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Journey Into the Fiery Depths of Earth’s Youngest Caves

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Thursday, May 16, 2024

Francesco Sauro first explored a cave when he was 4 years old. He was with his dad, a professor of geography, in the Lessini mountains, near the northern Italian village of Bosco Chiesanuova, where his father had grown up. His dad was also an amateur cave explorer, and the trip was a kind of preordained rite of passage. “The only memory I have about those caves is that I cried,” Sauro recalls. “I was very scared because of the darkness.” When Sauro was 12, and visiting the area again with his family, the founder of a local museum told him that a nearby cave held the bones of ancient cave birds. “In that moment, my curiosity overcame my fear,” Sauro says. From that day on, he was hooked. Adrien Briod, of the Swiss drone company Flyability, operates a drone equipped with a lidar scanner to minutely map a network of lava tubes in 3D. Robbie Shone In the nearly three decades since, the 39-year-old geologist has trekked into dozens of caves around the world: on islands in the Atlantic Ocean, inside glacier mills in the Alps, beneath the forest floor of the Amazon rainforest. In 2013, he discovered some of the world’s oldest caves inside the mountain known as Auyán Tepui in Venezuela. All told, he’s surveyed more than 60 miles of these hidden worlds, including several caves that were unknown to humankind. Some were millions of years old. Others formed tens of thousands of years ago. Recently, he explored caves that are even younger: pristine cavities known as lava tubes, forged inside cooling mounds of molten rock during the eruption of the Fagradalsfjall volcano, in southern Iceland, in 2021. For explorers looking to set foot on uncharted territory, few spaces can match the novelty. But beyond that elemental thrill, these infant caves offer an exceedingly rare opportunity to study cavernous worlds almost from their moment of origin. This article is a selection from the June 2024 issue of Smithsonian magazine The researchers cross a lava field on the Reykjanes Peninsula to investigate a cave entrance in May 2023, during the second expedition to the site. Robbie Shone The most common caves on Earth are formed when rainwater mixes with carbon dioxide in the soil and turns into a weak acid, dissolving soft, soluble rock such as limestone below. Similar “destructional” caves are formed inside mountains and rocky formations made of less soluble material such as basalt, when flowing water slowly erodes the stone over long periods of time. “Constructional” caves, by contrast, are forged when flowing lava begins to cool, creating a top, crusty layer that solidifies into rock. As the molten lava beneath the crust flows out, it leaves behind a new cavity—a lava tube. “These caves are built in an instant of geologic time,” Sauro says. Lava tubes can range in size from a small hollow barely three feet in diameter to a large chamber more than 150 feet tall. They can be formed as a single conduit, or as a series of small, interconnected tubes. Some might be “tiered” one on top of another—a stack of caves. In a tent beside the volcano, Martina Cappelletti, far left, and Ana Miller, both microbiologists, with expedition leader Francesco Sauro. The researchers are examining high-resolution scans of bacteria collected from inside a cave. Robbie Shone Somewhere between 50 to 70 of the planet’s 1,500 or so active volcanoes erupt every year. When Mount Fagradalsfjall began to erupt in March 2021, capping what had been more than 800 years of dormancy, the world looked on with fascination, in part because an eruption elsewhere in Iceland a decade earlier spewed giant clouds of ash into the atmosphere over Europe, impacting air travel. This time there was no such disruption. Instead, tourists from Iceland and around the world swarmed to the site, some getting within 500 or so feet of the eruption, to glimpse the brilliant red and crimson lava gushing from the mountain and cascading down its sides. “It was the first case where we had cameras everywhere around the volcano, and images coming from the thousands of tourists that were going there to see this incredible show,” Sauro says. Mineral deposits after exposure to weather and UV light. Because some “metastable” minerals may change over time, researchers strove to retrieve samples quickly. Robbie Shone Sauro, a full-time speleologist and president of a geographical exploration society called La Venta who also works with NASA and the European Space Agency to help train astronauts in planetary exploration, monitored these developments from his home in northern Italy. He spent hours each day looking at photographs and video footage from the site. This rich stream of information was not just giving researchers the ability to track how and where the caves were forming. It also presented a rare chance to study the interiors of caves that hadn’t yet been touched by living matter: to observe the cooling process, the formation of minerals and the early microbial colonization of those environments in unprecedented detail. And because the caves were formed from lava surpassing temperatures of 1,800 degrees Fahrenheit, the environment inside would be completely sterile. “I was thinking: Hey, as soon as the eruption stops, this will become like an incredible laboratory,” Sauro recalls. “This will become a new world.” Mount Fagradalsfjall is not actually a single mountain but a cluster of small ridges on a plateau on the Reykjanes Peninsula, about 25 miles southwest of Reykjavik. The surrounding area is flat and covered in moss. The eruption began in a valley between the ridges. As it continued over the next few months, Sauro began making plans. He knew it was imperative to access the caves as soon as physically possible. Miller collects a mineral sample from a cave filled with toxic gases. Among the rare minerals found so far is wulffite, recorded only once before, near a Russian volcano. Robbie Shone That time was of the essence was a lesson that speleologists had learned in 1994, when studying lava tubes formed after Mount Etna erupted in Italy. When they entered the tubes nearly a year after the eruption had stopped, at which point the temperature inside was still a dangerously high 158 degrees, the researchers found rare crystals and minerals. Returning six months later, however, those minerals were gone. They were “metastable”—holding their form only at high temperatures. As the lava tubes cooled, they had disappeared, and so had the opportunity to examine them in detail. To prepare to enter the new caves in Iceland, Sauro and his team needed a precise understanding of where exactly they were forming and which tubes presented the easiest and safest access. Gro Pedersen, a geologist at the University of Iceland’s Nordic Volcanological Center, was tasked with collecting images. She and Birgir Óskarsson, from the Icelandic Institute of Natural History, surveyed the volcano from an airplane, flying over it once every two weeks or so between March and September 2021. They also collected other images captured by drones and satellite imagery. “Because of the different angles, we were actually able to create a topographic map, in addition to a good visual map of the lava flow field,” Pedersen says. Bogdan Onac, a mineralogist, uses a thermal imaging camera to map temperatures inside the cave. One cave wall, still glowing, was recorded at nearly 1,100 degrees Fahrenheit. Robbie Shone Sauro and his colleagues, who had received a grant from the National Geographic Society, finally got close to the volcano in September 2021, about a week after the eruption subsided. Using their maps, the team identified windows, or “skylight points,” on the surface—locations that were potential entrances into newly formed caves. They flew a drone equipped with thermal imaging cameras over the site to map the temperatures of different parts of the volcanic landscape. In May 2022, they were able to approach the entrances of several caves, but thermal cameras indicated that inside temperatures were still reaching 900 degrees. “There was burning air coming out,” Sauro says. “The winds outside were cold. The contrast between the exterior and the interior was crazy.” Giovanni Rossi, center, and Tommaso Santagata through a 1,000-foot-long lava tube—among the youngest caves on Earth. Robbie Shone Sauro and his expedition