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Is the Earth itself a giant living creature?

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Monday, April 22, 2024

Rachel Victoria Hillis for Vox An old, much-ridiculed hypothesis said yes. It’s time to take it seriously. In the 1970s, chemist James Lovelock and microbiologist Lynn Margulis put forth a bold theory: The Earth is a giant living organism. When a mammal is hot, it sweats to cool itself off. If you nick your skin with a knife, the skin will scab and heal. Lovelock and Margulis argued that our planet has similar processes of self-regulation, which arguably, make it seem like the Earth itself is alive. The idea wasn’t unprecedented in human history. “The fundamental concept of a living world is ancient,” says Ferris Jabr, a science journalist and author of the upcoming book Becoming Earth: How Our Planet Came to Life. The book explores all the ways life has shaped our physical world and, in doing so, inevitably revisits the question “Is the Earth alive?” Lovelock and Margulis called the idea “the Gaia Hypothesis” — named after the ancient Greek goddess of the Earth. It was openly mocked by many in mainstream Western science. “For many decades, the Gaia hypothesis was considered kind of this fringe sort of woo-woo idea,” Jabr says. “Because for biologists,” Jabr says, life is a specific thing. “It is typically thought of as an organism that is a product of Darwinian evolution by natural selection. And Earth as a planet does not meet those criteria.” It didn’t help that the original articulation of Gaia granted Earth a certain degree of sentience. The hypothesis argued “all of the living organisms on Earth are collaborating to deliberately create a climate that is suitable for life,” as Jabr says. But yet, this idea has persisted, for a few reasons. Scientists have never been able to precisely define what life is. So, it’s been hard to dismiss Gaia completely. The Gaia hypothesis has also evolved over the years. Later iterations deemphasized that life was “collaborating” to transform the Earth, Jabr explains. Which still leaves a lot to be explored: Certainly living things don’t need to be thought of as conscious, or have agency, to be considered alive. Consider the clam, which lacks a central nervous system. Jabr found in the years since Gaia was first introduced, scientists have uncovered more connections between biology, ecology, and geology, which make the boundaries between these disciplines appear even more fuzzy. The Amazon rainforest essentially “summons” its own rain, as Jabr explains in his book. They learned how life is involved in the process that generated the continents. Life plays a role in regulating Earth’s temperature. They’ve learned that just about everywhere you look on Earth, you find life influencing the physical properties of our planet. In reporting his book, Jabr comes to the conclusion that not only is the Earth indeed a living creature, but thinking about it in such a way might help inspire action in dealing with the climate crisis. Brian Resnick spoke to Jabr for an episode of Unexplainable, Vox’s podcast that explores scientific mysteries, unanswered questions, and all the things we learn by diving into the unknown. You can listen to the full conversation here. This interview has been edited for length and clarity. Brian Resnick Do you think the Earth is alive? Ferris Jabr I do. I think Earth is alive. We can think of Earth as a genuine living entity, in a meaningful sense, and in a scientific sense. There are four parts to the argument that substantiate that statement. Brian Resnick What’s the first? Ferris Jabr Life isn’t just on Earth. It literally came out of Earth. It is literally part of Earth. It is Earth. All of the matter that we refer to as life is Earth animated — that’s how I come to think about it. If you accept that, then at a bare minimum, you have to accept as a scientific fact that the surface of the planet is genuinely alive, because it is matter that has become animated. Brian Resnick Earth animated? What do you mean by that? Ferris Jabr Every single living organism is literally made of Earth. All of its constituent elements and components are parts of the planet. We all come from the planet. We all return to the planet. It’s just a big cycle. And so life, the biological matter on the planet, is literally the matter of the planet, animated. It is living matter. Imagine a vast beach and sandcastles and other sculptures spontaneously emerge from the sand. They are still made of sand, right? They’re not suddenly divorced from the beach just because they’ve arisen from the beach. Those castles and sculptures are still literally the beach. And I think it’s the same with life and Earth. Brian Resnick So, the physical components of Earth are the material of life. And so distinguishing these two — Earth and life — seems silly because they comprise each other? Ferris Jabr The more you think about this, the more the boundaries dissolve. Every layer of the planet that we’ve been able to access, we find life there. And in the deepest mines that we have dug, we continue to find microbes and sometimes even more complex organisms like nematodes, these tiny, worm-like creatures. Brian Resnick So all life contains Earth, and Earth contains life? Ferris Jabr There are components of the Earth that are not alive in any way. The center of the planet, it’s all molten rock and there might be some solid metal in the core. But think about a redwood tree: It is mostly dead wood in terms of its volume and mass. It is mostly nonliving tissue. And then a little bit of tissue that is laced with living cells. So, you know, most complex multicellular living entities are a jumble of the animate and inanimate. Earth is not unusual in that way. Brian Resnick What is part two of your argument? Ferris Jabr All these organisms [on Earth], they give Earth a kind of anatomy and physiology. Life dramatically increases the planet’s capacity to absorb, store, and transform energy, to exchange gases, and to perform complex chemical reactions. Brian Resnick What’s a good example of this? Ferris Jabr You can think of all of the photosynthetic life on the planet acting in concert. It’s not that they’re deliberately collaborating to do something, but they’re all doing their own thing at the same time. NASA has made these amazing videos and animations and they’ve literally called them “Earth breathing,” because you can see how the levels of carbon dioxide and oxygen in the atmosphere fluctuate with the seasons. The amount of vegetation that rings the continents, especially in the Northern Hemisphere, in the mid-latitudes, it changes dramatically with the seasons. It has a sinuous rhythm. It looks like a pulse or like breathing. Brian Resnick So, are you saying something like all of the algae or plankton in the ocean are generating this together? … Is that kind of like how all of the cells in my lungs are working together to exchange gases? Or is that not quite the right way to think about it? Ferris Jabr I think we have to be careful with making too direct a comparison. You as an organism are a product of evolution by natural selection. Your structure, your anatomy is something that was written into your genome. That’s not how the Earth system formed. Brian Resnick I’m realizing a key to this conversation is what you just corrected me on. When we’re discussing this notion about the “Earth being alive,” we’re not suggesting it’s not alive in the same way you and I are. But there’s these equivalent processes that look very similar to the way my body maintains homeostasis, for example. It’s not like the Earth is exchanging gases and doing metabolism-like things in the way I’ve been evolved to. It’s not achieving homeostasis the way you or I do. But yet it is doing something that seems analogous. Is that the kind of thing that you’re arguing here, overall? Ferris Jabr Absolutely. When we’re looking at the planet, we see life-like qualities, things that resemble the characteristics of the organism, which is the most