and performing music.Sendhil Mullainathan joins the departments of EECS and Economics as the Peter de Florez Professor. His research uses machine learning to understand complex problems in human behavior, social policy, and medicine. Previously, Mullainathan spent five years at MIT before joining the faculty at Harvard in 2004, and then the University of Chicago in 2018. He received his BA in computer science, mathematics, and economics from Cornell University and his PhD from Harvard.Elise Newman PhD ’21 is a new assistant professor in the Department of Linguistics and Philosophy. Her forthcoming monograph, “When arguments merge,” studies the ingredients that languages use to construct verb phrases, and examines how those ingredients interact with other linguistic processes such as question formation. By studying these interactions, she forms a hypothesis about how different languages’ verb phrases can be distinct from each other, and what they must have in common, providing insight into this aspect of the human language faculty. In addition to the structural properties of language, Newman also has expertise in semantics (the study of meaning) and first language acquisition. She returns to MIT after a postdoc at the University of Edinburgh, after completing her PhD in linguistics at MIT in 2021.Oliver Rollins joins the Program in Science, Technology, and Society as an assistant professor. He is a qualitative sociologist who explores the sociological dimensions of neuroscientific knowledge and technologies. His work primarily illustrates the way race, racialized discourses, and systemic practices of social difference impact and are shaped by the development and use of neuroscience. His book, “Conviction: The Making and Unmaking of The Violent Brain” (Stanford University Press, 2021), traces the evolution of neuroimaging research on antisocial behavior, stressing the limits of this controversial brain model when dealing with aspects of social inequality. Rollins’s second book project will grapple with the legacies of scientific racism in and through the mind and brain sciences, elucidating how the haunting presence of race endures through modern neuroscientific theories, data, and technologies. Rollins recently received an NSF CAREER Award to investigate the intersections between social justice and science. Through this project, he aims to examine the sociopolitical vulnerabilities, policy possibilities, and anti-racist promises for contemporary (neuro)science.Ishani Saraf joins the Program in Science, Technology, and Society as an assistant professor. She is a sociocultural anthropologist. Her research studies the transformation and trade of discarded machines in translocal spaces in India and the Indian Ocean, where she focuses on questions of postcolonial capitalism, urban belonging, material practices, situated bodies of knowledge, and environmental governance. She received her PhD from the University of California at Davis, and prior to joining MIT, she was a postdoc and lecturer at the University of Virginia.

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