members finally entered one of the caves that October, wearing metallurgist suits designed to withstand high temperatures and breathing from portable tanks filled with compressed air, because the air inside was too hot to breathe and laden with toxic gases. The walls were still radiating heat like a furnace, and in certain places the floor was nearly 400 degrees. Sauro and two other team members, equipped with thermal imaging cameras to monitor conditions, advanced cautiously, like a line of soldiers, allowing for the person in the middle and the person in the rear to pull back the line leader in case the expedition suddenly turned dangerous. “The air temperature could change from 100 to 200 degrees [Celsius] in just one meter,” Sauro says. In one tube Sauro entered, the cave wall was still glowing, with a temperature of nearly 600 degrees Celsius (1,100 degrees Fahrenheit). “It was one of the most impressive things I saw,” he says. Pedersen visited the caves after they had cooled further. “I know very few places on Earth where you can go into things that you have seen being born,” she says. “That’s kind of amazing.” Two lines of research interested Sauro and his colleagues. First, they were eager to study the minerals they would find inside the caves—those formed on the cave walls and other rocky surfaces. Second, they hoped to discover when these extreme habitats would be colonized by micro-organisms and discern which microbes would thrive. Learning how such newly formed caves might begin to harbor life could help researchers refine their ideas about how life developed on Earth, and it would also provide guidance about how and where to look for signs of life, current or past, on other planets, such as Mars. “We know that lava tubes were constantly forming in Martian volcanoes,” Sauro explains. “So they could have been quickly colonized, becoming a kind of Noah’s Ark for Martian life—if life ever existed there.” Mineral encrustations offer clues about which microbes first colonize caves—usually those, researchers found, that can derive energy from oxidizing inorganic materials such as sulfur, iron and copper. Robbie Shone Concerned that some minerals could change or disappear over time, the researchers brought a scanning electron microscope to the site to produce high-resolution images of the samples to help them identify them. Rogier Miltenburg, a technician with the biotechnology company Thermo Fisher Scientific, housed the instrument inside a tent next to the volcano, and he ran a generator inside the tent to maintain the vacuum needed for the microscope to function. The conditions were precarious: Once, when it was raining, a river started to form through the tent. “I had the power supply on the floor, and luckily the water sort of diverted around it,” Miltenburg recalls. “Otherwise we would have had a short.” Mineral encrustations offer clues about which microbes first colonize caves—usually those, researchers found, that can derive energy from oxidizing inorganic materials such as sulfur, iron and copper. Robbie Shone The researchers came across a variety of minerals along fissures and grooves on the cave surfaces. “We found this beautiful white stuff. And then we said, ‘Wait a minute, that’s green there, that’s blue there,’” says Bogdan Onac, a mineralogist at the University of South Florida who was part of the team. Using sterile spatulas, the researchers scraped off samples and packed them in vacuum-sealed bags. Since the temperatures in the lava tubes were so high at the outset, Onac was expecting the minerals to be completely dehydrated crystals, so he was surprised to find some whose texture resembled that of wet sugar, indicating that, in spite of the high heat, water molecules in the environment had been incorporated during mineralization. After collecting samples, Sauro and his colleagues would turn around and walk to the tent for a look at what they had found. By ascertaining a sample’s chemical composition from the images produced by the electron microscope, they could usually identify the mineral within half an hour. Rare forms of minerals—including sodium, potassium and copper—grow along a fracture in the walls of a 122 degree Fahrenheit lava tube on the Fagradalsfjall lava field. Robbie Shone The team had expected to find some minerals such as mirabilite, which is made up of hydrogen, sodium and sulfur. But they also found novel minerals formed from the combination of copper with sodium, potassium, sulfur and other elements, resulting in rare substances that the team is currently studying in greater detail. One surprise mineral, for instance, was wulffite—an emerald-green crystal whose composition includes sodium and potassium along with copper sulfate. “It has only been found once before in the history of mineralogy, in a Russian volcano site,” says Fabrizio Nestola, a mineralogist at the University of Padua. Nestola, who is conducting detailed analyses of the mineral samples at his Padua lab, is certain that some of the minerals will turn out to be entirely new to science, potentially revealing as yet unknown processes by which mineralization takes place. Samples prepared for the on-site scanning electron microscope. The instrument, housed in a tent, required a generator to maintain the vacuum it uses to function. Robbie Shone Sauro’s microbiologist colleagues, meanwhile, collected samples from patches of rock surfaces marked by “biofilms”—areas that had begun to be colonized by bacteria. After extracting samples and analyzing DNA from them at laboratories off-site, the researchers found that different micro-organisms had flourished in different parts of the same cave. “The first data indicate that environmental bacteria, mostly those associated with soil, begin the colonization,” says Martina Cappelletti of the University of Bologna, a microbiologist. “They are probably initially transported inside the cave through air currents.” These micro-organisms can thrive because they are able to subsist on rocks—that is, to derive energy from oxidizing inorganic materials. Over time, as the caves cooled, the diversity of microbes inside the caves increased. The findings suggest that such life-forms, which would not require water or organic matter to survive, should have the best chance to establish a foothold in extreme environments—whether in the distant past or on other planets. Onac inside the microscope tent. Already the researchers have found several rare minerals, he said. And not only that. “Some of them will be new to science.” Robbie Shone Indeed, tracking microbial colonization will help scientists searching for life elsewhere in the universe. Even on planets where surface conditions today seem inhospitable, lava tubes may once have provided temporary or enduring refuge to life-forms that rapidly colonized the interiors and survived. “If some specific microbial life is able to quickly colonize lava tubes on Earth, why could this not have happened on Mars?” Sauro says. The view from inside a lava tube whose walls have collapsed. “If you’re there while there are earthquakes—that’s not good,” Sauro deadpanned. Robbie Shone Penelope Boston, director of NASA’s Astrobiology Institute at NASA Ames, Moffett Field, describes lava tubes as “a model for what we may potentially find on other bodies in the solar system.” And volcanic activity isn’t limited to Earth and Mars. Even Io, one of Jupiter’s moons, has active volcanoes, suggesting that planets and moons beyond our solar system may have volcanoes—and lava tubes—too. That’s why Boston sees great value in studying the caves Sauro is investigating. “I think that designating places around the world where we have this ability to see an early history of microbial colonization from the get-go is something that deserves worldwide attention,” she says. A small lava lake inside a cave, now solidified. Robbie Shone A swirly segment of a surface lava field, near the volcano crater. Robbie Shone A wall detail near a cave entrance. Robbie Shone The eruption of Fagradalsfjall has subsided, but Sauro has been following news about other volcanoes in Iceland with interest. This past March, when a new eruption started on the Reykjanes Peninsula, at Mount Hagafell, a few miles west of Fagradalsfjall, he mused about “new tubes forming, literally, right now.” These uncharted caverns could be his next hunting ground. 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What Iceland's volcanoes are revealing about early life on our planet