familiar life form to us. But it is not exactly the same. It is still genuinely alive, in my opinion, but is not exactly an organism. Life is a phenomenon that occurs at multiple scales. The way I think of it is that it’s not identical at all of those scales, but it rhymes and there are analogies between each of those scales. I like to think of a leaf on a tree in a forest on a planet. There’s no disagreement whatsoever within science that the cells that compose that leaf are alive. The tissues that those cells form are alive. The leaf as a whole is a living tissue. The tree we consider an organism that is also alive. We consider each of those layers to be alive. There’s no debate or controversy about that. Once we go above the scale of the organism, this is where the debate begins. Can we think of the forest, the ecosystem, as alive as well? And then one more level higher. Can we think of the planet as alive? My argument is, yes, that each of those levels, each of those scales is equally alive but not identical. And there are analogous processes that happen at each. But they’re not exactly the same. Brian Resnick What is the next plank of your argument? Ferris Jabr Life is also an engine of planetary evolution. The planet evolves over time dramatically. It is not exactly the same as standard Darwinian evolution through natural selection, but it is very much a type of evolution. Organisms and their environments continually co-evolve. Each is profoundly changing the other. This reciprocal transformation is responsible for many of the planet’s defining features: for our breathable atmosphere, our blue sky, our bountiful oceans, our fertile soils. This is all because of life and because of the way that life has changed the planetary environments. These are not default features of the planet. Life has created them over time. Brian Resnick What is the most stunning example of how life has actually changed the planet? Ferris Jabr In the beginning, Earth had essentially no free oxygen in its atmosphere, and the sky was probably a hazy orange. And when cyanobacteria began to oxygenate the atmosphere through the innovation of photosynthesis, the sky probably started shifting toward the blue part of the spectrum. The entire chemistry of the planet changed. I mean, you suddenly had an oxygen-rich environment, whereas before it was an oxygen-poor environment. That changes absolutely everything. Brian Resnick Okay, so to get back to what you were saying before, it’s not that Earth evolves in the same way that organisms evolve. But it evolves with a different mechanism, is that right? Ferris Jabr Evolutionary biologists will say a planet cannot evolve because it doesn’t have a cohesive genome. There’s no genetic inheritance going on; there’s no sexual reproduction going on. But there are analogous processes by which changes are passed down from generation to generation that are not genetically encoded. If we think about a bunch of large mammals, they’re transforming their landscape by walking through it with their immense hefts. They’re tearing down vegetation. They’re digging in, uprooting things. They’re changing the landscape. Those changes persist. And so their descendants now are evolving in a new environment changed by their predecessors. These environmental changes are not themselves genetically encoded, but they are being passed from generation to generation, and they are inevitably influencing the evolution that follows. Brian Resnick If a fundamental part of life is that it changes the world in which it exists, how are we different for accelerating the climate crisis? Because you look at the history of the Earth and you say, well, life has powerfully changed it. Who’s to say what we’re doing is necessarily not a natural process? Ferris Jabr It’s simultaneously humbling and empowering to recognize ourselves as simply the latest chapter in this long evolutionary saga of life changing the planet. It is a basic property of life to change its environment, and we’re not an exception to that. But I do think there’s a major distinction between what our species has done and what has happened before in terms of the combined scale and speed and the variety of our changes to the planet. I don’t think there’s any species or creature before us that has changed the planet on such a large scale so quickly and in so many different ways simultaneously. We have radically altered the atmosphere, the oceans, and the continents. We’ve done it in a couple of centuries. That’s a huge part of the reason for why the crisis we’re going through right now is a crisis. It has so much to do with the scale and the speed of it. Brian Resnick What’s part four of your argument? Ferris Jabr This co-evolution, on the whole, has amplified the planet’s capacity for self-regulation and enhanced Earth’s resilience. Earth has remained alive for, you know, around 4 billion years, despite repeated catastrophes of unfathomable scale, unlike anything that we have ever experienced in human history. We have to account for that resilience, for that incredible persistence through time. It is not a deliberate thing. You know, it is not a conscious or collaborative thing. It is simply an inevitable physical process, just as evolution by natural selection is an inevitable physical process. Even in the mass extinctions in Earth’s history, life recedes to its most fundamental and most resilient forms: microbes. And then life sprouts from there. Brian Resnick Are you sure you’re right about all this? Is the scientific community coming around to accept this notion that Earth is indeed alive? Ferris Jabr I mean, this book is my personal synthesis, an argument. You know, this is my viewpoint. This is how I have come to see the Earth. There are scientists who agree with me, but I would not say that this is the consensus of modern mainstream science. I think the statement that Earth is alive remains quite controversial and provocative. However, everything else we’ve been talking about, the co-evolution of life and environment, the fact that life has profoundly changed the planet. These are all well-accepted points. Brian Resnick Which part are you most likely wrong about? Or which part do you feel like has the most room for doubt? Ferris Jabr We do not have a precise, universally accepted definition of life. We haven’t explained it on the most fundamental level. Like 100 years from now, will we have a fundamental explanation for life that we’re missing right now? And if we do, will that make thinking of planets as alive defunct? And so, I think open-mindedness is fundamental to any scientific thinking or scientific process. And we have to be open to the idea that a century from now, or even sooner, all of this will be wrong. And that’s part of what I find thrilling: We don’t have all of the answers yet. Right? These are incredibly challenging ideas and concepts that we are still working out. If we had figured it out, then we wouldn’t be talking about the Gaia hypothesis anymore. The Gaia would have been officially dead a long time ago. But I think the reason that it remains relevant and continues to be debated means that we just haven’t figured it out yet. Brian Resnick Why is it useful to think of the Earth as alive? Ferris Jabr There’s a massive difference between thinking of ourselves as living creatures that simply reside on a planet, that simply inhabit a planet, versus being a component of a much larger living entity. When we properly understand our role within the living Earth system, I think the moral urgency of the climate crisis really comes into focus. All of a sudden it’s not just that, oh, the bad humans have harmed the environment and we need to do something about it. It’s that each of us is literally Earth animated, and we are one part of this much larger, living entity. It’s a realization that everything that we are all doing moment to moment, day to day, is affecting this larger living entity in some way. Brian Resnick So, the simple point that you’re making is that we are Earth, and don’t self-harm. Ferris Jabr Right, exactly.

