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LISTEN: Jose Ramon Becerra Vera on democratizing science

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Wednesday, June 5, 2024

Jose Ramon Becerra Vera joins the Agents of Change in Environmental Justice podcast to discuss arming residents in his native Inland Empire region of California with air pollution data to advocate for their health and community. Becerra Vera, a current Agents of Change fellow and a Ph.D. candidate in the Department of Anthropology at Purdue University, also talks about the importance of qualitative data and how to center communities from the outset of your research.The Agents of Change in Environmental Justice podcast is a biweekly podcast featuring the stories and big ideas from past and present fellows, as well as others in the field. You can see all of the past episodes here.Listen below to our discussion with Becerra Vera and subscribe to the podcast at iTunes or Spotify. Agents of Change in Environmental Justice · Jose Ramon Becerra Vera On democratizing scienceTranscript Brian BienkowskiJose, how are you doing this morning?Jose Ramón Becerra I'm doing pretty good. How are you?Brian Bienkowski I'm doing great. And where are you this morning?Jose Ramón Becerra I am in West Lafayette, Indiana.Brian Bienkowski All right, West Lafayette, Indiana. Far away from California's inland empire where you're originally from. So I want to talk to you a little bit about the Inland Empire region. So can you tell us about this place, and perhaps how you see it may have shaped your interest in environmental justice and your research?Jose Ramón Becerra Yeah, sure. So I was born and raised in the Inland Empire. So the Inland Empire is a region in southern California. It's around 50 miles 50 miles east of Los Angeles. Really, depending on who you ask, they might define the Inland Empire differently. So some folks will conceptualize it as the entirety of San Bernardino and Riverside counties. But for me, and a lot of people in my community, we think about it as the Valley portion that's surrounded by this mountain and stone geography. Some things that I love about the places that like, depending on the city that you're at, you're probably like 10 to 15 minutes away from like a nice hike when you go up to the mountains. And you're also –depending on the traffic– only, like 40 minutes to an hour and a half away from the nearest beach. It's a primarily Latino community, who live and work there each day. So there's a lot of great food all the time. I think it's a vibrant community, I love it. And how it shapes my interest in environmental justice and research, while my whole dissertation project is kind of dedicated to looking at air pollution exposure in the in the Inland Empire region. So I would say that it shapes my projects completely. From my research questions to my field site, to the people who I work with. I don't think this came around until I was in college, though. So because I guess growing up the signs of pollution that I see now, like the diesel trucks driving by or the wildfire smoke and stuff like that was just kind of part of the ordinary environment. So it wasn't until I started going to college and learning that like, not everybody in your community should have or like, asthma rates shouldn't be that high for everyone. So that's not it wasn't until I actually got into college I started learning about the issues that I'll see on a day-to-day basis as environmental and justices.Brian Bienkowski Was it a culture shock moving to Indiana?Jose Ramón Becerra Yeah, it was 100% Was it was the first time I was out of the area. So I was like I said, born and raised there. The only other places I really frequency, the war Los Angeles area to visit family and friends or my parents hometown in Tepatitlán, Jalisco, in Mexico. So I was just back and forth in these places all the time. And outside of that, yeah, I just hadn't been outside of like a few days. Maybe I hadn't been outside of California too much. California or Mexico.Brian Bienkowski So before we get And into some of the research you've been doing about the Inland Empire and where you're at now, what is the moment or event that helped shape your identity up to this point?Jose Ramón Becerra You know, funny enough, it was actually coming to Indiana for my PhD, or for my graduate studies for my Masters, and now my PhD. So like I said, I was in the Inland Empire for so long. The only other places I really frequented were Mexico. And so I was really just kind of in the middle of like my culture every day. So whether that's like Mexican culture, or Chicano culture, or just Southern California, Inland Empire culture, I was just immersed in it 24/7. And it was kind of like what they say like, culture is kind of like water for a fish. So it wasn't until I stepped out of there started living out here that I started missing so many things about like, what I see as my identity now, which is like the music, how people dress, how they talk, just the... you know, how people engage, the language and stuff like that. So yeah, oddly enough, it wasn't until I came out here to Indiana that I started really reflecting on who I was and how I was connected to my communities and stuff like that. So yeah, I think that that moment, just living out here has really solidified who I am.Brian Bienkowski I think travel is good for that people always talk about travel in terms of introducing you to other cultures, which is obviously I think, a net good, it's a good thing. But I can say when my wife and I we live in the Upper Peninsula, Michigan, and we are very, we are very Northern Great Lakes people. And when we were in New York City for a week, which I love, you know, it's just such a vibrant place, so fun to visit. And oh my gosh, did we feel like fish out of water, though! you know, we move very slow, we talk very slow, we're in people's way. So you know, I do think there is something to be exposed to other cultures, but also it kind of reaffirms who you are, and your own culture, as you mentioned. So I want to talk about your PhD work. But while you've been doing that, during the PhD work, you've also worked as a fellow in nonprofits, including Elevate in Chicago and for the EPA, the federal agency. So what did these experiences teach you about the value of kind of qualitative versus quantitative data? And do you have any examples?Jose Ramón Becerra Yeah, so I've been lucky enough to work with, and not just with them, I've been lucky enough to work with government, with nonprofits, with environmental justice organizations, and activists, and also just community members in different research sites. And I think the first thing I want to highlight is that there are individuals from all these different places who are doing such meaningful work. They're all dedicated to making environmental justice action happen, and essentially to alleviate disproportionate exposure to pollution. And so while this is happening, something that I kind of saw when I started reflecting on my ethnographic notes, so when I was collecting data for my own dissertation study, while talking to all these people and working with them through fellowships, was that just the underlying fact that quantitative data holds more value in policy arenas than qualitative data. And oftentimes, this is for good reason. So if an agency is going to ban a chemical, for example, they have to show that there's a causal relationship between like that chemical exposure and the health detriment. But at the same time, like an example of this can be like a community that gets together to push against a factory that's emitting whatever type of pollution. Their experiences and the qualitative data they come up with –and even if they organize–, is not going to make environmental change. Oftentimes, what happens is that this causes attention to whatever issues going on, it pulls in scientists and other people to do research and to do those quantitative studies to then make change. But unfortunately, what's happening is that while this science is getting done, or this quantitative data collection is getting done, and analysis and reports are getting written, it's a really slow movement, science is slow in many of those situations, and all the while people are being exposed to that same pollution. So there's no protections that are being offered, even when they present that qualitative information to whoever triggers like these other responses.Brian Bienkowski And so I don't want to put words in your mouth, but this qualitative data that mean these can be things like surveys, personal experiences, and in some cases, you know, in my profession, it's not it's not science, but in journalism, I mean, we look at storytelling and telling these people stories and narratives and communities as kind of a form of qualitative data. And and I think you can, you can tell that that can be really powerful, but as you said, the turns of the regulatory environment and science can move slowly sometimes. Jose, I should have set the stage before that question for you. listeners, what exactly you mentioned air pollution and kind of this data collection. Can you tell us what kind of science and research you're doing?Jose Ramón Becerra Yeah, so I do a lot of anthropology. So I'm in nog refer that means that I, like immerse myself in a community and collect a lot of qualitative data. So I do things like, participant observation. So I do observations and take notes on that. I do a lot of interviews with people. And at the same time, I'm doing community science, where I'm using portable pollution monitors to collect data with people who are from the Inland Empire. So I'm investigating through the frameworks of like political ecology, which is the idea that we're looking at the social-political dimensions of environmental change throughout time. So is like capitalism driving this change? What are the policies driving this change in? How does an environment become toxic, and I'm also really interested in who's exposed to pollution. So that's the environmental justice dimension of it that I include into my research.Brian Bienkowski So I want to talk more about the environmental concerns in the Inland Empire region. I think most of us when we hear warehouses, we don't associate them with pollution, we think of a big Amazon warehouse or something. But can you explain why this dense network of warehouses that exists there in the Inland Empire, what it looks like and what the environmental concerns and impacts are?Jose Ramón Becerra Yeah, so it's really interesting, you bring that up, because... so growing up, I'm from a city, Ontario, California, that's within the Inland Empire. And we have some of the highest warehouse density there. But I never really connected how they were, like sources of pollution. In my head, I was like, "Well, are they producing something in there that's, you know, driving up, like pollution in the region or whatnot?" But so if you look at the larger region, we have over 1 billion square feet of warehouses there. And like I said, we're in close proximity to Los Angeles. So what happens is that each day, we get ships full of containers that have goods inside of them, those containers get hauled eastward into the Inland Empire, it's estimated that 40% of all goods that come into the nation go through the Inland Empire, then the warehouses are locations where workers unload the containers, then later, repackage them and send them out to the rest of the nation, surrounding communities, via rail yard, diesel truck, and airplanes. And all of this transportation just increases massive amounts of pollution in the region that's been trapped by that mountainous dome geography I talked about a little bit earlier.Brian Bienkowski Can you talk about that geography and why it's problematic and how it traps pollutants?Jose Ramón Becerra Yeah, so if you look at a map for San Bernardino and Riverside County, you'll see that it's like this, this mountain that's connecting... this mountain range that connects the Los Angeles area to the Inland Empire. But then there's like this other barrier, kind of east and south of it, so all that, like mountainous dome geography traps pollution there, that comes from Los Angeles, that comes from the warehouse industry. And at the same time, we have with climate change a lot of more wildfires that burn more intensely and more frequent in the region. So even the wildfire smoke accumulates in that same space.Brian Bienkowski So otherwise, the air pollutants would be able to kind of push on into the atmosphere, but here they're getting trapped and kind of hovering above the community, right. So in this battle of residence against developers that I've talked to you about separately, and I know you're thinking and writing about these things, in that region, you say developers are often using outdated evidence and stationary monitor data. So what is your research shown about the monitoring data used and why it can be misleading?Jose Ramón Becerra Yeah, so the whole idea about outdated evidence came from when I was seeing participant observation. So I was following this, this applicant who was trying to build another warehouse in the Bloomington area, which is an unincorporated area in the Inland Empire. And when they were applying to do this, there was moments for the public to gather and kind of have their own comments about the warehouse, and if they wanted, they want to invite it in or not. And so the community was really great at organizing environmental justice organizations gathered the community, there's a lot of folks who are concerned individually. So a lot of folks were going up and giving their testimonials and they were like really talking about how air pollution had been damaging their health or the health of their children, for example, or even talking about like the cancer rates in the area. And in one of those testimonials, one of the one of the people who were, one of the persons talking kind of hinted at the fact that the environmental impact report was misleading. So it was through this person's own analysis and like reading the document that they were identifying that the data that they were using was outdated. And this got me really thinking about things like data sources, and scientific instrumentation, and even analysis. So depending on, like, how you're making your analysis, where the data is coming from, there could be a lot of things that are misleading when we're thinking about personal exposure. And so another thing that I'm really looking at is the differences between, or the limitations, at least, of stationary monitor data. So in places like the Inland Empire, especially where the environment is quickly changing, so we have warehouses that are built within months sometimes. And so the macro geography is constantly changing, people aren't just fixed in one location at all times. So as you know, like throughout our day, depending on our job, depending on what our daily activities look like, we're inside of houses, outdoors, in apartments, in your job side, on the street, driving through traffic, and all these different things are going to expose you to different levels of pollution. So just thinking about how there's these spatial temporal elements of people's activity is important how micro geography –so like the built environment, and how it's changing– also impacts different levels of exposure in the same region.Brian Bienkowski So I live in Sault Sainte Marie Michigan, and across the river is Sault Sainte Marie, Canada, same same name, different city, and there's a massive steel plant, and they all have their air monitoring at one time was placed, northwest of the building, and we live by Lake Superior. So the winds are always coming from the Northwest. And maybe I have this backwards. Basically, they had these monitors in a place where it was never capturing what was actually the air, you know, the wind was coming from the other direction. And so these stationary monitors were just completely they were really useless for a long time. And that's what the federal government relied on, it was industry data. So in your case, how do you how do you account for these micro geographies? Are you working with citizens or residents to try to do some monitoring that you feel is better and more accurate of what's actually happening?Jose Ramón Becerra So one of the projects that I'm doing, and I'm going to be doing from August to December this year, is working with community scientists to carry portable pollution monitors that are GPS-enabled. And this is a collaboration with Dr. Uman Park at University of Connecticut, that and so the project basically is going to be trying to account for how people navigate space. And while they carry these monitors, I'm gonna be able to tell how much pollution they're exposed to, throughout their daily activities, I'm also going to be in the community working with them to train them how to take behavioral notes, and this is going to be done through Qualtrics. So it's a widget that I'm gonna download into their phone, if they want to take notes on their cell phone, or if they want to use a voice recorder, they have that option. And then we're also taking demographic surveys. So that way we can make an analysis when we have enough data to show how social demographics might influence things like access to different types of jobs, and those jobs put you at different levels of exposure compared to you know, whatever, like just depending on the job, you might be exposed to different levels of exposure. So we're going to be really thinking critically about how access to job and just access to and wasted navigate space are kind of shaped by social demographics that are like embedded in deeper roots of like racial capitalism in the region.Brian Bienkowski How do you see these efforts as democratizing science in the region?Jose Ramón Becerra Yeah, so, um, I think that I see this effort is democratizing science, and that the first thing is that it's giving something that's legible for these policy arenas. When people talk about their experiences, like we should value them, that qualitative information should be valued. But for now, I think that it's important to still equip people with the scientific instrumentation in order to make their claims legible. So I think that I'm trying to join that qualitative aspect with the more quantitative and spatial data so that way, when it comes to people advocating for themselves, they have the data that's seen in these policy arenas. And at the same time, something that I see happen when people are advocating for themselves through testimonials is that they're up against people who are considered experts for the quantitative data. And by letting them collect data, it's kind of making them the experts. So they're learning why they're collecting data, how the monitors work, what kind of data they're collecting. So in their own way, they're becoming experts, not just of their own experiences, but also of the data collection process. And so in these two ways, I think that it's it's an effort to democratize science in the community.Brian Bienkowski I really liked that idea that they're already experts have their own experience. And this is making them experts in the data collection. That's a really cool way of thinking about it. I like that. Are you getting pushback in the region at all? Or is there pushback with this kind of economic versus or environmental thing? I have to imagine a good number of the residents work in many of these warehouses and provide for their families. So what's that