Francesco Sauro first explored a cave when he was 4 years old. He was with his dad, a professor of geography, in the Lessini mountains, near the northern Italian village of Bosco Chiesanuova, where his father had grown up. His dad was also an amateur cave explorer, and the trip was a kind of preordained rite of passage. “The only memory I have about those caves is that I cried,” Sauro recalls. “I was very scared because of the darkness.” When Sauro was 12, and visiting the area again with his family, the founder of a local museum told him that a nearby cave held the bones of ancient cave birds. “In that moment, my curiosity overcame my fear,” Sauro says. From that day on, he was hooked.

Adrien Briod, of the Swiss drone company Flyability, operates a drone equipped with a lidar scanner to minutely map a network of lava tubes in 3D. Robbie Shone

In the nearly three decades since, the 39-year-old geologist has trekked into dozens of caves around the world: on islands in the Atlantic Ocean, inside glacier mills in the Alps, beneath the forest floor of the Amazon rainforest. In 2013, he discovered some of the world’s oldest caves inside the mountain known as Auyán Tepui in Venezuela. All told, he’s surveyed more than 60 miles of these hidden worlds, including several caves that were unknown to humankind. Some were millions of years old. Others formed tens of thousands of years ago. Recently, he explored caves that are even younger: pristine cavities known as lava tubes, forged inside cooling mounds of molten rock during the eruption of the Fagradalsfjall volcano, in southern Iceland, in 2021. For explorers looking to set foot on uncharted territory, few spaces can match the novelty. But beyond that elemental thrill, these infant caves offer an exceedingly rare opportunity to study cavernous worlds almost from their moment of origin.

This article is a selection from the June 2024 issue of Smithsonian magazine

Lava Feilds
The researchers cross a lava field on the Reykjanes Peninsula to investigate a cave entrance in May 2023, during the second expedition to the site. Robbie Shone

The most common caves on Earth are formed when rainwater mixes with carbon dioxide in the soil and turns into a weak acid, dissolving soft, soluble rock such as limestone below. Similar “destructional” caves are formed inside mountains and rocky formations made of less soluble material such as basalt, when flowing water slowly erodes the stone over long periods of time. “Constructional” caves, by contrast, are forged when flowing lava begins to cool, creating a top, crusty layer that solidifies into rock. As the molten lava beneath the crust flows out, it leaves behind a new cavity—a lava tube. “These caves are built in an instant of geologic time,” Sauro says. Lava tubes can range in size from a small hollow barely three feet in diameter to a large chamber more than 150 feet tall. They can be formed as a single conduit, or as a series of small, interconnected tubes. Some might be “tiered” one on top of another—a stack of caves.

In a tent beside the volcano, Martina Cappelletti, far left, and Ana Miller, both microbiologists, with expedition leader Francesco Sauro. The researchers are examining high-resolution scans of bacteria collected from inside a cave. Robbie Shone

Somewhere between 50 to 70 of the planet’s 1,500 or so active volcanoes erupt every year. When Mount Fagradalsfjall began to erupt in March 2021, capping what had been more than 800 years of dormancy, the world looked on with fascination, in part because an eruption elsewhere in Iceland a decade earlier spewed giant clouds of ash into the atmosphere over Europe, impacting air travel. This time there was no such disruption. Instead, tourists from Iceland and around the world swarmed to the site, some getting within 500 or so feet of the eruption, to glimpse the brilliant red and crimson lava gushing from the mountain and cascading down its sides. “It was the first case where we had cameras everywhere around the volcano, and images coming from the thousands of tourists that were going there to see this incredible show,” Sauro says.

Mineral deposits
Mineral deposits after exposure to weather and UV light. Because some “metastable” minerals may change over time, researchers strove to retrieve samples quickly. Robbie Shone

Sauro, a full-time speleologist and president of a geographical exploration society called La Venta who also works with NASA and the European Space Agency to help train astronauts in planetary exploration, monitored these developments from his home in northern Italy. He spent hours each day looking at photographs and video footage from the site. This rich stream of information was not just giving researchers the ability to track how and where the caves were forming. It also presented a rare chance to study the interiors of caves that hadn’t yet been touched by living matter: to observe the cooling process, the formation of minerals and the early microbial colonization of those environments in unprecedented detail. And because the caves were formed from lava surpassing temperatures of 1,800 degrees Fahrenheit, the environment inside would be completely sterile. “I was thinking: Hey, as soon as the eruption stops, this will become like an incredible laboratory,” Sauro recalls. “This will become a new world.”