An illustration of a land mass is covered in wildlife, lush greenery and people all interacting. Blue water and sea life surrounds.
Rachel Victoria Hillis for Vox

An old, much-ridiculed hypothesis said yes. It’s time to take it seriously.

In the 1970s, chemist James Lovelock and microbiologist Lynn Margulis put forth a bold theory: The Earth is a giant living organism.

When a mammal is hot, it sweats to cool itself off. If you nick your skin with a knife, the skin will scab and heal. Lovelock and Margulis argued that our planet has similar processes of self-regulation, which arguably, make it seem like the Earth itself is alive.

The idea wasn’t unprecedented in human history. “The fundamental concept of a living world is ancient,” says Ferris Jabr, a science journalist and author of the upcoming book Becoming Earth: How Our Planet Came to Life. The book explores all the ways life has shaped our physical world and, in doing so, inevitably revisits the question “Is the Earth alive?”

Lovelock and Margulis called the idea “the Gaia Hypothesis” — named after the ancient Greek goddess of the Earth. It was openly mocked by many in mainstream Western science. “For many decades, the Gaia hypothesis was considered kind of this fringe sort of woo-woo idea,” Jabr says. “Because for biologists,” Jabr says, life is a specific thing. “It is typically thought of as an organism that is a product of Darwinian evolution by natural selection. And Earth as a planet does not meet those criteria.”

It didn’t help that the original articulation of Gaia granted Earth a certain degree of sentience. The hypothesis argued “all of the living organisms on Earth are collaborating to deliberately create a climate that is suitable for life,” as Jabr says. But yet, this idea has persisted, for a few reasons. Scientists have never been able to precisely define what life is. So, it’s been hard to dismiss Gaia completely.

The Gaia hypothesis has also evolved over the years. Later iterations deemphasized that life was “collaborating” to transform the Earth, Jabr explains. Which still leaves a lot to be explored: Certainly living things don’t need to be thought of as conscious, or have agency, to be considered alive. Consider the clam, which lacks a central nervous system.

Jabr found in the years since Gaia was first introduced, scientists have uncovered more connections between biology, ecology, and geology, which make the boundaries between these disciplines appear even more fuzzy. The Amazon rainforest essentially “summons” its own rain, as Jabr explains in his book. They learned how life is involved in the process that generated the continents. Life plays a role in regulating Earth’s temperature. They’ve learned that just about everywhere you look on Earth, you find life influencing the physical properties of our planet.

In reporting his book, Jabr comes to the conclusion that not only is the Earth indeed a living creature, but thinking about it in such a way might help inspire action in dealing with the climate crisis.

Brian Resnick spoke to Jabr for an episode of Unexplainable, Vox’s podcast that explores scientific mysteries, unanswered questions, and all the things we learn by diving into the unknown. You can listen to the full conversation here. This interview has been edited for length and clarity.

Brian Resnick

Do you think the Earth is alive?

Ferris Jabr

I do. I think Earth is alive. We can think of Earth as a genuine living entity, in a meaningful sense, and in a scientific sense. There are four parts to the argument that substantiate that statement.

Brian Resnick

What’s the first?

Ferris Jabr

Life isn’t just on Earth. It literally came out of Earth. It is literally part of Earth. It is Earth. All of the matter that we refer to as life is Earth animated — that’s how I come to think about it. If you accept that, then at a bare minimum, you have to accept as a scientific fact that the surface of the planet is genuinely alive, because it is matter that has become animated.

Brian Resnick

Earth animated? What do you mean by that?

Ferris Jabr

Every single living organism is literally made of Earth. All of its constituent elements and components are parts of the planet. We all come from the planet. We all return to the planet. It’s just a big cycle. And so life, the biological matter on the planet, is literally the matter of the planet, animated. It is living matter.

Imagine a vast beach and sandcastles and other sculptures spontaneously emerge from the sand. They are still made of sand, right? They’re not suddenly divorced from the beach just because they’ve arisen from the beach. Those castles and sculptures are still literally the beach. And I think it’s the same with life and Earth.

Brian Resnick

So, the physical components of Earth are the material of life. And so distinguishing these two — Earth and life — seems silly because they comprise each other?

Ferris Jabr

The more you think about this, the more the boundaries dissolve.

Every layer of the planet that we’ve been able to access, we find life there. And in the deepest mines that we have dug, we continue to find microbes and sometimes even more complex organisms like nematodes, these tiny, worm-like creatures.

Brian Resnick

So all life contains Earth, and Earth contains life?

Ferris Jabr

There are components of the Earth that are not alive in any way. The center of the planet, it’s all molten rock and there might be some solid metal in the core.

But think about a redwood tree: It is mostly dead wood in terms of its volume and mass. It is mostly nonliving tissue. And then a little bit of tissue that is laced with living cells. So, you know, most complex multicellular living entities are a jumble of the animate and inanimate. Earth is not unusual in that way.

Brian Resnick

What is part two of your argument?