kind of balancing act been like?Jose Ramón Becerra Yeah, I definitely see this, even in the Commission hearings I mentioned earlier, where there is a lot of people from the community who are trying to push against the warehouse, industry and just development in general. But then there's other people who are like in construction, who might be employed to build these warehouses that are kind of advocating for those jobs, because they're going to be local. They don't have to drive up like to Northern California, for example, to you know, do their job, tey could be next to their family. So there is pushback in that sense. But I think, in general, what I've seen is that people are really concerned with the type of jobs that these warehouses even provide. So what happens in the region is that many of the jobs available there are through agencies. So if you want a job there, you could start by going to an agency, and then the agency, like, recommends you to a warehouse and you start working there, but you're not actually hired through the company. So not being hired to the company has its own consequences, like there's limited liability they're accountable for, sometimes they don't have to provide health insurance and things like that, and you get lower pay. So when it comes to actual warehouse workers, I think that they know that these warehouses aren't necessarily like the like, what they want for their own future for their children's future. So I think that there's also a lot of people who are advocating for like, a different type of industry to, you know, come into the area.Brian Bienkowski I know personally, what I've written about the steel plant I mentioned earlier, you know, I have family who knows workers there and stuff around here. And the idea is not that we are, or I should I should speak for myself, you know, that we're not blaming the workers here. You know, the workers deserve protection, they deserve knowledge, they deserve data. And a lot of times, it's the people who have power and money and who are running these plants or warehouses or, you know, fleets of trucks that have the opportunity to reduce pollution, and they're not doing it because of various reasons. So I always try to make that clear that this isn't, we're not attacking the workers, you know, that it's definitely not their fault that, you know, this is this is goes higher than that to the regulatory, and kind of corporate level of a lot of these organizations. So what what tips would you have for other researchers that want to center communities like this in their own work?Jose Ramón Becerra Yeah, so I think that, um, it's super important to be in communication with the community, and ask them like what they need, even if that comes at the expense of modifying your research project or question, I think that if you want to center the community, the kind of data collection you do the type of analysis and all that should have them involved in they should have a say in like the kind of research you do, especially if you're going into this community fresh. And another thing, if you're doing environmental-justice-based research is to reach out to the local organizations, they are likely already doing a lot of wonderful work. They're connected to the community, they're also connected to policymakers and lawyers, and all that kind of stuff. So starting with them and talking to them having conversations and trying to be as transparent as possible can, in my opinion, take you a very long way in centering communities in your research.Brian Bienkowski I assume you still have family in the region. What's their reaction been to your to your research and your work? Have you have you taught them some things that they maybe didn't know before about where where they're from?Jose Ramón Becerra You know, they I think so. But I think they definitely teach me just as much and that's something I keep learning that like, when I come back home with the instruments, my family, my friends are super excited about it. And they helped me like even theorize for example, sometimes I'm writing a paper and I call them about like an interview we did or or like what their opinion is about, like, the relationship between something really like abstract like capitalism and pollution exposure. And they're super good at like teaching me what their perspective is. And a lot of the times it helps me even like formulate a paper on working on or, or write a piece of it and stuff like that. So I think that if anything there, they just keep teaching me and teaching me more and more stuff.Brian Bienkowski So you mentioned some of you know, some citizen science projects that you have upcoming here in a couple months. You know, maybe it's that or beyond that, what would you like to see change about the air pollution research field kind of broadly? And how do you see yourself as part of that change?Jose Ramón Becerra I think that something I would love to see is more community-based work. I think that, um, like, if we go on Google Scholar, for example, and we search up air pollution, we're gonna see 1000s of studies proving that air pollution is bad for health. And similarly, we'll see 1000s of studies showing that pollution is like, disproportionately distributed across national and global scales. So we know that these things are bad. And I think something important to look at would be community engagement, and also finding ways to merge and bring value to qualitative data and quantitative data together. I think that's what I would love to see. And I think that's what I'm trying to do with the projects that I'm engaged with as someone who's doing both very qualitative and quantitative data collection in my study. So I think that's that's my role in what I would love to see more more community based work.Brian Bienkowski What are you optimistic about?Jose Ramón Becerra I am very optimistic about a lot of the work that environmental justice organizations are already doing. Like in my hometown, or in the Inland Empire. There's people's collective for environmental justice, who are like excellent researchers, policy analyst and advocates for the community. And what I really love to see is that a lot of the folks who I've talked to, and the work that they're doing comes from, like, they're like they come from their hometown. So they're really invested in the type of work that they do. So I'm, I'm really optimistic about that. And it's inspiring to me. And I hope that future generations are able to see all this kind of work that's happening locally, and like in other communities, too. And you know, just find that inspiration and keep pushing forward for whatever cause that they're passionate about.Brian Bienkowski Well, Jose, this has been so so wonderful, I really love hearing about people's hometown, especially when they're very far from where I'm from. And when we were in person, I got to talk to you a little bit about where you're from as well. And it's just really great to hear about the research you're doing. So now I have a few fun questions before we get you out of here. You can just answer these these next three with just one word or short phrase. My first concert wasJose Ramón Becerra Wu Tang Clan.Brian Bienkowski Oh my god!Jose Ramón Becerra yeah, I, I think I also I had gone to other ones for my parents, I think and then like backyard concerts and stuff like that. But the first one like I paid for, and I was really excited about was Wu Tang.Brian Bienkowski Oh, my, oh, my goodness. So another peek behind the curtain. Jose and I talked hip hop a little bit when we were meeting in person. So Wu Tang, being your first concert is is quite something that's very cool. If I have a whole day off, I am likelyJose Ramón Becerra To invite everyone over for a carne asada.Brian Bienkowski You sound like an extrovert. I would be by myself reading a book. So one of my all time favorite movies isJose Ramón Becerra Friday.Brian Bienkowski Oh, man, me too.Jose Ramón Becerra Oh, I really, really love that movieBrian Bienkowski very much. So when I was yes, that was a that was a must watch, I would say between the ages of like, oh god, 16 to 25. I'd watch it a few times a year every year. Chris Tucker's is so fantastic in it. Well, thank you so much again, Jose, this has been a whole lot of fun. And before we get you out of here, what is the last book you read for fun? And you don't have to confine yourself to one word or a phrase here.Jose Ramón Becerra Yeah. All right. So I have like the nerdy answer to that, because I'm truly passionate about my research in my hometown. So there's a professor there named Dr. Juan de Lada, who wrote a book inland shift. And he's also like a hometown scholar that writes about the Inland Empire. So I really love that book. But something that I've read, that's just fun and not connected to my research, because I really don't read that much outside of, like, for research purposes, would probably be back in the day elementary school like Captain Underpants I really loved like the flip action. So surely that was like the last fun fun book I read, like just for fun.Brian Bienkowski Well, Jose, thank you so much. You're doing such incredible work. I'm so glad you're part of this cohort and have a great rest of your day.Jose Ramón Becerra Thank you so much.Brian Bienkowski All right. That's a wrap for this week, folks. I hope you enjoyed my conversation with Jose I think I need to dust off the old Friday DVD this weekend and give it a watch. If you enjoyed this podcast visit And while you're there, click the donate button to support us or sign up for our free monthly newsletter. Maria does such a great job putting that together. It's a great way to stay on top of all the work that fellas are doing. 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Jose Ramon Becerra Vera joins the Agents of Change in Environmental Justice podcast to discuss arming residents in his native Inland Empire region of California with air pollution data to advocate for their health and community. Becerra Vera, a current Agents of Change fellow and a Ph.D. candidate in the Department of Anthropology at Purdue University, also talks about the importance of qualitative data and how to center communities from the outset of your research.The Agents of Change in Environmental Justice podcast is a biweekly podcast featuring the stories and big ideas from past and present fellows, as well as others in the field. You can see all of the past episodes here.Listen below to our discussion with Becerra Vera and subscribe to the podcast at iTunes or Spotify. Agents of Change in Environmental Justice · Jose Ramon Becerra Vera On democratizing scienceTranscript Brian BienkowskiJose, how are you doing this morning?Jose Ramón Becerra I'm doing pretty good. How are you?Brian Bienkowski I'm doing great. And where are you this morning?Jose Ramón Becerra I am in West Lafayette, Indiana.Brian Bienkowski All right, West Lafayette, Indiana. Far away from California's inland empire where you're originally from. So I want to talk to you a little bit about the Inland Empire region. So can you tell us about this place, and perhaps how you see it may have shaped your interest in environmental justice and your research?Jose Ramón Becerra Yeah, sure. So I was born and raised in the Inland Empire. So the Inland Empire is a region in southern California. It's around 50 miles 50 miles east of Los Angeles. Really, depending on who you ask, they might define the Inland Empire differently. So some folks will conceptualize it as the entirety of San Bernardino and Riverside counties. But for me, and a lot of people in my community, we think about it as the Valley portion that's surrounded by this mountain and stone geography. Some things that I love about the places that like, depending on the city that you're at, you're probably like 10 to 15 minutes away from like a nice hike when you go up to the mountains. And you're also –depending on the traffic– only, like 40 minutes to an hour and a half away from the nearest beach. It's a primarily Latino community, who live and work there each day. So there's a lot of great food all the time. I think it's a vibrant community, I love it. And how it shapes my interest in environmental justice and research, while my whole dissertation project is kind of dedicated to looking at air pollution exposure in the in the Inland Empire region. So I would say that it shapes my projects completely. From my research questions to my field site, to the people who I work with. I don't think this came around until I was in college, though. So because I guess growing up the signs of pollution that I see now, like the diesel trucks driving by or the wildfire smoke and stuff like that was just kind of part of the ordinary environment. So it wasn't until I started going to college and learning that like, not everybody in your community should have or like, asthma rates shouldn't be that high for everyone. So that's not it wasn't until I actually got into college I started learning about the issues that I'll see on a day-to-day basis as environmental and justices.Brian Bienkowski Was it a culture shock moving to Indiana?Jose Ramón Becerra Yeah, it was 100% Was it was the first time I was out of the area. So I was like I said, born and raised there. The only other places I really frequency, the war Los Angeles area to visit family and friends or my parents hometown in Tepatitlán, Jalisco, in Mexico. So I was just back and forth in these places all the time. And outside of that, yeah, I just hadn't been outside of like a few days. Maybe I hadn't been outside of California too much. California or Mexico.Brian Bienkowski So before we get And into some of the research you've been doing about the Inland Empire and where you're at now, what is the moment or event that helped shape your identity up to this point?Jose Ramón Becerra You know, funny enough, it was actually coming to Indiana for my PhD, or for my graduate studies for my Masters, and now my PhD. So like I said, I was in the Inland Empire for so long. The only other places I really frequented were Mexico. And so I was really just kind of in the middle of like my culture every day. So whether that's like Mexican culture, or Chicano culture, or just Southern California, Inland Empire culture, I was just immersed in it 24/7. And it was kind of like what they say like, culture is kind of like water for a fish. So it wasn't until I stepped out of there started living out here that I started missing so many things about like, what I see as my identity now, which is like the music, how people dress, how they talk, just the... you know, how people engage, the language and stuff like that. So yeah, oddly enough, it wasn't until I came out here to Indiana that I started really reflecting on who I was and how I was connected to my communities and stuff like that. So yeah, I think that that moment, just living out here has really solidified who I am.Brian Bienkowski I think travel is good for that people always talk about travel in terms of introducing you to other cultures, which is obviously I think, a net good, it's a good thing. But I can say when my wife and I we live in the Upper Peninsula, Michigan, and we are very, we are very Northern Great Lakes people. And when we were in New York City for a week, which I love, you know, it's just such a vibrant place, so fun to visit. And oh my gosh, did we feel like fish out of water, though! you know, we move very slow, we talk very slow, we're in people's way. So you know, I do think there is something to be exposed to other cultures, but also it kind of reaffirms who you are, and your own culture, as you mentioned. So I want to talk about your PhD work. But while you've been doing that, during the PhD work, you've also worked as a fellow in nonprofits, including Elevate in Chicago and for the EPA, the federal agency. So what did these experiences teach you about the value of kind of qualitative versus quantitative data? And do you have any examples?Jose Ramón Becerra Yeah, so I've been lucky enough to work with, and not just with them, I've been lucky enough to work with government, with nonprofits, with environmental justice organizations, and activists, and also just community members in different research sites. And I think the first thing I want to highlight is that there are individuals from all these different places who are doing such meaningful work. They're all dedicated to making environmental justice action happen, and essentially to alleviate disproportionate exposure to pollution. And so while this is happening, something that I kind of saw when I started reflecting on my ethnographic notes, so when I was collecting data for my own dissertation study, while talking to all these people and working with them through fellowships, was that just the underlying fact that quantitative data holds more value in policy arenas than qualitative data. And oftentimes, this is for good reason. So if an agency is going to ban a chemical, for example, they have to show that there's a causal relationship between like that chemical exposure and the health detriment. But at the same time, like an example of this can be like a community that gets together to push against a factory that's emitting whatever type of pollution. Their experiences and the qualitative data they come up with –and even if they organize–, is not going to make environmental change. Oftentimes, what happens is that this causes attention to whatever issues going on, it pulls in scientists and other people to do research and to do those quantitative studies to then make change. But unfortunately, what's happening is that while this science is getting done, or this quantitative data collection is getting done, and analysis and reports are getting written, it's a really slow movement, science is slow in many of those situations, and all the while people are being exposed to that same pollution. So there's no protections that are being offered, even when they present that qualitative information to whoever triggers like these other responses.Brian Bienkowski And so I don't want to put words in your mouth, but this qualitative data that mean these can be things like surveys, personal experiences, and in some cases, you know, in my profession, it's not it's not science, but in journalism, I mean, we look at storytelling and telling these people stories and narratives and communities as kind of a form of qualitative data. And and I think you can, you can tell that that can be really powerful, but as you said, the turns of the regulatory environment and science can move slowly sometimes. Jose, I should have set the stage before that question for you. listeners, what exactly you mentioned air pollution and kind of this data collection. Can you tell us what kind of science and research you're doing?Jose Ramón Becerra Yeah, so I do a lot of anthropology. So I'm in nog refer that means that I, like immerse myself in a community and collect a lot of qualitative data. So I do things like, participant observation. So I do observations and take notes on that. I do a lot of interviews with people. And at the same time, I'm doing community science, where I'm using portable pollution monitors to collect data with people who are from the Inland Empire. So I'm investigating through the frameworks of like political ecology, which is the idea that we're looking at the social-political dimensions of environmental change throughout time. So is like capitalism driving this change? What are the policies driving this change in? How does an environment become toxic, and I'm also really interested