Mount Fagradalsfjall is not actually a single mountain but a cluster of small ridges on a plateau on the Reykjanes Peninsula, about 25 miles southwest of Reykjavik. The surrounding area is flat and covered in moss. The eruption began in a valley between the ridges. As it continued over the next few months, Sauro began making plans. He knew it was imperative to access the caves as soon as physically possible.

Mineral Sample
Miller collects a mineral sample from a cave filled with toxic gases. Among the rare minerals found so far is wulffite, recorded only once before, near a Russian volcano. Robbie Shone

That time was of the essence was a lesson that speleologists had learned in 1994, when studying lava tubes formed after Mount Etna erupted in Italy. When they entered the tubes nearly a year after the eruption had stopped, at which point the temperature inside was still a dangerously high 158 degrees, the researchers found rare crystals and minerals. Returning six months later, however, those minerals were gone. They were “metastable”—holding their form only at high temperatures. As the lava tubes cooled, they had disappeared, and so had the opportunity to examine them in detail.

To prepare to enter the new caves in Iceland, Sauro and his team needed a precise understanding of where exactly they were forming and which tubes presented the easiest and safest access. Gro Pedersen, a geologist at the University of Iceland’s Nordic Volcanological Center, was tasked with collecting images. She and Birgir Óskarsson, from the Icelandic Institute of Natural History, surveyed the volcano from an airplane, flying over it once every two weeks or so between March and September 2021. They also collected other images captured by drones and satellite imagery. “Because of the different angles, we were actually able to create a topographic map, in addition to a good visual map of the lava flow field,” Pedersen says.

Bogdan Onac
Bogdan Onac, a mineralogist, uses a thermal imaging camera to map temperatures inside the cave. One cave wall, still glowing, was recorded at nearly 1,100 degrees Fahrenheit. Robbie Shone

Sauro and his colleagues, who had received a grant from the National Geographic Society, finally got close to the volcano in September 2021, about a week after the eruption subsided. Using their maps, the team identified windows, or “skylight points,” on the surface—locations that were potential entrances into newly formed caves. They flew a drone equipped with thermal imaging cameras over the site to map the temperatures of different parts of the volcanic landscape. In May 2022, they were able to approach the entrances of several caves, but thermal cameras indicated that inside temperatures were still reaching 900 degrees. “There was burning air coming out,” Sauro says. “The winds outside were cold. The contrast between the exterior and the interior was crazy.”

Giovanni Rossi, center, and Tommaso Santagata through a 1,000-foot-long lava tube—among the youngest caves on Earth. Robbie Shone

Sauro and his expedition members finally entered one of the caves that October, wearing metallurgist suits designed to withstand high temperatures and breathing from portable tanks filled with compressed air, because the air inside was too hot to breathe and laden with toxic gases. The walls were still radiating heat like a furnace, and in certain places the floor was nearly 400 degrees. Sauro and two other team members, equipped with thermal imaging cameras to monitor conditions, advanced cautiously, like a line of soldiers, allowing for the person in the middle and the person in the rear to pull back the line leader in case the expedition suddenly turned dangerous. “The air temperature could change from 100 to 200 degrees [Celsius] in just one meter,” Sauro says. In one tube Sauro entered, the cave wall was still glowing, with a temperature of nearly 600 degrees Celsius (1,100 degrees Fahrenheit). “It was one of the most impressive things I saw,” he says. Pedersen visited the caves after they had cooled further. “I know very few places on Earth where you can go into things that you have seen being born,” she says. “That’s kind of amazing.”

Two lines of research interested Sauro and his colleagues. First, they were eager to study the minerals they would find inside the caves—those formed on the cave walls and other rocky surfaces. Second, they hoped to discover when these extreme habitats would be colonized by micro-organisms and discern which microbes would thrive. Learning how such newly formed caves might begin to harbor life could help researchers refine their ideas about how life developed on Earth, and it would also provide guidance about how and where to look for signs of life, current or past, on other planets, such as Mars. “We know that lava tubes were constantly forming in Martian volcanoes,” Sauro explains. “So they could have been quickly colonized, becoming a kind of Noah’s Ark for Martian life—if life ever existed there.”

Detail #1
Mineral encrustations offer clues about which microbes first colonize caves—usually those, researchers found, that can derive energy from oxidizing inorganic materials such as sulfur, iron and copper. Robbie Shone

Concerned that some minerals could change or disappear over time, the researchers brought a scanning electron microscope to the site to produce high-resolution images of the samples to help them identify them. Rogier Miltenburg, a technician with the biotechnology company Thermo Fisher Scientific, housed the instrument inside a tent next to the volcano, and he ran a generator inside the tent to maintain the vacuum needed for the microscope to function. The conditions were precarious: Once, when it was raining, a river started to form through the tent. “I had the power supply on the floor, and luckily the water sort of diverted around it,” Miltenburg recalls. “Otherwise we would have had a short.”

Detail #2
Mineral encrustations offer clues about which microbes first colonize caves—usually those, researchers found, that can derive energy from oxidizing inorganic materials such as sulfur, iron and copper. Robbie Shone

The researchers came across a variety of minerals along fissures and grooves on the cave surfaces. “We found this beautiful white stuff. And then we said, ‘Wait a minute, that’s green there, that’s blue there,’” says Bogdan Onac, a mineralogist at the University of South Florida who was part of the team. Using sterile spatulas, the researchers scraped off samples and packed them in vacuum-sealed bags. Since the temperatures in the lava tubes were so high at the outset, Onac was expecting the minerals to be completely dehydrated crystals, so he was surprised to find some whose texture resembled that of wet sugar, indicating that, in spite of the high heat, water molecules in the environment had been incorporated during mineralization. After collecting samples, Sauro and his colleagues would turn around and walk to the tent for a look at what they had found. By ascertaining a sample’s chemical composition from the images produced by the electron microscope, they could usually identify the mineral within half an hour.