Ferris Jabr

All these organisms [on Earth], they give Earth a kind of anatomy and physiology. Life dramatically increases the planet’s capacity to absorb, store, and transform energy, to exchange gases, and to perform complex chemical reactions.

Brian Resnick

What’s a good example of this?

Ferris Jabr

You can think of all of the photosynthetic life on the planet acting in concert. It’s not that they’re deliberately collaborating to do something, but they’re all doing their own thing at the same time.

NASA has made these amazing videos and animations and they’ve literally called them “Earth breathing,” because you can see how the levels of carbon dioxide and oxygen in the atmosphere fluctuate with the seasons. The amount of vegetation that rings the continents, especially in the Northern Hemisphere, in the mid-latitudes, it changes dramatically with the seasons. It has a sinuous rhythm. It looks like a pulse or like breathing.

Brian Resnick

So, are you saying something like all of the algae or plankton in the ocean are generating this together? … Is that kind of like how all of the cells in my lungs are working together to exchange gases? Or is that not quite the right way to think about it?

Ferris Jabr

I think we have to be careful with making too direct a comparison. You as an organism are a product of evolution by natural selection. Your structure, your anatomy is something that was written into your genome. That’s not how the Earth system formed.

Brian Resnick

I’m realizing a key to this conversation is what you just corrected me on. When we’re discussing this notion about the “Earth being alive,” we’re not suggesting it’s not alive in the same way you and I are. But there’s these equivalent processes that look very similar to the way my body maintains homeostasis, for example. It’s not like the Earth is exchanging gases and doing metabolism-like things in the way I’ve been evolved to. It’s not achieving homeostasis the way you or I do. But yet it is doing something that seems analogous. Is that the kind of thing that you’re arguing here, overall?

Ferris Jabr


When we’re looking at the planet, we see life-like qualities, things that resemble the characteristics of the organism, which is the most familiar life form to us. But it is not exactly the same. It is still genuinely alive, in my opinion, but is not exactly an organism.

Life is a phenomenon that occurs at multiple scales. The way I think of it is that it’s not identical at all of those scales, but it rhymes and there are analogies between each of those scales.

I like to think of a leaf on a tree in a forest on a planet.

There’s no disagreement whatsoever within science that the cells that compose that leaf are alive. The tissues that those cells form are alive. The leaf as a whole is a living tissue. The tree we consider an organism that is also alive. We consider each of those layers to be alive. There’s no debate or controversy about that.

Once we go above the scale of the organism, this is where the debate begins. Can we think of the forest, the ecosystem, as alive as well? And then one more level higher. Can we think of the planet as alive?

My argument is, yes, that each of those levels, each of those scales is equally alive but not identical. And there are analogous processes that happen at each. But they’re not exactly the same.

Brian Resnick

What is the next plank of your argument?

Ferris Jabr

Life is also an engine of planetary evolution. The planet evolves over time dramatically. It is not exactly the same as standard Darwinian evolution through natural selection, but it is very much a type of evolution.

Organisms and their environments continually co-evolve. Each is profoundly changing the other.

This reciprocal transformation is responsible for many of the planet’s defining features: for our breathable atmosphere, our blue sky, our bountiful oceans, our fertile soils. This is all because of life and because of the way that life has changed the planetary environments. These are not default features of the planet. Life has created them over time.

Brian Resnick

What is the most stunning example of how life has actually changed the planet?

Ferris Jabr

In the beginning, Earth had essentially no free oxygen in its atmosphere, and the sky was probably a hazy orange. And when cyanobacteria began to oxygenate the atmosphere through the innovation of photosynthesis, the sky probably started shifting toward the blue part of the spectrum.

The entire chemistry of the planet changed. I mean, you suddenly had an oxygen-rich environment, whereas before it was an oxygen-poor environment. That changes absolutely everything.

Brian Resnick

Okay, so to get back to what you were saying before, it’s not that Earth evolves in the same way that organisms evolve. But it evolves with a different mechanism, is that right?

Ferris Jabr

Evolutionary biologists will say a planet cannot evolve because it doesn’t have a cohesive genome. There’s no genetic inheritance going on; there’s no sexual reproduction going on.

But there are analogous processes by which changes are passed down from generation to generation that are not genetically encoded.

If we think about a bunch of large mammals, they’re transforming their landscape by walking through it with their immense hefts. They’re tearing down vegetation. They’re digging in, uprooting things. They’re changing the landscape.

Those changes persist. And so their descendants now are evolving in a new environment changed by their predecessors. These environmental changes are not themselves genetically encoded, but they are being passed from generation to generation, and they are inevitably influencing the evolution that follows.

Brian Resnick

If a fundamental part of life is that it changes the world in which it exists, how are we different for accelerating the climate crisis? Because you look at the history of the Earth and you say, well, life has powerfully changed it. Who’s to say what we’re doing is necessarily not a natural process?

Ferris Jabr

It’s simultaneously humbling and empowering to recognize ourselves as simply the latest chapter in this long evolutionary saga of life changing the planet. It is a basic property of life to change its environment, and we’re not an exception to that.

But I do think there’s a major distinction between what our species has done and what has happened before in terms of the combined scale and speed and the variety of our changes to the planet. I don’t think there’s any species or creature before us that has changed the planet on such a large scale so quickly and in so many different ways simultaneously.

We have radically altered the atmosphere, the oceans, and the continents. We’ve done it in a couple of centuries. That’s a huge part of the reason for why the crisis we’re going through right now is a crisis. It has so much to do with the scale and the speed of it.

Brian Resnick

What’s part four of your argument?

Ferris Jabr

This co-evolution, on the whole, has amplified the planet’s capacity for self-regulation and enhanced Earth’s resilience. Earth has remained alive for, you know, around 4 billion years, despite repeated catastrophes of unfathomable scale, unlike anything that we have ever experienced in human history. We have to account for that resilience, for that incredible persistence through time.

It is not a deliberate thing. You know, it is not a conscious or collaborative thing. It is simply an inevitable physical process, just as evolution by natural selection is an inevitable physical process.