in who's exposed to pollution. So that's the environmental justice dimension of it that I include into my research.Brian Bienkowski So I want to talk more about the environmental concerns in the Inland Empire region. I think most of us when we hear warehouses, we don't associate them with pollution, we think of a big Amazon warehouse or something. But can you explain why this dense network of warehouses that exists there in the Inland Empire, what it looks like and what the environmental concerns and impacts are?Jose Ramón Becerra Yeah, so it's really interesting, you bring that up, because... so growing up, I'm from a city, Ontario, California, that's within the Inland Empire. And we have some of the highest warehouse density there. But I never really connected how they were, like sources of pollution. In my head, I was like, "Well, are they producing something in there that's, you know, driving up, like pollution in the region or whatnot?" But so if you look at the larger region, we have over 1 billion square feet of warehouses there. And like I said, we're in close proximity to Los Angeles. So what happens is that each day, we get ships full of containers that have goods inside of them, those containers get hauled eastward into the Inland Empire, it's estimated that 40% of all goods that come into the nation go through the Inland Empire, then the warehouses are locations where workers unload the containers, then later, repackage them and send them out to the rest of the nation, surrounding communities, via rail yard, diesel truck, and airplanes. And all of this transportation just increases massive amounts of pollution in the region that's been trapped by that mountainous dome geography I talked about a little bit earlier.Brian Bienkowski Can you talk about that geography and why it's problematic and how it traps pollutants?Jose Ramón Becerra Yeah, so if you look at a map for San Bernardino and Riverside County, you'll see that it's like this, this mountain that's connecting... this mountain range that connects the Los Angeles area to the Inland Empire. But then there's like this other barrier, kind of east and south of it, so all that, like mountainous dome geography traps pollution there, that comes from Los Angeles, that comes from the warehouse industry. And at the same time, we have with climate change a lot of more wildfires that burn more intensely and more frequent in the region. So even the wildfire smoke accumulates in that same space.Brian Bienkowski So otherwise, the air pollutants would be able to kind of push on into the atmosphere, but here they're getting trapped and kind of hovering above the community, right. So in this battle of residence against developers that I've talked to you about separately, and I know you're thinking and writing about these things, in that region, you say developers are often using outdated evidence and stationary monitor data. So what is your research shown about the monitoring data used and why it can be misleading?Jose Ramón Becerra Yeah, so the whole idea about outdated evidence came from when I was seeing participant observation. So I was following this, this applicant who was trying to build another warehouse in the Bloomington area, which is an unincorporated area in the Inland Empire. And when they were applying to do this, there was moments for the public to gather and kind of have their own comments about the warehouse, and if they wanted, they want to invite it in or not. And so the community was really great at organizing environmental justice organizations gathered the community, there's a lot of folks who are concerned individually. So a lot of folks were going up and giving their testimonials and they were like really talking about how air pollution had been damaging their health or the health of their children, for example, or even talking about like the cancer rates in the area. And in one of those testimonials, one of the one of the people who were, one of the persons talking kind of hinted at the fact that the environmental impact report was misleading. So it was through this person's own analysis and like reading the document that they were identifying that the data that they were using was outdated. And this got me really thinking about things like data sources, and scientific instrumentation, and even analysis. So depending on, like, how you're making your analysis, where the data is coming from, there could be a lot of things that are misleading when we're thinking about personal exposure. And so another thing that I'm really looking at is the differences between, or the limitations, at least, of stationary monitor data. So in places like the Inland Empire, especially where the environment is quickly changing, so we have warehouses that are built within months sometimes. And so the macro geography is constantly changing, people aren't just fixed in one location at all times. So as you know, like throughout our day, depending on our job, depending on what our daily activities look like, we're inside of houses, outdoors, in apartments, in your job side, on the street, driving through traffic, and all these different things are going to expose you to different levels of pollution. So just thinking about how there's these spatial temporal elements of people's activity is important how micro geography –so like the built environment, and how it's changing– also impacts different levels of exposure in the same region.Brian Bienkowski So I live in Sault Sainte Marie Michigan, and across the river is Sault Sainte Marie, Canada, same same name, different city, and there's a massive steel plant, and they all have their air monitoring at one time was placed, northwest of the building, and we live by Lake Superior. So the winds are always coming from the Northwest. And maybe I have this backwards. Basically, they had these monitors in a place where it was never capturing what was actually the air, you know, the wind was coming from the other direction. And so these stationary monitors were just completely they were really useless for a long time. And that's what the federal government relied on, it was industry data. So in your case, how do you how do you account for these micro geographies? Are you working with citizens or residents to try to do some monitoring that you feel is better and more accurate of what's actually happening?Jose Ramón Becerra So one of the projects that I'm doing, and I'm going to be doing from August to December this year, is working with community scientists to carry portable pollution monitors that are GPS-enabled. And this is a collaboration with Dr. Uman Park at University of Connecticut, that and so the project basically is going to be trying to account for how people navigate space. And while they carry these monitors, I'm gonna be able to tell how much pollution they're exposed to, throughout their daily activities, I'm also going to be in the community working with them to train them how to take behavioral notes, and this is going to be done through Qualtrics. So it's a widget that I'm gonna download into their phone, if they want to take notes on their cell phone, or if they want to use a voice recorder, they have that option. And then we're also taking demographic surveys. So that way we can make an analysis when we have enough data to show how social demographics might influence things like access to different types of jobs, and those jobs put you at different levels of exposure compared to you know, whatever, like just depending on the job, you might be exposed to different levels of exposure. So we're going to be really thinking critically about how access to job and just access to and wasted navigate space are kind of shaped by social demographics that are like embedded in deeper roots of like racial capitalism in the region.Brian Bienkowski How do you see these efforts as democratizing science in the region?Jose Ramón Becerra Yeah, so, um, I think that I see this effort is democratizing science, and that the first thing is that it's giving something that's legible for these policy arenas. When people talk about their experiences, like we should value them, that qualitative information should be valued. But for now, I think that it's important to still equip people with the scientific instrumentation in order to make their claims legible. So I think that I'm trying to join that qualitative aspect with the more quantitative and spatial data so that way, when it comes to people advocating for themselves, they have the data that's seen in these policy arenas. And at the same time, something that I see happen when people are advocating for themselves through testimonials is that they're up against people who are considered experts for the quantitative data. And by letting them collect data, it's kind of making them the experts. So they're learning why they're collecting data, how the monitors work, what kind of data they're collecting. So in their own way, they're becoming experts, not just of their own experiences, but also of the data collection process. And so in these two ways, I think that it's it's an effort to democratize science in the community.Brian Bienkowski I really liked that idea that they're already experts have their own experience. And this is making them experts in the data collection. That's a really cool way of thinking about it. I like that. Are you getting pushback in the region at all? Or is there pushback with this kind of economic versus or environmental thing? I have to imagine a good number of the residents work in many of these warehouses and provide for their families. So what's that kind of balancing act been like?Jose Ramón Becerra Yeah, I definitely see this, even in the Commission hearings I mentioned earlier, where there is a lot of people from the community who are trying to push against the warehouse, industry and just development in general. But then there's other people who are like in construction, who might be employed to build these warehouses that are kind of advocating for those jobs, because they're going to be local. They don't have to drive up like to Northern California, for example, to you know, do their job, tey could be next to their family. So there is pushback in that sense. But I think, in general, what I've seen is that people are really concerned with the type of jobs that these warehouses even provide. So what happens in the region is that many of the jobs available there are through agencies. So if you want a job there, you could start by going to an agency, and then the agency, like, recommends you to a warehouse and you start working there, but you're not actually hired through the company. So not being hired to the company has its own consequences, like there's limited liability they're accountable for, sometimes they don't have to provide health insurance and things like that, and you get lower pay. So when it comes to actual warehouse workers, I think that they know that these warehouses aren't necessarily like the like, what they want for their own future for their children's future. So I think that there's also a lot of people who are advocating for like, a different type of industry to, you know, come into the area.Brian Bienkowski I know personally, what I've written about the steel plant I mentioned earlier, you know, I have family who knows workers there and stuff around here. And the idea is not that we are, or I should I should speak for myself, you know, that we're not blaming the workers here. You know, the workers deserve protection, they deserve knowledge, they deserve data. And a lot of times, it's the people who have power and money and who are running these plants or warehouses or, you know, fleets of trucks that have the opportunity to reduce pollution, and they're not doing it because of various reasons. So I always try to make that clear that this isn't, we're not attacking the workers, you know, that it's definitely not their fault that, you know, this is this is goes higher than that to the regulatory, and kind of corporate level of a lot of these organizations. So what what tips would you have for other researchers that want to center communities like this in their own work?Jose Ramón Becerra Yeah, so I think that, um, it's super important to be in communication with the community, and ask them like what they need, even if that comes at the expense of modifying your research project or question, I think that if you want to center the community, the kind of data collection you do the type of analysis and all that should have them involved in they should have a say in like the kind of research you do, especially if you're going into this community fresh. And another thing, if you're doing environmental-justice-based research is to reach out to the local organizations, they are likely already doing a lot of wonderful work. They're connected to the community, they're also connected to policymakers and lawyers, and all that kind of stuff. So starting with them and talking to them having conversations and trying to be as transparent as possible can, in my opinion, take you a very long way in centering communities in your research.Brian Bienkowski I assume you still have family in the region. What's their reaction been to your to your research and your work? Have you have you taught them some things that they maybe didn't know before about where where they're from?Jose Ramón Becerra You know, they I think so. But I think they definitely teach me just as much and that's something I keep learning that like, when I come back home with the instruments, my family, my friends are super excited about it. And they helped me like even theorize for example, sometimes I'm writing a paper and I call them about like an interview we did or or like what their opinion is about, like, the relationship between something really like abstract like capitalism and pollution exposure. And they're super good at like teaching me what their perspective is. And a lot of the times it helps me even like formulate a paper on working on or, or write a piece of it and stuff like that. So I think that if anything there, they just keep teaching me and teaching me more and more stuff.Brian Bienkowski So you mentioned some of you know, some citizen science projects that you have upcoming here in a couple months. You know, maybe it's that or beyond that, what would you like to see change about the air pollution research field kind of broadly? And how do you see yourself as part of that change?Jose Ramón Becerra I think that something I would love to see is more community-based work. I think that, um, like, if we go on Google Scholar, for example, and we search up air pollution, we're gonna see 1000s of studies proving that air pollution is bad for health. And similarly, we'll see 1000s of studies showing that pollution is like, disproportionately distributed across national and global scales. So we know that these things are bad. And I think something important to look at would be community engagement, and also finding ways to merge and bring value to qualitative data and quantitative data together. I think that's what I would love to see. And I think that's what I'm trying to do with the projects that I'm engaged with as someone who's doing both very qualitative and quantitative data collection in my study. So I think that's that's my role in what I would love to see more more community based work.Brian Bienkowski What are you optimistic about?Jose Ramón Becerra I am very optimistic about a lot of the work that environmental justice organizations are already doing. Like in my hometown, or in the Inland Empire. There's people's collective for environmental justice, who are like excellent researchers, policy analyst and advocates for the community. And what I really love to see is that a lot of the folks who I've talked to, and the work that they're doing comes from, like, they're like they come from their hometown. So they're really invested in the type of work that they do. So I'm, I'm really optimistic about that. And it's inspiring to me. And I hope that future generations are able to see all this kind of work that's happening locally, and like in other communities, too. And you know, just find that inspiration and keep pushing forward for whatever cause that they're passionate about.Brian Bienkowski Well, Jose, this has been so so wonderful, I really love hearing about people's hometown, especially when they're very far from where I'm from. And when we were in person, I got to talk to you a little bit about where you're from as well. And it's just really great to hear about the research you're doing. So now I have a few fun questions before we get you out of here. You can just answer these these next three with just one word or short phrase. My first concert wasJose Ramón Becerra Wu Tang Clan.Brian Bienkowski Oh my god!Jose Ramón Becerra yeah, I, I think I also I had gone to other ones for my parents, I think and then like backyard concerts and stuff like that. But the first one like I paid for, and I was really excited about was Wu Tang.Brian Bienkowski Oh, my, oh, my goodness. So another peek behind the curtain. Jose and I talked hip hop a little bit when we were meeting in person. So Wu Tang, being your first concert is is quite something that's very cool. If I have a whole day off, I am likelyJose Ramón Becerra To invite everyone over for a carne asada.Brian Bienkowski You sound like an extrovert. I would be by myself reading a book. So one of my all time favorite movies isJose Ramón Becerra Friday.Brian Bienkowski Oh, man, me too.Jose Ramón Becerra Oh, I really, really love that movieBrian Bienkowski very much. So when I was yes, that was a that was a must watch, I would say between the ages of like, oh god, 16 to 25. I'd watch it a few times a year every year. Chris Tucker's is so fantastic in it. Well, thank you so much again, Jose, this has been a whole lot of fun. And before we get you out of here, what is the last book you read for fun? And you don't have to confine yourself to one word or a phrase here.Jose Ramón Becerra Yeah. All right. So I have like the nerdy answer to that, because I'm truly passionate about my research in my hometown. So there's a professor there named Dr. Juan de Lada, who wrote a book inland shift. And he's also like a hometown scholar that writes about the Inland Empire. So I really love that book. But something that I've read, that's just fun and not connected to my research, because I really don't read that much outside of, like, for research purposes, would probably be back in the day elementary school like Captain Underpants I really loved like the flip action. So surely that was like the last fun fun book I read, like just for fun.Brian Bienkowski Well, Jose, thank you so much. You're doing such incredible work. I'm so glad you're part of this cohort and have a great rest of your day.Jose Ramón Becerra Thank you so much.Brian Bienkowski All right. That's a wrap for this week, folks. I hope you enjoyed my conversation with Jose I think I need to dust off the old Friday DVD this weekend and give it a watch. If you enjoyed this podcast visit And while you're there, click the donate button to support us or sign up for our free monthly newsletter. Maria does such a great job putting that together. It's a great way to stay on top of all the work that fellas are doing. 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Jose Ramon Becerra Vera joins the Agents of Change in Environmental Justice podcast to discuss arming residents in his native Inland Empire region of California with air pollution data to advocate for their health and community.