Rare forms of minerals—including sodium, potassium and copper—grow along a fracture in the walls of a 122 degree Fahrenheit lava tube on the Fagradalsfjall lava field. Robbie Shone

The team had expected to find some minerals such as mirabilite, which is made up of hydrogen, sodium and sulfur. But they also found novel minerals formed from the combination of copper with sodium, potassium, sulfur and other elements, resulting in rare substances that the team is currently studying in greater detail. One surprise mineral, for instance, was wulffite—an emerald-green crystal whose composition includes sodium and potassium along with copper sulfate. “It has only been found once before in the history of mineralogy, in a Russian volcano site,” says Fabrizio Nestola, a mineralogist at the University of Padua. Nestola, who is conducting detailed analyses of the mineral samples at his Padua lab, is certain that some of the minerals will turn out to be entirely new to science, potentially revealing as yet unknown processes by which mineralization takes place.

Samples prepared for the on-site scanning electron microscope. The instrument, housed in a tent, required a generator to maintain the vacuum it uses to function. Robbie Shone

Sauro’s microbiologist colleagues, meanwhile, collected samples from patches of rock surfaces marked by “biofilms”—areas that had begun to be colonized by bacteria. After extracting samples and analyzing DNA from them at laboratories off-site, the researchers found that different micro-organisms had flourished in different parts of the same cave. “The first data indicate that environmental bacteria, mostly those associated with soil, begin the colonization,” says Martina Cappelletti of the University of Bologna, a microbiologist. “They are probably initially transported inside the cave through air currents.” These micro-organisms can thrive because they are able to subsist on rocks—that is, to derive energy from oxidizing inorganic materials. Over time, as the caves cooled, the diversity of microbes inside the caves increased. The findings suggest that such life-forms, which would not require water or organic matter to survive, should have the best chance to establish a foothold in extreme environments—whether in the distant past or on other planets.

Onac inside the microscope tent. Already the researchers have found several rare minerals, he said. And not only that. “Some of them will be new to science.” Robbie Shone

Indeed, tracking microbial colonization will help scientists searching for life elsewhere in the universe. Even on planets where surface conditions today seem inhospitable, lava tubes may once have provided temporary or enduring refuge to life-forms that rapidly colonized the interiors and survived. “If some specific microbial life is able to quickly colonize lava tubes on Earth, why could this not have happened on Mars?” Sauro says.

Collapsed Lava Tube
The view from inside a lava tube whose walls have collapsed. “If you’re there while there are earthquakes—that’s not good,” Sauro deadpanned. Robbie Shone

Penelope Boston, director of NASA’s Astrobiology Institute at NASA Ames, Moffett Field, describes lava tubes as “a model for what we may potentially find on other bodies in the solar system.” And volcanic activity isn’t limited to Earth and Mars. Even Io, one of Jupiter’s moons, has active volcanoes, suggesting that planets and moons beyond our solar system may have volcanoes—and lava tubes—too. That’s why Boston sees great value in studying the caves Sauro is investigating. “I think that designating places around the world where we have this ability to see an early history of microbial colonization from the get-go is something that deserves worldwide attention,” she says.

Lava lake
A small lava lake inside a cave, now solidified. Robbie Shone
A swirly segment of a surface lava field, near the volcano crater. Robbie Shone
Wall Detail
A wall detail near a cave entrance. Robbie Shone

The eruption of Fagradalsfjall has subsided, but Sauro has been following news about other volcanoes in Iceland with interest. This past March, when a new eruption started on the Reykjanes Peninsula, at Mount Hagafell, a few miles west of Fagradalsfjall, he mused about “new tubes forming, literally, right now.” These uncharted caverns could be his next hunting ground.

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The medicines we take to stay healthy are harming nature. Here’s what needs to change

Modern pharmaceuticals have revolutionised disease prevention and treatment. But eventually, the chemicals can end up in rivers, oceans and soils.

ShutterstockEvidence is mounting that modern medicines present a growing threat to ecosystems around the world. The chemicals humans ingest to stay healthy are harming fish and other animals. Modern pharmaceuticals have revolutionised disease prevention and treatment. But after our bodies use medicines, they excrete them. Eventually, the chemicals can end up in rivers, oceans and soils. This is a problem, because medicines designed to treat humans can also affect other species in serious ways, changing their bodies and behaviour. The chemicals can also pass through food webs and affect animals higher up the chain. Urgent action is needed to design drugs that work on humans, but don’t harm nature. Wastewater entering rivers can harm aquatic life. Shutterstock Evidence of harm In the past two decades, studies have emerged showing the extent to which medicines persist in nature. In August this year, Australian researchers found the antidepressant fluoxetine – sold under the brand name Prozac, among others – can harm male guppies in ways that affected their body condition and breeding. Research in 2022 examined pharmaceuticals in rivers in 104 countries of all continents. It found pharmaceutical contaminants posed a threat to the health of the environment or humans in more than a quarter of locations studied. In 2018, a study of watercourses and surrounds in Melbourne found more than 60 pharmaceutical compounds in aquatic invertebrates and spiders. Researchers in the United States have found hormones in the contraceptive pill have caused male fish to produce a protein usually produced by female fish. This “feminisation” led to collapses in fish populations. And a psychoactive drug found in wastewater effluent has been found to alter wild fish behaviour and feeding. The antidepressant fluoxetine – sold under the brand name Prozac, among others – can harm male guppies. Per Harald Olsen, Wikimedia, CC BY Benign by design So how do we solve this problem? More effective and economical wastewater treatments must be developed to remove pharmaceuticals from wastewater before it is discharged into the environment. In addition, researchers developing pharmaceuticals must adopt a “benign by design” approach across the entire life of a drug. From the outset, drugs must be designed to decompose quickly and fully after being excreted by humans. It’s possible for drug scientists to alter the chemical and physical properties of drugs so after humans excrete them, the active ingredients mineralise, or change form, to base substances such as carbon dioxide and water. Traditionally researchers have designed drugs not to break down, either on the shelf or in the human body. While these properties remain important, drug developers should ensure medicines degrade quickly once in the environment. Researchers should adopt a ‘benign by design’ approach to pharmaceutical design. Shutterstock Taking action The principles of sustainable drug discovery should be included in Australia’s academic curriculum. This would hopefully produce a generation of drug researchers who prioritise, where possible, medications that don’t harm the environment. Regulation is also needed to ensure “greener” drug development. The International Pharmaceutical Federation last year took steps in this direction. The global body, representing more than 4 million pharmacists and pharmaceutical scientists, released a statement calling for all medicines to be rigorously tested for environmental risk. The European Medicines agency has gone even further. It requires the environmental risk of a medicine to be assessed before it’s approved for use. The assessment considers a medicine’s chemical properties, potential ecological harm and where in the environment it may end up, such as water or soil. Pharmaceutical companies are also required to produce waste management plans that minimise environmental impact. Research has found Australia lags behind on introducing similar requirements for environmental risk assessments for medicines. By prioritising eco-friendly practices, the pharmaceutical sector can contribute to a healthier planet, while continuing to provide safe and effective medicines. Everyday Australians can also take action to reduce environmental pollution from medicines. The federal government’s Return Unwanted Medicines project allows household drugs to be returned to pharmacies for safe and correct disposal. By dropping off old medicines to your local chemist – instead of flushing or throwing them away, as some people mistakenly do – you can help look after fish and other wildlife in your area. The authors do not work for, consult, own shares in or receive funding from any company or organisation that would benefit from this article, and have disclosed no relevant affiliations beyond their academic appointment.