Even in the mass extinctions in Earth’s history, life recedes to its most fundamental and most resilient forms: microbes. And then life sprouts from there.

Brian Resnick

Are you sure you’re right about all this? Is the scientific community coming around to accept this notion that Earth is indeed alive?

Ferris Jabr

I mean, this book is my personal synthesis, an argument. You know, this is my viewpoint. This is how I have come to see the Earth. There are scientists who agree with me, but I would not say that this is the consensus of modern mainstream science. I think the statement that Earth is alive remains quite controversial and provocative. However, everything else we’ve been talking about, the co-evolution of life and environment, the fact that life has profoundly changed the planet. These are all well-accepted points.

Brian Resnick

Which part are you most likely wrong about? Or which part do you feel like has the most room for doubt?

Ferris Jabr

We do not have a precise, universally accepted definition of life. We haven’t explained it on the most fundamental level. Like 100 years from now, will we have a fundamental explanation for life that we’re missing right now? And if we do, will that make thinking of planets as alive defunct? And so, I think open-mindedness is fundamental to any scientific thinking or scientific process. And we have to be open to the idea that a century from now, or even sooner, all of this will be wrong.

And that’s part of what I find thrilling: We don’t have all of the answers yet. Right? These are incredibly challenging ideas and concepts that we are still working out. If we had figured it out, then we wouldn’t be talking about the Gaia hypothesis anymore. The Gaia would have been officially dead a long time ago. But I think the reason that it remains relevant and continues to be debated means that we just haven’t figured it out yet.

Brian Resnick

Why is it useful to think of the Earth as alive?

Ferris Jabr

There’s a massive difference between thinking of ourselves as living creatures that simply reside on a planet, that simply inhabit a planet, versus being a component of a much larger living entity. When we properly understand our role within the living Earth system, I think the moral urgency of the climate crisis really comes into focus.

All of a sudden it’s not just that, oh, the bad humans have harmed the environment and we need to do something about it. It’s that each of us is literally Earth animated, and we are one part of this much larger, living entity. It’s a realization that everything that we are all doing moment to moment, day to day, is affecting this larger living entity in some way.

Brian Resnick

So, the simple point that you’re making is that we are Earth, and don’t self-harm.

Ferris Jabr

Right, exactly.

Read the full story here.
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Scientists Drill Nearly 2 Miles Down to Pull 1.2 Million-Year-Old Ice Core From Antarctic

An international team of scientists say they’ve successfully drilled one of the oldest ice cores yet, penetrating nearly 2 miles to Antarctic bedrock to reach ice that's at least 1.2 million years old

An international team of scientists announced Thursday they’ve successfully drilled one of the oldest ice cores yet, penetrating nearly 2 miles (2.8 kilometers) to Antarctic bedrock to reach ice they say is at least 1.2 million years old.Analysis of the ancient ice is expected to show how Earth's atmosphere and climate have evolved. That should provide insight into how Ice Age cycles have changed, and may help in understanding how atmospheric carbon changed climate, they said.“Thanks to the ice core we will understand what has changed in terms of greenhouse gases, chemicals and dusts in the atmosphere,” said Carlo Barbante, an Italian glaciologist and coordinator of Beyond EPICA, the project to obtain the core. Barbante also directs the Polar Science Institute at Italy's National Research Council.The same team previously drilled a core about 800,000 years old. The latest drilling went 2.8 kilometers (about 1.7 miles) deep, with a team of 16 scientists and support personnel drilling each summer over four years in average temperatures of about minus-35 Celsius (minus-25.6 Fahrenheit).Italian researcher Federico Scoto was among the glaciologists and technicians who completed the drilling at the beginning of January at a location called Little Dome C, near Concordia Research Station.“It was a great a moment for us when we reached the bedrock,” Scoto said. Isotope analysis gave the ice's age as at least 1.2 million years old, he said.Both Barbante and Scoto said that thanks to the analysis of the ice core of the previous Epica campaign they have assessed that concentrations of greenhouse gases, such as carbon dioxide and methane, even during the warmest periods of the last 800,000 years, have never exceeded the levels seen since the Industrial Revolution began.“Today we are seeing carbon dioxide levels that are 50% above the highest levels we’ve had over the last 800,000 years," Barbante said.The European Union funded Beyond EPICA (European Project for Ice Coring in Antarctica) with support from nations across the continent. Italy is coordinating the project.The announcement was exciting to Richard Alley, a climate scientist at Penn State who was not involved with the project and who was recently awarded the National Medal of Science for his career studying ice sheets. Alley said advancements in studying ice cores are important because they help scientists better understand the climate conditions of the past and inform their understanding of humans’ contributions to climate change in the present. He added that reaching the bedrock holds added promise because scientists may learn more about Earth’s history not directly related to the ice record itself.“This is truly, truly, amazingly fantastic,” Alley said. “They will learn wonderful things.”Associated Press writer Melina Walling contributed from Chicago. Santalucia reported from Rome.The Associated Press’ climate and environmental coverage receives financial support from multiple private foundations. AP is solely responsible for all content. Find AP’s standards for working with philanthropies, a list of supporters and funded coverage areas at 2025 The Associated Press. All rights reserved. This material may not be published, broadcast, rewritten or redistributed.Photos You Should See - Sept. 2024

Health experts rally for ‘call to arms’ to protect children from toxic chemicals

In new paper in the New England Journal of Medicine, leading researchers to propose action to protect kidsChildren are suffering and dying from diseases that emerging scientific research has linked to chemical exposures, findings that require urgent revamping of laws around the world, according to a new paper published on Wednesday in the New England Journal of Medicine (NEJM).Authored by more than 20 leading public health researchers, including one from the US Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) and another from the United Nations, the paper lays out “a large body of evidence” linking multiple childhood diseases to synthetic chemicals and recommends a series of aggressive actions to try to better protect children. Continue reading...