Becerra Vera, a current Agents of Change fellow and a Ph.D. candidate in the Department of Anthropology at Purdue University, also talks about the importance of qualitative data and how to center communities from the outset of your research.

The Agents of Change in Environmental Justice podcast is a biweekly podcast featuring the stories and big ideas from past and present fellows, as well as others in the field. You can see all of the past episodes here.

Listen below to our discussion with Becerra Vera and subscribe to the podcast at iTunes or Spotify.

Agents of Change in Environmental Justice · Jose Ramon Becerra Vera On democratizing science


Brian Bienkowski

Jose, how are you doing this morning?

Jose Ramón Becerra

I'm doing pretty good. How are you?

Brian Bienkowski

I'm doing great. And where are you this morning?

Jose Ramón Becerra

I am in West Lafayette, Indiana.

Brian Bienkowski

All right, West Lafayette, Indiana. Far away from California's inland empire where you're originally from. So I want to talk to you a little bit about the Inland Empire region. So can you tell us about this place, and perhaps how you see it may have shaped your interest in environmental justice and your research?

Jose Ramón Becerra

Yeah, sure. So I was born and raised in the Inland Empire. So the Inland Empire is a region in southern California. It's around 50 miles 50 miles east of Los Angeles. Really, depending on who you ask, they might define the Inland Empire differently. So some folks will conceptualize it as the entirety of San Bernardino and Riverside counties. But for me, and a lot of people in my community, we think about it as the Valley portion that's surrounded by this mountain and stone geography. Some things that I love about the places that like, depending on the city that you're at, you're probably like 10 to 15 minutes away from like a nice hike when you go up to the mountains. And you're also –depending on the traffic– only, like 40 minutes to an hour and a half away from the nearest beach. It's a primarily Latino community, who live and work there each day. So there's a lot of great food all the time. I think it's a vibrant community, I love it. And how it shapes my interest in environmental justice and research, while my whole dissertation project is kind of dedicated to looking at air pollution exposure in the in the Inland Empire region. So I would say that it shapes my projects completely. From my research questions to my field site, to the people who I work with. I don't think this came around until I was in college, though. So because I guess growing up the signs of pollution that I see now, like the diesel trucks driving by or the wildfire smoke and stuff like that was just kind of part of the ordinary environment. So it wasn't until I started going to college and learning that like, not everybody in your community should have or like, asthma rates shouldn't be that high for everyone. So that's not it wasn't until I actually got into college I started learning about the issues that I'll see on a day-to-day basis as environmental and justices.

Brian Bienkowski

Was it a culture shock moving to Indiana?

Jose Ramón Becerra

Yeah, it was 100% Was it was the first time I was out of the area. So I was like I said, born and raised there. The only other places I really frequency, the war Los Angeles area to visit family and friends or my parents hometown in Tepatitlán, Jalisco, in Mexico. So I was just back and forth in these places all the time. And outside of that, yeah, I just hadn't been outside of like a few days. Maybe I hadn't been outside of California too much. California or Mexico.

Brian Bienkowski

So before we get And into some of the research you've been doing about the Inland Empire and where you're at now, what is the moment or event that helped shape your identity up to this point?

Jose Ramón Becerra

You know, funny enough, it was actually coming to Indiana for my PhD, or for my graduate studies for my Masters, and now my PhD. So like I said, I was in the Inland Empire for so long. The only other places I really frequented were Mexico. And so I was really just kind of in the middle of like my culture every day. So whether that's like Mexican culture, or Chicano culture, or just Southern California, Inland Empire culture, I was just immersed in it 24/7. And it was kind of like what they say like, culture is kind of like water for a fish. So it wasn't until I stepped out of there started living out here that I started missing so many things about like, what I see as my identity now, which is like the music, how people dress, how they talk, just the... you know, how people engage, the language and stuff like that. So yeah, oddly enough, it wasn't until I came out here to Indiana that I started really reflecting on who I was and how I was connected to my communities and stuff like that. So yeah, I think that that moment, just living out here has really solidified who I am.