‘Pattern of negligence’: a chemical plant fire in Georgia forces tens of thousands to take shelter

The smell of chlorine pervades Conyers as residents say BioLab’s accident was a danger hiding in plain sightFor Vonnetta West the plume of smoke rising in the sky outside her home in the city of Conyers, Georgia, was a sign not just of immediate risk – but a danger that had been hiding in plain sight for years.The plume was the result of an accident at the BioLab pool and spa chemical company in the city of nearly 20,000 residents about 25 miles east of Atlanta. Tens of thousands of people were impacted by an evacuation order for those immediately nearby or by the wider shelter-in-place order for those further away. The smell of chlorine drifted over much of the Atlanta area. Continue reading...

For Vonnetta West the plume of smoke rising in the sky outside her home in the city of Conyers, Georgia, was a sign not just of immediate risk – but a danger that had been hiding in plain sight for years.The plume was the result of an accident at the BioLab pool and spa chemical company in the city of nearly 20,000 residents about 25 miles east of Atlanta. Tens of thousands of people were impacted by an evacuation order for those immediately nearby or by the wider shelter-in-place order for those further away. The smell of chlorine drifted over much of the Atlanta area.For West, 50, it was also a wake-up call, as BioLab was the site of an industrial accident for the third time in the last two decades. West, a consultant in nonviolent community-building who has lived in Conyers for 15 years, said the incident made her realize “there’s this facility that could be potentially very damaging in my backyard … It reminded me of the need to care about each other, people over profit.”West said she could see the factory’s billowing smoke from the deck of her house when it was at its largest Sunday afternoon. Although she lives outside the triangle-shaped evacuation zone in the immediate vicinity of the fire that authorities announced around that time, she took seriously the suggestion of staying put in her house.Like many, she went on social media to advise her neighbors to stay put as smoke and an odor of chlorine spread from the city of Conyers to locations as far as dozens of miles away, following prevailing winds. But she also vented her frustrations.Sulfur acid clouds in the air in Conyers, on Monday. Photograph: Anadolu/Getty Images“I’ll also be working to ensure that this facility DOES NOT REOPEN,” West posted on Twitter/X, referring to BioLab.Separately, another Conyers resident named Shelly Thompson had gathered more than 1,500 signatures, most from the Atlanta metro area, on a petition Monday, to “Shut Down the Bio Lab in Conyers, Georgia for Health and Environmental Safety [sic]”.One person who signed wrote: “Biolab should’ve been shut down years ago. They are dangerous and their pattern of negligence shows they have little regard for safety precautions.” Another wrote: “I am signing this petition to stop the environmental pollution that affects my neighborhood.”The chemical fire had caused authorities to order an evacuation for part of the city and a “shelter-in-place” for Rockdale, the surrounding county. Reports of odors resembling chlorine and videos and photos showing a thick fog ricocheted across the metro area Monday, from Atlanta to the west to Gwinnett county to the north-east.Authorities also revised their orders as the incident unfolded. On Sunday night, the county told Piedmont Rockdale hospital to evacuate its patients. Two were moved to Newton, nearly 10 miles away, but within hours the county told the hospital to “shelter in place” as well, said spokesperson Sarah Teach. No county residents came to the hospital with health issues resulting from the fire, Teach added.For West, the fire was added insult to injury.Like many Georgians, she was still dealing with the aftermath of Hurricane Helene, as a niece living less than two hours east in Augusta was likely going to be without water for several weeks. “I was just asking her: ‘Do we need to send you things?’” West said. “Everything is compounded. It’s very stressful and traumatic for people.”Not everyone outside the evacuation zone stayed home Monday.A chemical fire in a BioLab plant sends dangerous sulfur acid clouds in the air and caused mandatory evacuations in Conyers, on Monday. Photograph: Anadolu/Getty ImagesAngela, who preferred using only her first name, has lived in Conyers, Georgia, her entire life; now “over 50”, she said she and her husband had “nowhere else to go” as smoke plumes spread above her city and beyond – so they went to work.The two could see the orange and black smoke from BioLab several miles from their backyard Sunday. The enormous billow had become smaller by Monday afternoon and turned mostly white. By that time, there was no fire at the BioLab plant, but chemicals interacting with water continued to produce smoke, according to Rockdale county fire chief Marian McDaniel.Angela, who preferred using only her first name, said her brother had to evacuate his house because he lives within the triangular area named by the county. Conyers was mostly empty Monday afternoon, but some people moved about in their cars, and she found a chicken restaurant open for lunch. Her workplace also received deliveries from FedEx and Amazon.Among friends and family, she said: “There are a lot of frustrated people […] They feel like [Bio Labs] should not be allowed to stay in Rockdale county.”Kik Consumer Products – BioLab’s parent company, located in Lawrenceville, Georgia – would not answer questions from the Guardian about the cause of fire or other issues, and instead repeated a statement posted on its website, asserting: “Our top priority is ensuring the community’s safety.”Meanwhile, Georgia’s emergency management agency issued a statement indicating that the federal Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) is “monitoring air quality for chlorine and related compounds. Chemical levels are unlikely to cause harm to most people.”That did not reassure some residents.“‘Unlikely’? What does that mean?” said West.The people of Conyers had already experienced two similar incidents at BioLab – in 2004 and 2020.Peter Stolmeier has lived in Conyers for 15 years. He was glad that by Monday late afternoon the sky was clearing up near his house, but he too was concerned about BioLab’s track record.“Just about everyone I’ve spoken to locally or not agrees that factories can be dangerous, but three times in living memory is just too many for anyone,” he wrote in an email. “It’s my hope lessons are learned this time for other facilities but that this one is never opened again.”