Children are suffering and dying from diseases that emerging scientific research has linked to chemical exposures, findings that require urgent revamping of laws around the world, according to a new paper published on Wednesday in the New England Journal of Medicine (NEJM).Authored by more than 20 leading public health researchers, including one from the US Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) and another from the United Nations, the paper lays out “a large body of evidence” linking multiple childhood diseases to synthetic chemicals and recommends a series of aggressive actions to try to better protect children.The paper is a “call to arms” to forge an “actual commitment to the health of our children”, said Linda Birnbaum, a former director of the US National Institute of Environmental Health Sciences and a co-author of the paper.In conjunction with the release of the paper, some of the study authors are helping launch an Institute for Preventive Health to support the recommendations outlined in the paper and to help fund implementation of reforms. A key player in launching the institute is Anne Robertson, vice-president of Robertson Stephens Wealth Management and a member of the family that built RJ Reynolds Tobacco.The paper points to data showing global inventories of roughly 350,000 synthetic chemicals, chemical mixtures and plastics, most of which are derived from fossil fuels. Production has expanded 50-fold since 1950, and is currently increasing by about 3% a year – projected to triple by 2050, the paper states.Meanwhile, noncommunicable diseases, including many that research shows can be caused by synthetic chemicals, are rising in children and have become the principal cause of death and illness for children, the authors write.Despite the connections, which the authors say “continue to be discovered with distressing frequency”, there are very few restrictions on such chemicals and no post-market surveillance for longer-term adverse health effects.“The evidence is so overwhelming and the effects of manufactured chemicals are so disruptive for children, that inaction is no longer an option,” said Daniele Mandrioli, a co-author of the paper and director of the Cesare Maltoni Cancer Research Center at the Ramazzini Institute in Italy. “Our article highlights the necessity for a paradigm shift in chemical testing and regulations to safeguard children’s health.”Such a shift would require changes in laws, restructuring of the chemical industry and redirection of financial investments similar to what has been undertaken with efforts to transition to clean energy, the paper states.The paper identifies several disturbing data points for trend lines over the last 50 years. They include incidence of childhood cancers up 35%, male reproductive birth defects have doubled in frequency and neurodevelopmental disorders are affecting one child in six. Autism spectrum disorder is diagnosed in one in 36 children, pediatric asthma has tripled in prevalence and pediatric obesity prevalence has nearly quadrupled, driving a “sharp increase in Type 2 diabetes among children and adolescents”.“Children’s health has been slipping away as a priority focus,” said Tracey Woodruff, a co-author of the paper and director of the University of California San Francisco’s (UCSF) program on reproductive health and the environment. “We’ve slowly just been neglecting this. The clinical and public health community and the government has failed them.”The authors cite research documenting how “even brief, low-level exposures to toxic chemicals during early vulnerable periods” in a child’s development can cause disease and disability. Prenatal exposures are particularly hazardous, the paper states.“Diseases caused by toxic chemical exposures in childhood can lead to massive economic losses, including health care expenditures and productivity losses resulting from reduced cognitive function, physical disabilities, and premature death,” the paper notes. “The chemical industry largely externalizes these costs and imposes them on governments and taxpayers.”The paper takes issue with the US Toxic Substances Control Act (TSCA) of 1977 and amendments, arguing that even though the law was enacted to protect public health from “unreasonable risks” posed by chemicals, it does not provide the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) with the authorities needed to actually meet that commitment.Instead, the manner in which the law is implemented assumes that all manufactured chemicals are harmless and beneficial and burdens government regulators with identifying and assessing the chemicals.“Hazards that have been recognized have typically been ignored or downplayed, and the responsible chemicals allowed to remain in use with no or limited restrictions,” the paper states. “In the nearly 50 years since TSCA’s passage, only a handful of chemicals have been banned or restricted in US markets.”Chemical oversight is more rigorous in the European Union, the paper says, but still fails to provide adequate protections, relying heavily on testing data provided by the chemical industry and providing multiple exemptions, the paper argues.The authors of the paper prescribe a new global “precautionary” approach that would only allow chemical products on the market if their manufacturers could establish through independent testing that the chemicals are not toxic at anticipated exposure levels.“The core of our recommendation is that chemicals should be tested before they come to market, they should not be presumed innocent only to be found to be harmful years and decades later,” said , a co-author who directs the program for global public health and the common good at Boston College. “Each and every chemical should be tested before they come to market.”Additionally, companies would be required to conduct post-marketing surveillance to look for long-term adverse effects of their products.That could include bio-monitoring of the most prevalent chemical exposures to the general population, Mandrioli said. Disease registries would play another fundamental role, he said, but those approaches should be integrated with toxicological studies that can “anticipate and rapidly predict effects that might have very long latencies in humans, such as cancer”. Clusters of populations with increased cancer incidences, particularly when they are children, should trigger immediate preventive actions, he said.Key to it all would be a legally binding global chemicals treaty that would fall under the auspices of the United Nations and would require a “permanent, independent science policy body to provide expert guidance”, the paper suggests.The paper recommends chemical companies and consumer product companies be required to disclose information about the potential risks of the chemicals in use and report on inventory and usage of chemicals of “high concern”.“Pollution by synthetic chemicals and plastics is a major planetary challenge that is worsening rapidly,” the paper states. “Continued, unchecked increases in production of fossil-carbon–based chemicals endangers the world’s children and threatens humanity’s capacity for reproduction. Inaction on chemicals is no longer an option.”Landrigan said he knew the effort faces an uphill climb and could be particularly challenging given the incoming Trump administration, which is widely expected to favor deregulation policies.“This is a tough subject. It’s an elephant,” he said. “But it is what needs to be done.”This story is co-published with the New Lede, a journalism project of the Environmental Working Group

Ancient Romans Breathed in Enough Lead to Lower Their IQs, Study Finds. Did That Toxin Contribute to the Empire’s Fall?