Brian Bienkowski

I think travel is good for that people always talk about travel in terms of introducing you to other cultures, which is obviously I think, a net good, it's a good thing. But I can say when my wife and I we live in the Upper Peninsula, Michigan, and we are very, we are very Northern Great Lakes people. And when we were in New York City for a week, which I love, you know, it's just such a vibrant place, so fun to visit. And oh my gosh, did we feel like fish out of water, though! you know, we move very slow, we talk very slow, we're in people's way. So you know, I do think there is something to be exposed to other cultures, but also it kind of reaffirms who you are, and your own culture, as you mentioned. So I want to talk about your PhD work. But while you've been doing that, during the PhD work, you've also worked as a fellow in nonprofits, including Elevate in Chicago and for the EPA, the federal agency. So what did these experiences teach you about the value of kind of qualitative versus quantitative data? And do you have any examples?

Jose Ramón Becerra

Yeah, so I've been lucky enough to work with, and not just with them, I've been lucky enough to work with government, with nonprofits, with environmental justice organizations, and activists, and also just community members in different research sites. And I think the first thing I want to highlight is that there are individuals from all these different places who are doing such meaningful work. They're all dedicated to making environmental justice action happen, and essentially to alleviate disproportionate exposure to pollution. And so while this is happening, something that I kind of saw when I started reflecting on my ethnographic notes, so when I was collecting data for my own dissertation study, while talking to all these people and working with them through fellowships, was that just the underlying fact that quantitative data holds more value in policy arenas than qualitative data. And oftentimes, this is for good reason. So if an agency is going to ban a chemical, for example, they have to show that there's a causal relationship between like that chemical exposure and the health detriment. But at the same time, like an example of this can be like a community that gets together to push against a factory that's emitting whatever type of pollution. Their experiences and the qualitative data they come up with –and even if they organize–, is not going to make environmental change. Oftentimes, what happens is that this causes attention to whatever issues going on, it pulls in scientists and other people to do research and to do those quantitative studies to then make change. But unfortunately, what's happening is that while this science is getting done, or this quantitative data collection is getting done, and analysis and reports are getting written, it's a really slow movement, science is slow in many of those situations, and all the while people are being exposed to that same pollution. So there's no protections that are being offered, even when they present that qualitative information to whoever triggers like these other responses.

Brian Bienkowski

And so I don't want to put words in your mouth, but this qualitative data that mean these can be things like surveys, personal experiences, and in some cases, you know, in my profession, it's not it's not science, but in journalism, I mean, we look at storytelling and telling these people stories and narratives and communities as kind of a form of qualitative data. And and I think you can, you can tell that that can be really powerful, but as you said, the turns of the regulatory environment and science can move slowly sometimes. Jose, I should have set the stage before that question for you. listeners, what exactly you mentioned air pollution and kind of this data collection. Can you tell us what kind of science and research you're doing?

Jose Ramón Becerra

Yeah, so I do a lot of anthropology. So I'm in nog refer that means that I, like immerse myself in a community and collect a lot of qualitative data. So I do things like, participant observation. So I do observations and take notes on that. I do a lot of interviews with people. And at the same time, I'm doing community science, where I'm using portable pollution monitors to collect data with people who are from the Inland Empire. So I'm investigating through the frameworks of like political ecology, which is the idea that we're looking at the social-political dimensions of environmental change throughout time. So is like capitalism driving this change? What are the policies driving this change in? How does an environment become toxic, and I'm also really interested in who's exposed to pollution. So that's the environmental justice dimension of it that I include into my research.

Brian Bienkowski

So I want to talk more about the environmental concerns in the Inland Empire region. I think most of us when we hear warehouses, we don't associate them with pollution, we think of a big Amazon warehouse or something. But can you explain why this dense network of warehouses that exists there in the Inland Empire, what it looks like and what the environmental concerns and impacts are?

Jose Ramón Becerra

Yeah, so it's really interesting, you bring that up, because... so growing up, I'm from a city, Ontario, California, that's within the Inland Empire. And we have some of the highest warehouse density there. But I never really connected how they were, like sources of pollution. In my head, I was like, "Well, are they producing something in there that's, you know, driving up, like pollution in the region or whatnot?" But so if you look at the larger region, we have over 1 billion square feet of warehouses there. And like I said, we're in close proximity to Los Angeles. So what happens is that each day, we get ships full of containers that have goods inside of them, those containers get hauled eastward into the Inland Empire, it's estimated that 40% of all goods that come into the nation go through the Inland Empire, then the warehouses are locations where workers unload the containers, then later, repackage them and send them out to the rest of the nation, surrounding communities, via rail yard, diesel truck, and airplanes. And all of this transportation just increases massive amounts of pollution in the region that's been trapped by that mountainous dome geography I talked about a little bit earlier.

Brian Bienkowski

Can you talk about that geography and why it's problematic and how it traps pollutants?

Jose Ramón Becerra

Yeah, so if you look at a map for San Bernardino and Riverside County, you'll see that it's like this, this mountain that's connecting... this mountain range that connects the Los Angeles area to the Inland Empire. But then there's like this other barrier, kind of east and south of it, so all that, like mountainous dome geography traps pollution there, that comes from Los Angeles, that comes from the warehouse industry. And at the same time, we have with climate change a lot of more wildfires that burn more intensely and more frequent in the region. So even the wildfire smoke accumulates in that same space.

Brian Bienkowski

So otherwise, the air pollutants would be able to kind of push on into the atmosphere, but here they're getting trapped and kind of hovering above the community, right. So in this battle of residence against developers that I've talked to you about separately, and I know you're thinking and writing about these things, in that region, you say developers are often using outdated evidence and stationary monitor data. So what is your research shown about the monitoring data used and why it can be misleading?

Jose Ramón Becerra

Yeah, so the whole idea about outdated evidence came from when I was seeing participant observation. So I was following this, this applicant who was trying to build another warehouse in the Bloomington area, which is an unincorporated area in the Inland Empire. And when they were applying to do this, there was moments for the public to gather and kind of have their own comments about the warehouse, and if they wanted, they want to invite it in or not. And so the community was really great at organizing environmental justice organizations gathered the community, there's a lot of folks who are concerned individually. So a lot of folks were going up and giving their testimonials and they were like really talking about how air pollution had been damaging their health or the health of their children, for example, or even talking about like the cancer rates in the area. And in one of those testimonials, one of the one of the people who were, one of the persons talking kind of hinted at the fact that the environmental impact report was misleading. So it was through this person's own analysis and like reading the document that they were identifying that the data that they were using was outdated. And this got me really thinking about things like data sources, and scientific instrumentation, and even analysis. So depending on, like, how you're making your analysis, where the data is coming from, there could be a lot of things that are misleading when we're thinking about personal exposure. And so another thing that I'm really looking at is the differences between, or the limitations, at least, of stationary monitor data. So in places like the Inland Empire, especially where the environment is quickly changing, so we have warehouses that are built within months sometimes. And so the macro geography is constantly changing, people aren't just fixed in one location at all times. So as you know, like throughout our day, depending on our job, depending on what our daily activities look like, we're inside of houses, outdoors, in apartments, in your job side, on the street, driving through traffic, and all these different things are going to expose you to different levels of pollution. So just thinking about how there's these spatial temporal elements of people's activity is important how micro geography –so like the built environment, and how it's changing– also impacts different levels of exposure in the same region.

Brian Bienkowski

So I live in Sault Sainte Marie Michigan, and across the river is Sault Sainte Marie, Canada, same same name, different city, and there's a massive steel plant, and they all have their air monitoring at one time was placed, northwest of the building, and we live by Lake Superior. So the winds are always coming from the Northwest. And maybe I have this backwards. Basically, they had these monitors in a place where it was never capturing what was actually the air, you know, the wind was coming from the other direction. And so these stationary monitors were just completely they were really useless for a long time. And that's what the federal government relied on, it was industry data. So in your case, how do you how do you account for these micro geographies? Are you working with citizens or residents to try to do some monitoring that you feel is better and more accurate of what's actually happening?

Jose Ramón Becerra

So one of the projects that I'm doing, and I'm going to be doing from August to December this year, is working with community scientists to carry portable pollution monitors that are GPS-enabled. And this is a collaboration with Dr. Uman Park at University of Connecticut, that and so the project basically is going to be trying to account for how people navigate space. And while they carry these monitors, I'm gonna be able to tell how much pollution they're exposed to, throughout their daily activities, I'm also going to be in the community working with them to train them how to take behavioral notes, and this is going to be done through Qualtrics. So it's a widget that I'm gonna download into their phone, if they want to take notes on their cell phone, or if they want to use a voice recorder, they have that option. And then we're also taking demographic surveys. So that way we can make an analysis when we have enough data to show how social demographics might influence things like access to different types of jobs, and those jobs put you at different levels of exposure compared to you know, whatever, like just depending on the job, you might be exposed to different levels of exposure. So we're going to be really thinking critically about how access to job and just access to and wasted navigate space are kind of shaped by social demographics that are like embedded in deeper roots of like racial capitalism in the region.

Brian Bienkowski

How do you see these efforts as democratizing science in the region?

Jose Ramón Becerra

Yeah, so, um, I think that I see this effort is democratizing science, and that the first thing is that it's giving something that's legible for these policy arenas. When people talk about their experiences, like we should value them, that qualitative information should be valued. But for now, I think that it's important to still equip people with the scientific instrumentation in order to make their claims legible. So I think that I'm trying to join that qualitative aspect with the more quantitative and spatial data so that way, when it comes to people advocating for themselves, they have the data that's seen in these policy arenas. And at the same time, something that I see happen when people are advocating for themselves through testimonials is that they're up against people who are considered experts for the quantitative data. And by letting them collect data, it's kind of making them the experts. So they're learning why they're collecting data, how the monitors work, what kind of data they're collecting. So in their own way, they're becoming experts, not just of their own experiences, but also of the data collection process. And so in these two ways, I think that it's it's an effort to democratize science in the community.

Brian Bienkowski

I really liked that idea that they're already experts have their own experience. And this is making them experts in the data collection. That's a really cool way of thinking about it. I like that. Are you getting pushback in the region at all? Or is there pushback with this kind of economic versus or environmental thing? I have to imagine a good number of the residents work in many of these warehouses and provide for their families. So what's that kind of balancing act been like?

Jose Ramón Becerra

Yeah, I definitely see this, even in the Commission hearings I mentioned earlier, where there is a lot of people from the community who are trying to push against the warehouse, industry and just development in general. But then there's other people who are like in construction, who might be employed to build these warehouses that are kind of advocating for those jobs, because they're going to be local. They don't have to drive up like to Northern California, for example, to you know, do their job, tey could be next to their family. So there is pushback in that sense. But I think, in general, what I've seen is that people are really concerned with the type of jobs that these warehouses even provide. So what happens in the region is that many of the jobs available there are through agencies. So if you want a job there, you could start by going to an agency, and then the agency, like, recommends you to a warehouse and you start working there, but you're not actually hired through the company. So not being hired to the company has its own consequences, like there's limited liability they're accountable for, sometimes they don't have to provide health insurance and things like that, and you get lower pay. So when it comes to actual warehouse workers, I think that they know that these warehouses aren't necessarily like the like, what they want for their own future for their children's future. So I think that there's also a lot of people who are advocating for like, a different type of industry to, you know, come into the area.

Brian Bienkowski

I know personally, what I've written about the steel plant I mentioned earlier, you know, I have family who knows workers there and stuff around here. And the idea is not that we are, or I should I should speak for myself, you know, that we're not blaming the workers here. You know, the workers deserve protection, they deserve knowledge, they deserve data. And a lot of times, it's the people who have power and money and who are running these plants or warehouses or, you know, fleets of trucks that have the opportunity to reduce pollution, and they're not doing it because of various reasons. So I always try to make that clear that this isn't, we're not attacking the workers, you know, that it's definitely not their fault that, you know, this is this is goes higher than that to the regulatory, and kind of corporate level of a lot of these organizations. So what what tips would you have for other researchers that want to center communities like this in their own work?