As climate change helps mosquitoes spread disease, critics push for alternatives to pesticides

In response to outbreaks of West Nile virus and EEE, cities spray chemicals to kill mosquitoes. Is there a better way?

In early July, New York City health officials conducting routine tests on the city’s mosquito population found a concerningly large number were carrying West Nile virus. The virus, which originated in the Eastern Hemisphere and is spread by Culex mosquitoes, was first detected in New York in 1999. In the decades since, the city had honed its response down to a science. Officials considered data on the concentration of mosquitoes, along with the vulnerability of the neighborhood to infection, to decide what to do next. On the night of July 15, trucks trundled down residential neighborhoods in the borough of Queens for the first time this summer, fogging the air with a mix of pesticides meant to kill the mosquitoes before they could spread the virus to humans.  Spraying pesticides to kill fully-grown mosquitoes, a technique known as adulticiding, is a central pillar of cities’ public health strategy as mosquito populations expand, migrate to new areas, and appear earlier in the season, driven in part by a changing climate. Some of them are spreading diseases that were previously limited to tropical areas, like West Nile, malaria, and dengue. An outbreak of the rare but deadly eastern equine encephalitis, or EEE, is currently underway in the Northeast; one person in New Hampshire and another in New York have died of the disease.  But the use of toxic chemicals to control mosquito populations — which officials say is necessary to safeguard public health — has long run into opposition from environmental and community groups, who say that the strategy endangers the very neighborhoods it’s meant to protect. They argue that the potential health effects of these substances, particularly on the endocrine system, are not taken into account when planning mosquito control strategies, and urge public agencies to focus more on prevention and public education. Jay Feldman, director of the environmental group Beyond Pesticides, called the rise in mosquito-borne illnesses “a concern that must be taken seriously,” particularly as climate change increases pressure on governments to protect vulnerable people.  “But like other decisions to use toxic chemicals over broad swathes of the population, those decisions have to be made with transparency,” Feldman said. “And that’s where I think we have failed the public.”  A Culex pipiens mosquito, one of the species that spreads West Nile virus. Patrick Pleul / picture alliance via Getty Images Americans have long sought to combat the nuisance — and public health threat — posed by mosquitoes through spraying. In the 1950s and 60s, trucks spread dichloro-diphenyl-trichloroethane — an insecticide developed in the 1940s and known more commonly as DDT — across farm fields and residential neighborhoods, aiming to combat diseases like malaria and typhus. It was banned nationwide in 1972 after Rachel Carson exposed its harmful effects on wildlife in her book Silent Spring, jumpstarting the environmental movement. But even after DDT was phased out, adulticiding with other chemicals remained common, both by public agencies and by pest control companies like Orkin and Terminix.  City and county public health departments and mosquito control agencies across the country utilize adulticiding in combination with other tools. These include larvicide  — chemicals that kill mosquito larvae before they have a chance to develop into adults, and are typically less toxic to other organisms than adulticides — and eliminating mosquito habitat, such as pools of standing water. The New York City Department of Health has sprayed adulticides 137 times between 2018 and 2023, according to city data, and another 20 times this year. There are more than 1,100 vector control agencies around the country, and many of them utilize adulticides, including in California, Florida, and Texas.  The main goal of mosquito spraying programs is to prevent the outbreak of diseases like West Nile virus, which has killed more than 2,300 people across the United States over the past 25 years. The CDC has so far reported 748 cases of West Nile virus this year in 43 states, while deaths have occurred in states ranging from Illinois to Mississippi to New Jersey.  Read Next When West Nile virus turns deadly Zoya Teirstein Climate change is now supercharging the spread of diseases like West Nile, as warmer temperatures push mosquitoes to develop faster, bite more frequently, and become better incubators for viruses. Milder winters allow disease-carrying mosquitoes to survive into the following summer, while increased rainfall — like that recently unleashed across the South by Hurricane Helene — creates standing pools of water that serve as breeding grounds for the insect. Earlier hurricanes, meanwhile, are driving outbreaks in damaged areas. Other factors are at play, too; growing urbanization is also putting mosquitoes in more frequent contact with humans, while the decay of leftover amounts of DDT in the environment has allowed populations of the insect to rebound.  “We have to be more aggressive,” New York City Health Commissioner Ashwin Vasan told Grist about the city’s mosquito control efforts this year, when officials have had to increase spraying as well as other measures in response to higher-than-normal rates of West Nile virus in the mosquito population. “This is now the new normal in terms of what public health looks like in the face of a changing climate.”  But as the need to deal with deadly mosquitoes grows more urgent, advocates are calling for officials to take a closer look at the application of adulticides, raising concerns about their potential harms to human health and the environment. The main adulticides used by the New York City health department are Anvil 10+10 and Duet, both of which contain synthetic pyrethroids, a class of chemicals that kill insects by targeting their nervous system. Pyrethroids such as sumithrin, the active ingredient in both Anvil 10+10 and Duet, are also endocrine disruptors, which can mimic hormones in the body and are particularly dangerous to unborn children. A study published in May in the journal Frontiers in Toxicology found that although data on the health impacts of endocrine-disrupting pesticides is scarce, pyrethroids have been associated with lower sperm count in men.  The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency does not screen pesticides for their potential effects on the endocrine system. Feldman of Beyond Pesticides said that means compounds like Anvil 10+10 shouldn’t be considered safe just because they’re approved by the federal government. Other chemicals present in the insecticides have also been linked with health problems; the cancer-causing “forever chemicals” known as PFAS have been found in pesticides including Anvil 10+10, mainly from storing them in shipping containers coated with the substances. Anvil also contains piperonyl butoxide, an additive used to increase the potency of the pesticide, which the EPA considers a possible human carcinogen.  A mosquito control truck drives through a suburban neighborhood spraying insecticide to control mosquito populations. Edwin Remsberg / VWPics / Universal Images Group via Getty Images New York City’s health department says mosquito spraying takes place at low enough concentrations that it does not pose a danger to human health, although the agency recommends people stay indoors while their neighborhoods are being sprayed and warns that people with respiratory conditions or others “who are sensitive to spray ingredients may experience short-term eye or throat irritation, or a rash.” An environmental impact statement conducted by the city in 2001 concluded that any adverse public health effects from adulticides “would not be considered significant” compared to the risks to public health from allowing mosquitoes to proliferate. Clarke, the manufacturer of Anvil 10+10 and Duet, told Grist that its products were reviewed by the EPA and that “adult mosquito control — used in concert with larviciding and source reduction — is the best tool to reduce adult mosquito populations in areas experiencing an outbreak.” A Clarke spokesperson also told Politifact last year that droplets of the company’s pesticides are specifically designed to work on mosquitoes, and that they break down once they touch the ground. But advocates say adulticides are at best a temporary solution because of the tendency of mosquitoes to evolve resistance to these substances. Recent research from Arizona State University found that some mosquitoes are becoming resistant to the main pesticides used to control them. This creates a “treadmill effect,” Feldman said, where greater amounts of chemicals, as well as new kinds of pesticides, are needed to kill increasingly tolerant insects.  Read Next The disease after tomorrow Zoya Teirstein In its 2024 Comprehensive Mosquito Control and Surveillance Plan, New York City said it only applies adulticides as a last resort. This reflects best practices in the mosquito control industry, said Dan Markowski, the technical advisor for the American Mosquito Control Association, a professional association of mosquito control workers, public agencies, and private mosquito control applicators across the country, which receives funding from pesticide makers including Clarke. The organization is working to build a nationwide database for mosquito surveillance, track pesticide resistance, and develop a model for spraying based on real-time weather data, with the goal of helping its members target and reduce their adulticide use.  “No one wants to apply pesticides in a wide area, but you very often have to because none of the other methods are 100 percent effective,” Markowski said. “And when you have an outbreak … at that point, you don’t have a lot of other options.”  Some governments are also experimenting with releasing genetically modified mosquitoes into the wild to breed sterile offspring, reducing mosquito populations. Nanopesticides, which are less toxic to mammals but still affect mosquitoes, are also a promising area of research. However, advocates say that the most proven way to deal with mosquitoes is by reducing their ability to breed — by clearing away pools of standing water, and utilizing larvicides — and educating the public to protect themselves using long clothing and repellents.  Feldman pointed to the success of programs in cities like Boulder, Colorado, and Washington, D.C., as proof that adulticides don’t need to be a major part of mosquito control efforts. The agency responsible for tracking and preventing the spread of West Nile virus in the nation’s capital, for example, does not use adulticides; instead, the D.C. Department of Health concentrates its efforts on larviciding, even handing out free larvicides for residents to apply in their own neighborhoods. Boulder, meanwhile, utilizes an explicitly “ecological” approach; boosting biodiversity, local officials have found, can lower populations of disease-carrying mosquitoes by forcing them to compete for resources with other species of mosquitoes as well as other kinds of insects. “Until we start thinking systematically about these problems,” Feldman said, “we’re going to be chasing our tail on chemical after chemical, disease after disease, insect after insect, as we see escalating pressure on society to find the silver bullet that doesn’t exist.”  This story was originally published by Grist with the headline As climate change helps mosquitoes spread disease, critics push for alternatives to pesticides on Oct 1, 2024.