Using Arctic ice core samples, researchers estimate silver mining and smelting released enough lead during the Pax Romana to cause a 2.5- to 3-point drop in IQ

At the same time as the Romans were building the Colosseum, they were also breathing in high amounts of toxic lead from silver mining and smelting operations. Hussain Didi via Wikimedia Commons under CC BY-SA 3.0 Did lead poisoning contribute to the fall of the Roman Empire? It’s a question historians have long debated, since the Romans sweetened their wine with lead acetate and sipped tap water that flowed through lead pipes. Now, new research suggests the Romans were also breathing in large amounts of lead from silver mining and smelting operations. The toxic metal polluting the air likely got into children’s blood, leading to “widespread cognitive decline,” researchers write in a new paper published Monday in the journal Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences. Lead in the air might have caused an estimated 2.5- to 3-point drop in IQs throughout the Roman Empire, per the research. The new paper doesn’t solve the mystery of whether lead poisoning played a role in Rome’s downfall. But it does add new evidence to the debate. “I’m quite convinced lead was one of the factors that contributed to the decline of the Roman Empire, but it was only one factor,” says Bruce Lanphear, a health scientist at Simon Fraser University in Canada who was not involved with the study, to NBC News’ Evan Bush. “It’s never just one thing.” Researchers say their findings also represent the first documented example of human-caused industrial pollution in history. To estimate lead pollution levels in ancient Rome, researchers turned to ice core samples taken from Greenland and Russia. For decades, scientists have been using large drills to penetrate Arctic ice sheets and extract columns of ice up to 11,000 feet long. These columns function like frigid time machines: As snowflakes fall, they capture chemicals and particles from the air. When the snow touches down in the Arctic, it compresses and solidifies into thin layers of ice—with those chemicals and particles still trapped inside. By studying these layers, scientists can effectively peer back in time. “You built up this layer cake year after year of environmental history,” study co-author Joe McConnell, a climate and environmental scientist at the nonprofit Desert Research Institute in Nevada, tells NBC News. The team looked at layers of Arctic ice that corresponded to the period between 500 B.C.E and 600 C.E. They saw an increase in lead pollution around the year 15 B.C.E., which lines up with the early years of the Roman Empire. Lead levels remained high until 180 C.E., which marks the end of a period of relative peace known as the Pax Romana. During the roughly 200-year stretch of the Pax Romana, the Romans were extracting and smelting a lot of silver to make coins. These processes are known to emit large amounts of lead into the atmosphere. “If you produce an ounce of silver, you’d have produced something like 10,000 ounces of lead,” McConnell tells the New York Times’ Katherine Kornei. Using the lead levels they found in the ice samples, the researchers were able to work backward and estimate how much lead the Romans must have been spewing into the air. Atmospheric modeling suggests between 3,300 and 4,600 tons of lead were released each year during the Pax Romana, per the New York Times. The scientists estimate that lead pollution was the worst in areas next to mining and smelting operations, reaching concentrations of at least 150 nanograms per cubic meter of air. The toxins would have also spread across Europe—they estimate average concentrations of lead air pollution were greater than 1 nanogram per cubic meter over the continent. Next, they used modern data to estimate how much lead would have built up in the blood of ancient Roman children. They were then able to extrapolate how these accumulations might have affected their IQ. The researchers focused on children in particular, because kids are especially vulnerable to the health consequences of lead exposure. Today, global health experts agree that no amount of lead is safe for kids. The heavy metal can build up in the body and cause health problems. In addition to lowering IQ, lead accumulation in children can lead to slowed growth, anemia, hearing problems, hyperactivity and behavior and learning problems. “We have actual data on IQ scores in kids with different blood-lead concentrations,” Deborah Cory-Slechta, a neurotoxicologist at the University of Rochester Medical Center who was not involved with the paper, tells the New York Times. Roman children likely had an extra 2.4 micrograms of lead per deciliter of blood from the empire’s air pollution. That correlates to a drop in IQ of between 2.5 and 3 points. Factoring in background lead exposure, their blood levels of lead may have been as high as 3.5 micrograms per deciliter, the researchers estimate. And that doesn’t take into account other sources of lead exposure, so the team’s findings are probably an underestimate, reports NBC News. For reference, American children had around 15 micrograms of lead per deciliter of blood during the 1970s, before lead paint and leaded gasoline were banned. Those levels likely resulted in a 9-point drop in IQ, per the New York Times. “A 2.5- to 3-point reduction in IQ may not sound like much but it was across the entire population and would have persisted for the nearly 180 years of the Pax Romana,” McConnell tells the Guardian’s Ian Sample. “I leave it to epidemiologists, ancient historians and archaeologists to determine if the levels of background atmospheric lead pollution and health impacts we have identified … were sufficient to change history.” But even factoring in these new findings, some experts remain skeptical that lead poisoning caused the Roman civilization to collapse around 476 C.E. “While the magnitude of exposure and the correlated blood lead levels were enough to negatively affect the cognitive function of that population, this is still a far cry from causing the downfall of the Roman Empire,” says Amy L. Pyle-Eilola, a pathologist at the Ohio State University who was not involved with the research, to New Scientist’s Christa Lesté-Lasserre. Caleb Finch, a neurobiologist at the University of Southern California who was not involved with the research, remains similarly unconvinced. “The conclusion of ‘widespread cognitive decline’ from an estimated three-IQ point decrease does not match the huge productivity of the Roman Empire, when lead production was maximal,” he tells Science’s Taylor Mitchell Brown. Get the latest stories in your inbox every weekday.

Exxon Mobil sues California Atty. Gen. Rob Bonta over plastic recycling claims

Exxon lawsuit accuses California's attorney general, the Sierra Club and others of defaming the oil giant with negative comments about plastic recycling.