Jose Ramón Becerra

Yeah, so I think that, um, it's super important to be in communication with the community, and ask them like what they need, even if that comes at the expense of modifying your research project or question, I think that if you want to center the community, the kind of data collection you do the type of analysis and all that should have them involved in they should have a say in like the kind of research you do, especially if you're going into this community fresh. And another thing, if you're doing environmental-justice-based research is to reach out to the local organizations, they are likely already doing a lot of wonderful work. They're connected to the community, they're also connected to policymakers and lawyers, and all that kind of stuff. So starting with them and talking to them having conversations and trying to be as transparent as possible can, in my opinion, take you a very long way in centering communities in your research.

Brian Bienkowski

I assume you still have family in the region. What's their reaction been to your to your research and your work? Have you have you taught them some things that they maybe didn't know before about where where they're from?

Jose Ramón Becerra

You know, they I think so. But I think they definitely teach me just as much and that's something I keep learning that like, when I come back home with the instruments, my family, my friends are super excited about it. And they helped me like even theorize for example, sometimes I'm writing a paper and I call them about like an interview we did or or like what their opinion is about, like, the relationship between something really like abstract like capitalism and pollution exposure. And they're super good at like teaching me what their perspective is. And a lot of the times it helps me even like formulate a paper on working on or, or write a piece of it and stuff like that. So I think that if anything there, they just keep teaching me and teaching me more and more stuff.

Brian Bienkowski

So you mentioned some of you know, some citizen science projects that you have upcoming here in a couple months. You know, maybe it's that or beyond that, what would you like to see change about the air pollution research field kind of broadly? And how do you see yourself as part of that change?

Jose Ramón Becerra

I think that something I would love to see is more community-based work. I think that, um, like, if we go on Google Scholar, for example, and we search up air pollution, we're gonna see 1000s of studies proving that air pollution is bad for health. And similarly, we'll see 1000s of studies showing that pollution is like, disproportionately distributed across national and global scales. So we know that these things are bad. And I think something important to look at would be community engagement, and also finding ways to merge and bring value to qualitative data and quantitative data together. I think that's what I would love to see. And I think that's what I'm trying to do with the projects that I'm engaged with as someone who's doing both very qualitative and quantitative data collection in my study. So I think that's that's my role in what I would love to see more more community based work.

Brian Bienkowski

What are you optimistic about?

Jose Ramón Becerra

I am very optimistic about a lot of the work that environmental justice organizations are already doing. Like in my hometown, or in the Inland Empire. There's people's collective for environmental justice, who are like excellent researchers, policy analyst and advocates for the community. And what I really love to see is that a lot of the folks who I've talked to, and the work that they're doing comes from, like, they're like they come from their hometown. So they're really invested in the type of work that they do. So I'm, I'm really optimistic about that. And it's inspiring to me. And I hope that future generations are able to see all this kind of work that's happening locally, and like in other communities, too. And you know, just find that inspiration and keep pushing forward for whatever cause that they're passionate about.

Brian Bienkowski

Well, Jose, this has been so so wonderful, I really love hearing about people's hometown, especially when they're very far from where I'm from. And when we were in person, I got to talk to you a little bit about where you're from as well. And it's just really great to hear about the research you're doing. So now I have a few fun questions before we get you out of here. You can just answer these these next three with just one word or short phrase. My first concert was

Jose Ramón Becerra

Wu Tang Clan.

Brian Bienkowski

Oh my god!

Jose Ramón Becerra

yeah, I, I think I also I had gone to other ones for my parents, I think and then like backyard concerts and stuff like that. But the first one like I paid for, and I was really excited about was Wu Tang.

Brian Bienkowski

Oh, my, oh, my goodness. So another peek behind the curtain. Jose and I talked hip hop a little bit when we were meeting in person. So Wu Tang, being your first concert is is quite something that's very cool. If I have a whole day off, I am likely

Jose Ramón Becerra

To invite everyone over for a carne asada.

Brian Bienkowski

You sound like an extrovert. I would be by myself reading a book. So one of my all time favorite movies is

Jose Ramón Becerra


Brian Bienkowski

Oh, man, me too.

Jose Ramón Becerra

Oh, I really, really love that movie

Brian Bienkowski

very much. So when I was yes, that was a that was a must watch, I would say between the ages of like, oh god, 16 to 25. I'd watch it a few times a year every year. Chris Tucker's is so fantastic in it. Well, thank you so much again, Jose, this has been a whole lot of fun. And before we get you out of here, what is the last book you read for fun? And you don't have to confine yourself to one word or a phrase here.

Jose Ramón Becerra

Yeah. All right. So I have like the nerdy answer to that, because I'm truly passionate about my research in my hometown. So there's a professor there named Dr. Juan de Lada, who wrote a book inland shift. And he's also like a hometown scholar that writes about the Inland Empire. So I really love that book. But something that I've read, that's just fun and not connected to my research, because I really don't read that much outside of, like, for research purposes, would probably be back in the day elementary school like Captain Underpants I really loved like the flip action. So surely that was like the last fun fun book I read, like just for fun.

Brian Bienkowski

Well, Jose, thank you so much. You're doing such incredible work. I'm so glad you're part of this cohort and have a great rest of your day.

Jose Ramón Becerra

Thank you so much.

Brian Bienkowski

All right. That's a wrap for this week, folks. I hope you enjoyed my conversation with Jose I think I need to dust off the old Friday DVD this weekend and give it a watch. If you enjoyed this podcast visit And while you're there, click the donate button to support us or sign up for our free monthly newsletter. Maria does such a great job putting that together. It's a great way to stay on top of all the work that fellas are doing. You can also find us on X and Instagram and please follow us on Spotify or iTunes where you can subscribe, give us a rating and never miss an episode.

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3 Questions: The past, present, and future of sustainability science

Professor Ronald Prinn reflects on how far sustainability has come as a discipline, and where it all began at MIT.

It was 1978, over a decade before the word “sustainable” would infiltrate environmental nomenclature, and Ronald Prinn, MIT professor of atmospheric science, had just founded the Advanced Global Atmospheric Gases Experiment (AGAGE). Today, AGAGE provides real-time measurements for well over 50 environmentally harmful trace gases, enabling us to determine emissions at the country level, a key element in verifying national adherence to the Montreal Protocol and the Paris Accord. This, Prinn says, started him thinking about doing science that informed decision making.Much like global interest in sustainability, Prinn’s interest and involvement continued to grow into what would become three decades worth of achievements in sustainability science. The Center for Global Change Science (CGCS) and Joint Program on the Science and Policy Global Change, respectively founded and co-founded by Prinn, have recently joined forces to create the MIT School of Science’s new Center for Sustainability Science and Strategy (CS3), lead by former CGCS postdoc turned MIT professor, Noelle Selin.As he prepares to pass the torch, Prinn reflects on how far sustainability has come, and where it all began.Q: Tell us about the motivation for the MIT centers you helped to found around sustainability.A: In 1990 after I founded the Center for Global Change Science, I also co-founded the Joint Program on the Science and Policy Global Change with a very important partner, [Henry] “Jake” Jacoby. He’s now retired, but at that point he was a professor in the MIT Sloan School of Management. Together, we determined that in order to answer questions related to what we now call sustainability of human activities, you need to combine the natural and social sciences involved in these processes. Based on this, we decided to make a joint program between the CGCS and a center that he directed, the Center for Energy and Environmental Policy Research (CEEPR).It was called the “joint program” and was joint for two reasons — not only were two centers joining, but two disciplines were joining. It was not about simply doing the same science. It was about bringing a team of people together that could tackle these coupled issues of environment, human development and economy. We were the first group in the world to fully integrate these elements together.Q: What has been your most impactful contribution and what effect did it have on the greater public’s overall understanding?A: Our biggest contribution is the development, and more importantly, the application of the Integrated Global System Model [IGSM] framework, looking at human development in both developing countries and developed countries that had a significant impact on the way people thought about climate issues. With IGSM, we were able to look at the interactions among human and natural components, studying the feedbacks and impacts that climate change had on human systems; like how it would alter agriculture and other land activities, how it would alter things we derive from the ocean, and so on.Policies were being developed largely by economists or climate scientists working independently, and we started showing how the real answers and analysis required a coupling of all of these components. We showed, and I think convincingly, that what people used to study independently, must be coupled together, because the impacts of climate change and air pollution affected so many things.To address the value of policy, despite the uncertainty in climate projections, we ran multiple runs of the IGSM with and without policy, with different choices for uncertain IGSM variables. For public communication, around 2005, we introduced our signature Greenhouse Gamble interactive visualization tools; these have been renewed over time as science and policies evolved.Q: What can MIT provide now at this critical juncture in understanding climate change and its impact?A: We need to further push the boundaries of integrated global system modeling to ensure full sustainability of human activity and all of its beneficial dimensions, which is the exciting focus that the CS3 is designed to address. We need to focus on sustainability as a central core element and use it to not just analyze existing policies but to propose new ones. Sustainability is not just climate or air pollution, it's got to do with human impacts in general. Human health is central to sustainability, and equally important to equity. We need to expand the capability for credibly assessing what the impact policies have not just on developed countries, but on developing countries, taking into account that many places around the world are at artisanal levels of their economies. They cannot be blamed for anything that is changing climate and causing air pollution and other detrimental things that are currently going on. They need our help. That's what sustainability is in its full dimensions.Our capabilities are evolving toward a modeling system so detailed that we can find out detrimental things about policies even at local levels before investing in changing infrastructure. This is going to require collaboration among even more disciplines and creating a seamless connection between research and decision making; not just for policies enacted in the public sector, but also for decisions that are made in the private sector. 

Meet the 2024 tenured professors in the MIT School of Humanities, Arts, and Social Sciences

Faculty members granted tenure in anthropology; comparative media studies/writing; philosophy; political science; and science, technology, and society.