Water Samples Tested After Maine Firefighting Foam Spill, Below Guidelines for Dangerous Chemicals

Maine environmental officials say all water samples analyzed so far after the state’s largest recorded accidental spill of firefighting foam are below its guidelines for potentially dangerous chemicals

BRUNSWICK, Maine (AP) — Maine environmental officials said all water samples analyzed so far in the wake of the state's largest recorded accidental spill of firefighting foam are below its guidelines for potentially dangerous chemicals.A fire suppression system at a hangar at Brunswick Executive Airport discharged more than 1,400 gallons (5,300 liters) of the foam concentrate mixed with 50,000 gallons (190,000 liters) of water at the former Navy base on Aug. 19. The discharge triggered an investigation and also prompted a warning from the Maine Center for Disease Control and Prevention to limit consumption of freshwater fish from nearby bodies of water.The foam contained chemicals known as PFAS that are associated with health problems including cancer. The foam was removed after the accident. The Maine Department of Environmental Protection sampled 34 water supplies in the area of the spill and has contacted property owners to discuss the results, the agency said Thursday. The water supplies will be tested every three months for a year, the agency said.The department has also evaluated eight rounds of surface water results from the nearby watershed and found concentrations are continuing to decline, the agency said in a statement.“PFAS levels in the watershed have not yet returned to pre-spill concentrations and testing of surface water will continue to track the trends,” the department's statement said.Some fire departments have also started to phase out using foam that contains PFAS because of concerns the chemicals leach into groundwater and can put firefighters at risk. PFAS are often described as forever chemicals because some don’t degrade naturally and are believed capable of lingering indefinitely in the environment.The Maine Department of Environmental Protection said soil results have also been received from four areas identified as either most likely to be impacted by the foam release or having the greatest risk of potential exposure to recreational users. A preliminary review of the results shows some PFAS detected in all the soils tested, the department said. Comprehensive evaluation of the soil testing is still ongoing, the department said.The department said fish and shellfish tissue samples will take longer to process. The advisories against consuming freshwater fish from nearby waterbodies remained on the Maine CDC website on Monday.Maine CDC said it is advising residents to abstain from recreational activities such as swimming and boating that could result in contact with foam or affected waters until the effects of the foam release on bodies of water in the area have been thoroughly evaluated.Copyright 2024 The Associated Press. All rights reserved. This material may not be published, broadcast, rewritten or redistributed.Photos You Should See - Sept. 2024

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