Oil giant Exxon Mobil has filed a defamation lawsuit against California Atty. Gen. Rob Bonta, claiming Bonta falsely accused the company of deceiving the public about the potential for plastic recycling.The suit, filed Monday in federal court in the Eastern District of Texas, amounts to a counterpunch against a suit Bonta filed against Exxon Mobil last September accusing the company of greatly exaggerating the extent to which plastics can be recycled by portraying them as universally recyclable.Exxon claims that accusations by Bonta and environmental groups have damaged its reputation with customers.“With apparently no appreciation for the irony of their claim, Mr. Bonta and his cohorts are now engaging in reverse greenwashing,” according to the complaint, which also names environmental groups including the Sierra Club and the Surfrider Foundation. “While posing under the banner of environmentalism, they do damage to genuine recycling programs and to meaningful innovation,” the lawsuit says.The legal battle underscores a widening rift between California and oil companies. Plastics are a product of the petroleum industry, created by processing chemicals found in hydrocarbons.Bonta‘s suit against Exxon goes beyond issues of consumer deception to address plastic manufacturing itself. Plastic waste is increasingly recognized as a serious global pollution problem. The Bonta suit seeks financial penalties “for the harm inflicted by plastics pollution upon California’s communities and the environment.”Bonta alleged the company “falsely promoted all plastic as recyclable” while the recycling rate of plastics in the U.S. is below 10%. Exxon has disputed those claims. The battle against Big Oil has become a hallmark of the administration of Gov. Gavin Newsom. He’s accused oil companies of price gouging, although state efforts to prove it have thus far born no fruit. Newsom coaxed the state Legislature in two special sessions to create a price gouging investigation unit and to require oil refineries to keep extra stocks of gasoline on hand to prevent price spikes when refineries shut down for maintenance.The governor is seeking to keep gasoline prices down as the state increasingly squeezes its oil refineries with its electric vehicle mandate. In 2020, Newsom ruled that automakers increase sales of new zero-emission vehicles over time until 2035, when state policy will ban sale of new traditional gasoline and diesel fueled cars and light trucks.At the same time, California is increasing financial penalties on the state’s oil refineries through its Low Carbon Fuel Standards program.The Big Oil battle raises questions about future gasoline supply and prices at the pump if more oil companies abandon the state. In October, Phillips 66 announced plans to shut down its Los Angeles-area refinery, although it will retain its service stations here. The oil company said market conditions, not recent state policies, drove the decision.

Environmental groups sue FDA over agency’s refusal to restrict phthalates

Agency has either ignored petitions or ruled against taking action against chemical that presents serious health risksA coalition of environmental groups has sued the US Food and Drug Administration (FDA) over the use of highly toxic phthalates in plastic food packaging because the chemicals have been found to leach at alarming rates and present a serious health risk, especially for developing children.The suit is the latest salvo in an ongoing eight-year battle in which advocates have pressured the FDA to ban the chemicals’ use in food packaging, but the agency has sided with industry that opposes the calls. Since 2016, the FDA has either illegally ignored petitions or rejected demands to revoke a 40-year-old authorization for the chemicals that is based on long-outdated science. Continue reading...

A coalition of environmental groups has sued the US Food and Drug Administration (FDA) over the use of highly toxic phthalates in plastic food packaging because the chemicals have been found to leach at alarming rates and present a serious health risk, especially for developing children.The suit is the latest salvo in an ongoing eight-year battle in which advocates have pressured the FDA to ban the chemicals’ use in food packaging, but the agency has sided with industry that opposes the calls. Since 2016, the FDA has either illegally ignored petitions or rejected demands to revoke a 40-year-old authorization for the chemicals that is based on long-outdated science.The health groups in a statement called the FDA’s refusal to restrict the chemicals “unconscionable”.“The FDA is knowingly putting millions of people in the US at risk of life-altering health problems by continuing to greenlight uses of phthalates that contaminate our food,” said Katherine O’Brien, an attorney with Earthjustice, one of the suit’s lead plaintiffs. “FDA’s decision defies decades of science and the agency’s core purpose of keeping the food supply safe.”The FDA did not immediately respond to a request for comment.Phthalates are a class of nearly 30 chemicals used as plasticizers in plastic containers, kitchen utensils and food preparation materials, among other uses. Researchers have found them in most food samples tested in recent years, and very low levels of exposure are linked to birth defects and pre-term birth. They are thought to cause developmental harms for fetuses and children, especially the reproductive system and brain – kids who have been exposed risk reduced IQ, and boys risk genital defects and infertility.Phthalates are also particularly dangerous because they have been found to mimic the human body’s hormones.The European Union has banned or restricted some phthalate compounds in food contact, but few regulations exist in the US. However, three types of phthalates have been banned for use in kids’ toys in the US because children were ingesting the chemicals.The lack of regulations is due in part to industry pressure on the FDA, public health advocates allege. The American Chemistry Council, a trade group that represents chemical makers, has attacked research on phthalates’ ubiquity and dangers, and argues that not all phthalates present a risk. Claims that they do create “unnecessary public alarm about our nation’s food safety”, the council wrote in a statement.The FDA has largely agreed with that view. The coalition that filed the lawsuit first petitioned the FDA to revoke authorizations for phthalate use in food contact in 2016. It highlighted decades of scientific evidence linking the chemicals to health risks, especially for kids.The FDA did not respond to the petition for five years, violating the law, which requires a response within six months. The groups in 2021 sued the FDA, forcing it to respond. In 2022, the agency denied the petition, arguing that industry had already abandoned food contact use for most phthalates.skip past newsletter promotionafter newsletter promotionThe groups filed an appeal to reconsider, but the FDA upheld its decision in October 2024, allowing phthalates to continue to be used without restrictions. The agency wrote that it “found that available information does not support grouping all 28 phthalate chemicals into a single class assessment”.Public health advocates say the agency is echoing industry talking points.“The FDA has decided to ignore years of research and failed to take action to protect our health from these chemicals widely known to cause harm, allowing business as usual for companies who profit from their use,” said Maria Doa, an attorney with the Environmental Defense Fund, a co-litigant.The new suit asks a judge to order a ban on the chemical class.In the meantime, people can protect themselves by avoiding food in plastic containers, using glass containers in the kitchen, avoiding plastic kitchenware and eating fewer processed foods.

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