In 2024, eight faculty were granted tenure in the MIT School of Humanities, Arts, and Social Sciences. They include the following:Dwaipayan Banerjee is an associate professor in the Program in Science, Technology, and Society. His work foregrounds the intellectual labor of South Asian scientists, engineers and medical practitioners, challenging conventional understandings of science, technology, and medicine. Banerjee has published two books, “Enduring Cancer” and “Hematologies,” with a third, “Computing in the Time of Decolonization,” under review at Princeton University Press. His research spans the politics of health, pandemics, and computing, all through a lens that critically examines global inequalities in scientific and technological practice. Drawing upon his research, Banerjee's teaching philosophy emphasizes global perspectives and interdisciplinary inquiry, with courses like STS.012 (Science in Action) and 21A.504J/STS.086J/WGS.276J (Cultures of Computing) being highly popular at MIT. He has also played a pivotal role in various editorial boards, MIT committees, and advising PhD students, further solidifying his impact on both the academic and global community.Kevin Dorst PhD ‘19 is an associate professor in the Department of Linguistics and Philosophy. He works at the border between philosophy and the behavioral sciences, combining mathematical, computational, and empirical methods to study the causes of bias and polarization — and argues that people are more rational than you’d think. He earned his PhD from MIT in 2019, and then was a junior research fellow at Magdalen College at Oxford University and an assistant professor at the University of Pittsburgh, before returning to MIT in 2022. He currently holds a visiting Humboldt Research Fellowship at the Munich Center for Mathematical Philosophy.Paloma Duong is an associate professor in MIT Comparative Media Studies/Writing. At the intersection of cultural studies, media theory, and critical theory, she researches and teaches modern and contemporary Latin American culture. She works with social texts and emergent media cultures that speak to the exercise of cultural agencies and the formation of political subjectivity. Her most recent book is “Portable Postsocialisms: Cuban Mediascapes after the End of History,” a study of Cuba’s changing mediascape and an inquiry on the postsocialist condition and its contexts. Her articles have been published in the Journal of Latin American Cultural Studies, Art Margins, and Cuban Counterpoints: Public Scholarship about a Changing Cuba.Amy Moran-Thomas is an associate professor in MIT Anthropology. Her ethnographic research focuses on how health technologies and ecologies are designed and come to be materially embodied — often inequitably — by people in their ordinary lives. She received her PhD in Anthropology from Princeton University in 2012. Her first book, “Traveling with Sugar: Chronicles of a Global Epidemic (University of California Press, 2019),” offers an anthropological account of diabetes care technologies in use and the lives they shape in global perspective. The book received an award from the caregivers in Belize whose work it describes, alongside others. In 2024-26, she is co-leading a climate and health humanities project funded by an ACLS Digital Seed Grant, “Sugar Atlas: Counter-Mapping Diabetes from the Caribbean,” together with co-PIs Tonya Haynes and Nicole Charles. Also working on a book about embodied histories of energy, Moran-Thomas is interested in how social perspectives on design can contribute to producing fairer health technologies. More broadly, her research explores the material culture of chronic conditions; embodied aspects of planetary health; intergenerational dilemmas of responsibility; and writing public anthropology.Justin Reich is an associate professor in MIT Comparative Media Studies/Writing. He is an educational researcher interested in the future of learning in a networked world. He is the director of the MIT Teaching Systems Lab, which aspires to design, implement and research the future of teacher learning. He is the author of “Iterate: The Secret to Innovation in Schools” and “Failure to Disrupt: Why Technology Alone Can't Transform Education” from Harvard University Press. He is the host of the TeachLab podcast, and five open online courses on EdX including 0.504x (Sorting Truth from Fiction: Civic Online Reasoning) and 0.503x (Becoming a More Equitable Educator: Mindsets and Practices). He is a former fellow and faculty associate of the Berkman Klein Center for Internet and Society at Harvard University.Bettina Stoetzer is an associate professor in MIT Anthropology. She is a cultural anthropologist whose research focuses on the intersections of ecology, globalization, and social justice in Europe and the U.S. Bettina’s award-winning book, “Ruderal City: Ecologies of Migration, Race, and Urban Nature in Berlin (Duke University Press, 2022),” draws on fieldwork with immigrant and refugee communities, as well as ecologists, nature enthusiasts and other Berlin residents to illustrate how human-environment relations become a key register through which urban citizenship is articulated in Europe. She is also the author of a 2004 book on feminism and anti-racism, "InDifferenzen: Feministische Theorie in der Antirassistischen Kritik" (“InDifferences: Feminist Theory in Antiracist Criticism, argument"). She co-edited “Shock and Awe: War on Words” with Bregje van Eekelen, Jennifer Gonzalez, and Anna Tsing (New Pacific Press, 2004). She is currently working on a new project on wildlife mobility, climate change, and border politics in the U.S. and Germany. At MIT, she teaches classes on cities, race and migration, environmental justice, gender, and climate change. She received her MA in sociology, anthropology and media studies from the University of Goettingen and completed her PhD in anthropology at the University of California at Santa Cruz in 2011.Ariel White is an associate professor in the Department of Political Science. She studies voting and voting rights, race, the criminal legal system, and bureaucratic behavior. Her research uses large datasets to measure individual-level experiences, and to shed light on people's everyday interactions with government. Her recent work investigates how potential voters react to experiences with punitive government policies, such as incarceration and immigration enforcement, and how people can make their way back into political life after these experiences. In other projects, she and her co-authors have examined how local election officials treat constituents of different ethnicities, how media shapes public conversations, and whether parties face electoral penalties when nominating minority candidates. Her research has appeared in the American Political Science Review, the Journal of Politics, Science, and elsewhere.Bernardo Zacka is an associate professor in the Department of Political Science. He is a political theorist with an interest in ethnographic methods. His research focuses on how the state is experienced by those who interact with it and those who act in its name. His first book, “When the State Meets the Street (Harvard University Press, 2017),” probes the everyday moral life of street-level bureaucrats. His second book project, “Institutional Atmospherics,” looks at several episodes in the 20th century when welfare agencies turned to architecture and interior design to try to repair their relationship to citizens, and recovers from that history a more ambitious conception of what an interface between state and society can and should do. He received his PhD from the Department of Government at Harvard University. He has been a fellow of the Wissenschaftskolleg in Berlin and is currently on sabbatical at the Institute for Advanced Study in Princeton.

Loss of bats to lethal fungus linked to 1,300 child deaths in US, study says

Because bats feed on crop pests, their disappearance led to a surge in pesticide use. Research found a rise in infant mortality in areas where the bats had been wiped outIn 2006, a deadly fungus started killing bat colonies across the United States. Now, an environmental economist has linked their loss to the deaths of more than 1,300 children.The study, published in Science on Thursday, found that farmers dramatically increased pesticide use after the bat die-offs, which was in turn linked to an average infant mortality increase of nearly 8%. Unusually, the research suggests a causative link between human and bat wellbeing. Continue reading...

In 2006, a deadly fungus started killing bat colonies across the United States. Now, an environmental economist has linked their loss to the deaths of more than 1,300 children.The study, published in Science on Thursday, found that farmers dramatically increased pesticide use after the bat die-offs, which was in turn linked to an average infant mortality increase of nearly 8%. Unusually, the research suggests a causative link between human and bat wellbeing.“That’s just quite rare – to get good, empirical, grounded estimates of how much value the species is providing,” said environmental economist Charles Taylor from the Harvard Kennedy School, who was not involved in the study. “Putting actual numbers to it in a credible way is tough.”The crisis for bat colonies began in 2006, when a fungus called Pseudogymnoascus destructans hitchhiked from Europe to the US. P destructans grows on hibernating bats in winter, sprouting as white fuzz on their noses. It can extinguish a bat colony in as little as five years.When Eyal Frank, an assistant professor at the University of Chicago, learned about the disease, called white-nose syndrome, he realised it provided a perfect natural experiment to demonstrate the value of a bat. Bats eat 40% or more of their bodyweight in insects every night, including many crop pests. What would their disappearance mean?In infected areas, he found, farmers compensated for the loss of bats by significantly increasing their use of insecticides – by 31.1% on average.Next, Frank looked at infant mortality – a metric commonly used to judge the impact of environmental toxins. Infected counties had an infant death rate 7.9% higher, on average, than counties with healthy bats, despite pesticide use being within regulatory limits. That equates to 1,334 extra infant deaths.A brown bat with white-nose syndrome caused by the Pseudogymnoascus destructans fungus in New York. Photograph: Ryan von Linden/APFrank tested other factors that might plausibly explain the rise in deaths: unemployment, the opioid epidemic, the weather, differences among mothers, or the introduction of genetically modified crops, but none explained the increase in pesticide use or the rise in infant deaths. He spent a year “kicking the tyres on the study”, and the results held. It provided “compelling evidence”, he said, “that farmers did respond to the decline in insect-eating bats, and that response had an adverse health impact on human infants”.It is unusual for a study of this type to suggest causation, not just correlation, said Taylor.“A lot of papers that try to link pesticides to outcomes are correlational in nature,” said Taylor. “People who are exposed to more pesticides, for example, might have other risk factors – like, farm workers are exposed to a whole host of other socioeconomic risks that could explain why there might be different health outcomes.”White-nose syndrome, however, essentially creates a randomised controlled trial: because the spread of white-nose syndrome was closely monitored, Frank could compare counties that had lost their bats with those the disease had not yet reached. “The bat disease wasn’t expected, and it shouldn’t have preferentially targeted certain groups over others,” Taylor said.A number of recent studies have shown how collapsing populations of wildlife can have unexpected knock-on effects for people. In June, Frank and another researcher estimated that the collapse of India’s vulture population may have resulted in 500,000 human deaths – because without the scavenging birds to eat rotting meat, rabies and other infections proliferated.The findings on pesticide use also echo previous research, including a study of Taylor’s. In the US, cicadas emerge en masse at intervals of 13 to 17 years. Taylor found that pesticide use increased in cicada seasons, as did infant mortality. People born in cicada years had lower test scores and were more likely to drop out of school.Columbia history professor David Rosner, who has spent his career investigating environmental toxins, said the study joins a body of evidence going back to the 1960s that pesticides adversely affect human health. “We’re dumping these synthetic materials into our environment, not knowing anything about what their impacts are going to be,” he said. “It’s not surprising – it’s just kind of shocking that we discover it every year.”Find more age of extinction coverage here, and follow biodiversity reporters Phoebe Weston and Patrick Greenfield on Twitter for all the latest news and features

Cutbacks to U.S. Antarctic Science Risk Geopolitical Shifts at the South Pole

Reductions to American research at the South Pole could affect the politics of the southernmost continent

Antarctica may be remote, but it hasn’t escaped the scans of Google Street View. If you digitally drop into McMurdo Station, the U.S.’s busiest Antarctic installation, and slide along the volcanic rock of Ross Island, you’ll find muddy, tire-tracked roads. Along their edges are cargo containers marked “USAP,” the U.S. Antarctic Program, run by the National Science Foundation (NSF); you may also see Ivan the Terra Bus, a substantial people mover with burly tires that are nearly six feet tall.But McMurdo—normally a humming hub of research—has gotten quieter. Amid budget concerns and delayed upgrades to the station’s aging infrastructure, the NSF has pulled back on the number of scientific projects and associated people it sends to the globe’s deepest south.As the U.S. presence has decreased, though, other countries have been pouring more resources into the Antarctic. And although it’s not a contest, some experts are sounding alarms about that disparity. Security researchers say that “presence equals influence” in Antarctica, and they’re worried that the U.S. may slip in both categories while setting its scientific work back. Adrop inU.S. influence could affect geopolitics in the region and potentially endanger the safeguards ensuring the peaceful use of the Antarctic.On supporting science journalismIf you're enjoying this article, consider supporting our award-winning journalism by subscribing. By purchasing a subscription you are helping to ensure the future of impactful stories about the discoveries and ideas shaping our world today.Antarctica, as a continent and an idea, isn’t just some icy backwater: it’s an important place environmentally, scientifically and politically. “People just think of Antarctica as really far away and that it doesn’t have any impact on them,” says Deneb Karentz, vice president for science at the Scientific Committee on Antarctic Research (SCAR). The Southern Ocean’s circulation redistributes heat globally, and deep ocean currents also carry nutrients toward the equator. “It’s a really vital part of the whole ocean system and the way that the ocean interacts with the atmosphere,” Karentz says.Antarctica is also a prime place for space research. With its stable atmosphere and lack of electromagnetic interference from civilization, astronomers and physicists can seek faint signals from long-ago, faraway, mysterious parts of the universe—signals that may be hidden from instruments on busier continents. People come from all over the world to study the ice itself, which contains 90 percent of the world’s surface fresh water. And then there’s the geology, the sea life, the extremophiles and the changing climate.Karentz’s organization, SCAR, helps countries share scientific results of all sorts and collaborate on projects. In August the organization will bring the global community together in Chile for the SCAR Open Science Conference—the first in-person meeting since 2018. Carolina Merino, a biologist at the University of La Frontera in Chile, plans to be at the meeting. She’s a member of SCAR and studies how microbes survive Antarctica’s harsh conditions. “Understanding these processes can have significant implications for climate change science and environmental conservation,” she says. At the SCAR meeting, she’s hoping to bolster international collaboration on research.In addition, the group serves as science adviser to the Antarctic Treaty system—a treaty and related documents that govern existence on the continent. SCAR shares expertise about topics such as which areas should be protected or what’s going on with climate change lately.The Antarctic Treaty isn’t complicated. “There are two things in the treaty,” Karentz says: one, Antarctica is to be used only for science, and two, “it has to be peaceful,” she says. Militaries are allowed to provide logistical support; the Department of Defense and the Department of Homeland Security do so for the U.S. The treaty also has an Environmental Protection Protocol that lays out conservation measures and environmental management policies.The treaty was originally signed in 1959 and entered force in 1961, with the conflicted superpowers of the U.S. and the Soviet Union both coming onboard. “They agreed at that time that expanding the cold war into the coldest continent was not a useful activity,” says William Muntean, a senior associate at the Center for Strategic and International Studies.Even with that enforced peace, though, Antarctica is geopolitically important: it contains, for instance, resources such as fisheries, minerals and natural gas that, because of the treaty, no one can exploit. It’s also geopolitically strange. “It’s not divvied up into countries or ownership in the way the rest of the world is,” says Muntean, who served as senior adviser for Antarctica at the U.S. Department of State and, in that role, led the nation’s delegation to Antarctic Treaty meetings. Before the treaty, seven countries had already made claims on the continent, but when they signed the agreement, they barred themselves from legally acting on those claims.That’s a sovereignty situation unlike any other on Earth—and one that many researchers don’t think about when they’re preparing neutrino detectors and ice corers for the South Pole. Few people in the United States focus on the politics of Antarctica, Muntean says. “You could find a lot of scientists who can talk about penguins and ice cubes and all that sort of stuff, but very few talk about the politics of it,” he adds.The science that they do, however, is twined with the politics. Research projects—and infrastructure such as McMurdo or the Amundsen-Scott South Pole Station—exist not just for the sake of knowledge gathering but also for the sake of influence. “If you want to be influential in any capacity—be it diplomatically, economically, militarily, doesn’t matter—you need to be present in a region,” says Ryan Burke, a professor at the U.S. Air Force Academy and the University of Alaska Fairbanks’s Center for Arctic Security and Resilience. That’s especially true in a place where military flexes, traditional ways for nations to establish both presence and influence, are prohibited. Muntean cites China and South Korea as countries that are increasing their Antarctic footprint and therefore their own influence.Burke and Muntean are both concerned that the U.S., meanwhile, has decreased its presence in Antarctica. In 2023 NSF announced that it was canceling more than half of the USAP projects and activities that had been funded for the 2023–2024 research season. In the two summers to follow, the announcement said, the agency would focus on already-funded projects. It did not solicit any new USAP proposals in 2024.Those changes came in part because McMurdo Station needed to be modernized for the 21st century and is in the midst of upgrades.The initial renovation was interrupted by the COVID pandemic, as were Antarctic trips in general. The disease and its disruptions delayed the work—a new dorm, for instance, is off schedule by three years—meaning there aren’t enough beds available for the typical number of scientists who would visit. Plus, as grocery stores on the mainland show, costs of all sorts have increased, meaning a given amount of money results in less renovation.Not taking new proposals in 2024 “allows NSF to focus resources on reducing the lingering backlog of projects affected by the pandemic and major upgrade work at McMurdo Station,” an NSF spokesperson says.The science agency also stated last year that it would only operate one research ship in the coming decades, rather than the two it has in the past, partially because of budgetary concerns. The Coast Guard, meanwhile, is experiencing problems with its Polar Security Cutter program, and acquisitions of new ships are delayed.All of that together, despite the logistical and financial constraints that make it seemingly necessary, has the effect of decreasing American presence in Antarctica and backing up the scientific pipeline. “It is an issue,” Karentz says, “and I think there’s legitimate concern about what it's doing to the future of the U.S. Antarctic Program.”Muntean worries about early-career researchers, whose research path might be more affected by delays due to the Antarctic slowdown and who could also face more competition because of the backup. “Right now it’s a little bit tough, I think, to say South Pole or Antarctic research has got a bright future,” he says.In Muntean’s view, U.S. planners aren’t thinking enough about pipelines in general, such as replacement plans for aging ships and planes that can move in that harsh environment. As with the on-land infrastructure, if you wait until vehicles face obsolescence, you often face a gap in capability. “The icebreaker that is currently operational—Polar Star—is almost as old as I am,” Muntean says, describing the ship that creates a channel through the ice to clear the way to McMurdo Sound. “This is not good for us.”An NSF spokesperson points to President Biden’s May 2024 National Security Memorandum on U.S. Policy on the Antarctic Region, “which reaffirms the importance of the Antarctic Treaty System ... [and] reiterates the long-standing mandate to maintain an ‘active and influential presence.’”But if the U.S. loses influence in Antarctica, there could be negative consequences for the dynamics of the region. “We have a nice, neutral, calming effect, usually, on the politics of Antarctica,” Muntean says.Burke agrees. “The U.S. is largely interested in maintaining the continent as a zone of peace and research,” he says—upholding the original tenets of the treaty, in other words.The current American pullback has led some to worry that, as Muntean put it in a recent commentary, other countries may be more likely to “pursue their individual interests rather than their collective interest.”The collective interest involves those “peace and science” ideals in the treaty, and individual interests perhaps include putting dual-use capabilities at Antarctic installations—instrumentation that’s useful both to scientists and to the military—or looking into using resources that have been set aside for conservation.Worries about countries pursuing individual interests are why treaties have enforcement mechanisms. The Antarctic Treaty has two. Countries can do unannounced inspections of other nations’ stations. “Countries show up and check out what’s happening to see whether countries are doing what they’re saying they’re doing,” Muntean says. Every state present in Antarctica also has to document their planned activities, equipment and in-person presence.A U.S. team slid in just before the pandemic in 2020 to perform recent inspections. It was led by Muntean, and members included officials from the Department of State, the Coast Guard, NSF and the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration. “We were welcomed with open arms by all stations,” Muntean says.Over the entire lifetime of the treaty, however, only around 60 inspections have occurred—not exactly enough to keep a sharp eye on the goings-on. And in 2023 just 10 of 29 parties had done their required documentation every year for the past decade.Given all those fuzzy variables, Muntean believes that scientists who study the Antarctic shouldn’t just pay attention to their own projects and care about their own results. They also need to be part of the policy and the politics, especially if they want to ensure they get to continue to do their science at the levels they have in the past. “The U.S. needs to be thinking about how to make the platforms, and maintain the platforms, for decades to come in a manner that keeps us in the forefront of science [and] environmental protection,” Muntean says, “as well as the politics.”

Groundbreaking Antarctic Survey Reveals Hidden Patterns in Ice Shelf Melting

Scientists have used a submersible to map the underside of Antarctica’s Dotson Ice Shelf, revealing rapid melting and unusual patterns that contribute to understanding sea level rise. The research highlights the need for improved predictive models and continued exploration to comprehend future changes in ice shelf dynamics. The first detailed maps of the underside of [...]

A survey using a submersible named ‘Ran’ has mapped the underside of Antarctica’s Dotson Ice Shelf, revealing complex ice melt patterns that suggest faster melting and future sea level rise implications.Scientists have used a submersible to map the underside of Antarctica’s Dotson Ice Shelf, revealing rapid melting and unusual patterns that contribute to understanding sea level rise. The research highlights the need for improved predictive models and continued exploration to comprehend future changes in ice shelf dynamics. The first detailed maps of the underside of a floating ice shelf in Antarctica have unveiled crucial clues about future sea level rise. An international research team – including scientists from the University of East Anglia (UEA) – deployed an unmanned submersible beneath the Dotson Ice Shelf in West Antarctica. The underwater vehicle, ‘Ran’, was programmed to dive into the cavity of the 350-meter-thick ice shelf and scan the ice above it with an advanced sonar. Over 27 days, the submarine traveled more than 1000 kilometers back and forth under the shelf, reaching 17 kilometers into the cavity. Understanding Ice Shelf Dynamics An ice shelf is a mass of glacial ice, fed from land by tributary glaciers, that floats in the sea above an ice shelf cavity. Dotson Ice Shelf is part of the West Antarctic ice sheet – and next to Thwaites Glacier – which is considered to have a potentially large impact on future sea level rise due to its size and location. The researchers report their findings of this unique survey in a new paper published in the journal Science Advances. They found some things as expected, for example, the glacier melts faster where strong underwater currents erode its base. Using the submersible, they were able to measure the currents below the glacier for the first time and prove why the western part of the Dotson Ice Shelf melts so fast. They also found evidence of very high melt at vertical fractures that extend through the glacier. However, the team also saw new patterns on the glacier base that raised questions. The mapping showed that the base is not smooth, but there is a peak and valley ice-scape with plateaus and formations resembling sand dunes. The researchers hypothesize that these may have been formed by flowing water under the influence of Earth’s rotation. Insights from High-Resolution Mapping Lead author Anna Wåhlin, Professor of Oceanography at the University of Gothenburg in Sweden, said: “We have previously used satellite data and ice cores to observe how ice shelves change over time. By navigating the submersible into the cavity, we were able to get high-resolution maps of the ice underside. It’s a bit like seeing the back of the moon for the first time.” The expedition was carried out in regions of drifting ice in West Antarctica in 2022 during a research cruise for the TARSAN project, a joint US-UK funded initiative that is part of the International Thwaites Glacier Collaboration. The project is studying how atmospheric and oceanic processes are influencing the behavior of the Thwaites and Dotson Ice Shelves – neighboring ice shelves that are behaving differently. Co-author Dr Rob Hall, from UEA’s School of Environmental Sciences, co-led the cruise on the RV Nathaniel B Palmer, on which the observations were made from January to March 2022. He said: “Anna and her team successfully piloted their autonomous underwater vehicle ‘Ran’ over 1000 km under Dotson Ice Shelf collecting a huge range of data and samples, which will take several years to process and analyze. “The incredible high-resolution images of the underside of the ice shelf are the icing on the cake and will open up a whole new avenue of scientific research.” The Significance of Melting Ice Shelves Prof Karen Heywood, also from UEA and a co-author, is UK lead scientist on the TARSAN project. She said: “This has been such an exciting project to work on. When Anna sent round the first images of the underside of the Dotson ice shelf we were thrilled – nobody had ever seen this before. But we were also baffled – there were cracks and swirls in the ice that we weren’t expecting. It looked more like art! “We wondered what could be causing these. All of the glaciologists and the oceanographers in the TARSAN project got together to brainstorm ideas. It’s been like detective work – using fundamental ocean physics to test theories against the shape and size of the patterns under the ice. We’ve been able to show for the first time some of the processes that melt the underside of ice shelves. Prof Heywood added: “These ice shelves are already floating on the sea, so their melting doesn’t directly affect sea level. However, ultimately the melting of ice shelves causes the glaciers on land further upstream to flow faster and destabilize, which does lead to sea level rise, so these new observations will help the community of ice modelers to reduce the large uncertainties in future sea levels.” Scientists now realize there is a wealth of processes left to discover in future research missions under the glaciers. “The mapping has given us new data that we need to look at more closely. It is clear that many previous assumptions about the melting of glacier undersides are falling short. Current models cannot explain the complex patterns we see. But with this method, we have a better chance of finding the answers,” said Prof Wåhlin. “Better models are needed to predict how fast the ice shelves will melt in the future. It is exciting when oceanographers and glaciologists work together, combining remote sensing with oceanographic field data. This is needed to understand the glaciological changes taking place – the driving force is in the ocean.” In January 2024, the group returned with Ran to Dotson Ice Shelf to repeat the surveys, hoping to document changes. However, they were only able to complete one dive before Ran disappeared under the ice. “Although we got valuable data back, we did not get all we had hoped for,” said Prof Wåhlin. “These scientific advances were made possible thanks to the unique submersible that Ran was. This research is needed to understand the future of Antarctica’s ice sheet, and we hope to be able to replace Ran and continue this important work.” Reference: “Swirls and scoops: Ice base melt revealed by multibeam imagery of an Antarctic ice shelf” by Anna Wåhlin, Karen E. Alley, Carolyn Begeman, Øyvind Hegrenæs, Xiaohan Yuan, Alastair G. C. Graham, Kelly Hogan, Peter E. D. Davis, Tiago S. Dotto, Clare Eayrs, Robert A. Hall, David M. Holland, Tae Wan Kim, Robert D. Larter, Li Ling, Atsuhiro Muto, Erin C. Pettit, Britney E. Schmidt, Tasha Snow, Filip Stedt, Peter M. Washam, Stina Wahlgren, Christian Wild, Julia Wellner, Yixi Zheng and Karen J. Heywood, 31 July 2024, Science Advances.DOI: 10.1126/sciadv.adn9188

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